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 Lliira, our Lady of Joy and Warpriests

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EltonRobb Posted - 13 Mar 2025 : 14:52:40
I have a Lore question about Lliira. While recruiting for my Chondath game, one of my players is playing a Warpriest of Lliira (we are playing Pathfinder 1e). However, I thought only Talos, Tempus, and possibly Tyr invested Warpriests. However, the player justified his choice by telling me that there is an organization of militant priests within Lliira's priesthood. So I allowed the character to be a Warpriest.

Question is: is he right? Does Lliira invest Warpriests who worship her?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EltonRobb Posted - 13 Mar 2025 : 18:29:11
Originally posted by Delnyn

Let your player know each Scarlet Mummer is personally monitored by Llira herself. For all a Scarlet Mummer's power and independence from what passes for church hierarchy, she must obey direct orders regardless of personal wants and conveniences. This obedience is every bit as strict as a Hammer of Grimjaws paladin getting a direct order from Tyr.

Okay, I'll let him know that before the start of their first adventure.
Delnyn Posted - 13 Mar 2025 : 17:18:01
Let your player know each Scarlet Mummer is personally monitored by Llira herself. For all a Scarlet Mummer's power and independence from what passes for church hierarchy, she must obey direct orders regardless of personal wants and conveniences. This obedience is every bit as strict as a Hammer of Grimjaws paladin getting a direct order from Tyr.
EltonRobb Posted - 13 Mar 2025 : 16:55:32
Yes, Delnyn, that was what he mentioned. Thanks!
Delnyn Posted - 13 Mar 2025 : 15:52:48
Are you thinking of Scarlet Mummers? They are not necessarily spellcasters and do not fit the trope of armored templars. I would depict a Scarlet Mummer more as a chaotic good version of Harley Quinn. They operate as much as assassins as warriors against the forces of evil, particularly Loviatans. I hope this helps you.

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