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 What do you want to see in a map?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Yack Posted - 17 Jun 2004 : 21:54:57
Hello scribers,

I'm a retired cartographer and traveler of the realms, and currently have some plans to map Abeir-Toril (or at least, a part of it), this project of mine call for something in the order of a map-a-week, but before starting this endeavor will appreciate some feedback from the adventures that will use the maps.

Here are a couple of samples of maps from the realms and one of another far away land, only the later is finished, and they are just to give a sample of my work and give you a reference to work over when giving me your advice.



PD The maps will be submitted to the scribes of the keep weekly when they are ready.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Patrakis Posted - 05 Apr 2005 : 03:31:05
Judging from the various comments i got so far from friends and people on the net, i don't think that this cartographic style really cut it with the gaming community. I'm trying to find something that get some WOWs and i'm still searching. I wish i'd find a way to draw my maps and get the viewers to say «hmm, those are some great looking maps» :) I'm a perfectionist so i'll be searching and trying until i get the results i like and others like it too.

I consider what i'm doig now a learning process, first try, not quite there yet. But i'll get there somehow :)

You'll be seeing more of me :)


SiriusBlack Posted - 04 Apr 2005 : 03:35:32
Originally posted by Patrakis
I prefer a more cartograohic look in the style of modern atlas. Glad you like the results.

You've definitely achieved that. Thanks for sharing the map and campaign information.
Patrakis Posted - 03 Apr 2005 : 18:17:58
Hello Siriusblack,

My campaign is still going strong yes, Every other week we have a gaming session. I developped a little corner of the dales i thought would never be touched by WotC and made it my own. The citites and rivers i haded in Sembia, mostly, have not been developped yet but the Valedale region is very detailed.

I made this version of the dalelands because my group is about to expand its horizons outside of Valedale and i needed something. That and i just like to map things :)


Oh and thanks Gray for the comments. I know my maps are not in the style of Fantasy maps. I prefer a more cartograohic look in the style of modern atlas. Glad you like the results.
Gray Richardson Posted - 03 Apr 2005 : 09:08:21
I think your Dalelands map looks very well done! I have saved it to my little map file of FR maps. I am sure I will have occasion to reference it often.

Great work!
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Apr 2005 : 06:21:51
Originally posted by Patrakis
I haded some non canon cities and landscape (more rivers) so don't be surprised :)

I take it by those additions, your campaign has focused a great deal on this area. Is it still ongoing?
Patrakis Posted - 03 Apr 2005 : 05:17:47
As i promised earlier, here is the map i was working on while learning to use photoshop. I know Arravis covered that same area in the maps he presented on another post but i guess the more maps the more fun :)

Anyway, it is still a work in progress. The legend is not their yet and some little things need work. That's why i post it now. So i can get comments and make improvments.

I'll appreciate any criticism.

I haded some non canon cities and landscape (more rivers) so don't be surprised :)

so here is the link:


Patrakis Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 23:32:53
Thanks Lord Rad,

My next project is the map of the Dalelands based in part on the map that could be found on the Interactive Atlas that Profantasy made a while back. I use that program as a background.

I never migrated to the new maps that was made with the 3.0 edition so i'm affraid what you'll get from me is from the old edition. I don't use events that are found in the novels either so for me Tilverton is not a ruin but a very healthy town. I think i stoped reading FR novels 5 years ago. Well, i still read what Ed Greenwood writes of course. He's the FR man after all, for me at least.

Fare well

Lord Rad Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 19:18:45
Nice maps, Pat! I'd like to see more of your work on areas of the known Realms Maybe your favorite location, whatever that may be?
Patrakis Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 17:53:12
I wish i could say i made this tutorial but i can't. Maybe my previous post was misleading. I found it on the web and use the technics to start me up on map making with photoshop. The results of my efforts are in the Valedale map only:(

You are right though, the results in the tutorial are quite nice.

Thank you Yack for noticing my map, it was your work that got me started mapping with photoshop.

I'm working on a new version of the Dalelands region right now. I hope people here will find it more useful that my little Valedale map. It will also be in english and not in french, which is my native tongue. The language barrier is very limiting for me right now as everything i write is in french. I plan on translating it all soon. I have pages and pages of texts on the Valedale region.

Be well


Alaundo Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 17:29:43
Well met

Excellent work, indeed, Patrakis

The tutorial is a wonderful piece of work too, not many people put the time and effort into providing this kind of information, so good work
Yack Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 16:25:24
Great work Patrakis,

While I like the map of Valedale, I think the one you made on the tutorial is amazing, the hills and mountains specially and the way the coastal waters merge to the deeper sea.

The only thing I will change will be the icons (towns, castles, etc.) and the rose of the wind, and the only reason for change it will be to give it a very unique look, this become kind of your signature.
Gray Richardson Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 05:37:33
That is so cool! That is exactly the kind of tutorial I was looking for! Thanks for sharing that Patrakis! You have been a "world" of help!
Patrakis Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 00:44:27
Hi Gray,

Thanks for the comment, glad you like it.

As for a beginers tutorial, i must refer you to a very useful tutorial i found on the net to get you started on map making with photoshop. You can find it here:

That tutorial got me started about six months ago, when i wanted to play with photoshop in my map making. I think it will get you strated nicely. If you have more questions after that, i'll be happy to help.

I must admit i adapted the technic to my style quite a bit but the essence is there.

Gray Richardson Posted - 14 Mar 2005 : 18:43:35
I thought the map was quite beautiful! I studied closely to see if I could figure out any of your techniques.

I am very curious if you could describe how you made it! I only recently got photoshop and was wanting to try making some maps but have no idea how to start. Would you please care to share some tips?
Patrakis Posted - 14 Mar 2005 : 17:57:44
I'm sorry if i push this topic again but i'd appreciate some comments on the map i posted earlier this week. Maybe it's too ugly to even mention and people here are so polite that they didn't want to hurt my feelings by saying its crap, BUT, i would very much like to read some comments. Only to know if i'm on the right track or not. I plan to map other parts of the Realms and could use some comments before taking the process further.

My post was the one just before Melfius.

Thanks in advance.

Melfius Posted - 13 Mar 2005 : 03:50:07
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see Yack working for WotC soon!
Patrakis Posted - 13 Mar 2005 : 02:51:31
Hello all,

I too was inspired by Yack's talent when i discovered his maps last fall on this site. Though my work doesn't come close to what Yack can achieve in cartography, i tried to draw the map of the region i created in the realms. It's called Valedale, in the dale region. It is a small area the fites between the southern tip of the Spiderhaunt woods and the desertmouth mountains.

I thought it would be a fiting place to post an exemple of what Yack has inspired me to do. I hope you enjoy the fruit of my efforts.

Thanks Yack, for the inspiration.

Ylow Posted - 11 Mar 2005 : 18:02:50
Okay, I have just found Candlekeep, and I must say I became a member of the forums exclusively because of Yack's artwork.

So I must ask you, cartographer.

I know you said you use Photoshop to make your maps, but pray, master, that is the same as saying a mage uses evocation to cast a fireball... there are just so many nuances within.

Therefore I ask you, I beg you, in the name of Gilean the Book, share a few of your gems with us!

What are the filters you use? How do you achieve that effect with the mountains? The forests? How do you (in quick steps) start about making your maps? I don't think I am the only one avid to follow you in your technique.

Best Regards.
wraith Posted - 03 Mar 2005 : 22:26:26
speaking of maps i was wondering if u have or know of a downloadable map of zehential keep
VEDSICA Posted - 17 Feb 2005 : 19:23:33
Much obliged for your reply Alaundo.Great to hear that Yack is doing the whole of Faerun.His work is great.
Alaundo Posted - 17 Feb 2005 : 08:43:58
Originally posted by VEDSICA

Can't wait Aluando.I knew that Yack was doing maps for all to see,and he does have those that he released on this thread,plus on the site itself.Are there going to be any new ones?Yack's work is tremendous IMO.I would like to see more.

Well met

Oh there are plenty more, VEDSICA I have just under a dozen waiting to be released. I believe Yack intends to map the whole of Faerun eventually
VEDSICA Posted - 17 Feb 2005 : 03:35:36
Can't wait Aluando.I knew that Yack was doing maps for all to see,and he does have those that he released on this thread,plus on the site itself.Are there going to be any new ones?Yack's work is tremendous IMO.I would like to see more.
Alaundo Posted - 16 Feb 2005 : 08:51:27
Well met

Yack's cartography is indeed impressive. For those who are wanting more, watch this space, I have a fair number of maps from Yack for a new column coming soon
Katarina Dragonstar Posted - 16 Feb 2005 : 00:38:52
Absolutely gorgeous! I don't suppose you have any plans to do the Silver Marches any time soon?

Patrakis Posted - 13 Nov 2004 : 23:49:36
Thanks you,

I'm looking foreward to seeing more of his incredible paintings (maps).

Dracandos the Spellsage Posted - 13 Nov 2004 : 17:18:49
excellent! more pages of maps to add to my collection
Alaundo Posted - 13 Nov 2004 : 11:35:41
Originally posted by Patrakis

I there,

I just discovered this great artist and was wondering if anymore maps were mad by Yack. Any news of him?.

Well met

Indeed, we will be seeing more from Yack soon, I have him frantically working on some maps right now
Patrakis Posted - 13 Nov 2004 : 04:56:47
I there,

I just discovered this great artist and was wondering if anymore maps were mad by Yack. Any news of him?.
Alaundo Posted - 23 Jul 2004 : 22:42:23
Well met

Indeed, Yack's excellent maps were displayed with pride in the Map Room as part of the latest updates to Candlekeep.

I certainly look forward to seeing more of your work, Yack - truly wondrous creations
Yack Posted - 23 Jul 2004 : 21:47:42
Thanks for all the feedback, from now on all the new maps will be posted on the Map Room (via Alaundos Library) on the Candlekeep site.


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