T O P I C R E V I E W |
Galuf the Dwarf |
Posted - 26 Feb 2025 : 03:14:52 Here's my current take. I'm only focusing on the Faerunian Pantheon because covering EVERY deity from EVERY pantheon would just take up too much time (which I don't have much of any more, sadly). Some tweaking may need to be done, though, namely for the stats. I also decided not to bother converting the Morningstar of the Many; it seemed borderline pointless to me.
Amaunator 1) Shard of the Sun: As per Complete Divine, confirmed relic of Amaunator in Power of Faerun 2) Shaft of the Sun: Masterwork/masterwork quarterstaff. True Believer treats as +4 impact brilliant energy/+4 disruption ghost touch quarterstaff. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.
Auril 1) Mantle of Winter: Cloak of Resistance. True Believer gains immunity to all cold damage and casts all spells with the Cold descriptor as if maximized and empowered without taking up a higher spell slot. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD. 2) Axe of the Utterfrost. +1 frost battleaxe. True Believer treats as +4 icy burst thundering battleaxe that forces target struck in melee by the wielder to make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + 1/2 wielder's Wis modifier, rounded down) or be frozen solid (treat as petrification). Requires 7th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.
Azuth 1) Robe of the Great Magister: Robe of the White, Gray or Black Archmagi (depends on wearer's alignment). True Believer also casts any arcane spells (if known) as if maximized, empowered and quickened without using a higher spell slot. Requires 8th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 17 HD. 2) Rod of Reversal: As per Complete Divine, except being an relic of Azuth.
Bane 1) Chain of Obeisance: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Bane. 2) Armor of Terror: Jet black +1 full plate. True Believer treats as +2 dark silent moves full plate and treated for Hide and Move Silently checks as light armor with no armor check penalty. Enemies with an intelligence of 2 or more who strike wearer in melee with non-reach manufactured weapon, unarmed strike or natural weapon must make a Will save (DC 20 + wearer's Cha modifier rounded down, minimum +0) or become frightened. Those who succeed on save are instead shaken. Creatures of the undead, ooze, construct or plant type are immune to such effects regardless of their intelligence score. Requires 9th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 19 HD.
Beshaba 1) Broken Mirror: Steel mirror. True Believer can (as a full round action) force an opponent to look at their reflection in the mirror (treat as a gaze attack). If the target fails a Will save (DC 20 + half True Believer's Wis modifier rounded down), they are subjected to the equivalent of a Bestow Curse effect that lasts for 7 years. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD. 2) Lash of Doom: Masterwork scourge. True Believer treats as +4 unholy vicious scourge that causes a corporeal target with discernable anatomy to make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + half True Believer's Wis modifier rounded down) or die instantly. Requires 7th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
Bhaal 1) Dagger of Murder: Masterwork Dagger. True Believer treats as a +4 vorpal wounding dagger that does double damage when thrown. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Executioner's Hood: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Bhaal.
Chauntea 1) Scythe of the Harvest: Masterwork scythe. True Believer treats as +4 Brilliant Energy scythe that destroys undead targets (similar to a disruption weapon) and acts as a merciful weapon against animal and plant creatures. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD. 2) Sash of the Great Garden: Belt of Giant Strength +2. True Believer treats as Belt of Giant Strength +4 and also moves unrestricted through light or dense undergrowth and magically conjured plant matter as if under Freedom of Movement. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Cyric 1) Dagger of Denial: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Cyric. 2) Mask of Lies: Mask of Blood (Magic of Faerun). True Believer gains immunity to divination or detection effects and Zone of Truth; takes no penalty on Bluff, Disguise and Hide checks when rushed or otherwise stressed. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Deneir 1) Quill of the Great Scribe: Masterwork dagger. True Believer treats as +4 speed dagger. Can also be used once per day to write a manuscript as a free action. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Tome of Universal Harmony: As described in the article by Sean K. Reynolds about the Chosen of Deneir. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat at at least 7 HD.
Garagos 1) Swords of the Tentacus: Two +1 keen longswords. In the hands of True Believer, both become a +4 keen wounding longsword and the wielder takes no penalty for wielding two weapons as long as both swords are used. Requires 7th-level divine spell or True Believer feat and at least 15 HD. 2) Mantle of Blood: Blood-red Cloak of Resistance. True Believer is immune to wounding effects and can once per day summon a vortex of blood droplets around them that acts like a Blade Barrier spell cast by a cleric of their level. Requires 6th-level divine spell or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
Gwaeron Windstrom 1) Boots of the Master Tracker: Boots of Elvenkind. True Believer acts as if under the effects of Pass Without Trace. Requires 6th-level divine spell or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD. 2) Trollsbane. +1 flaming greatsword. True Believer treats as +4 flaming burst vorpal greatsword and once per day against a Troll, the weapon uses its vorpal effect automatically (no save to negate the effect). Requires 8th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 17 HD.
Helm 1) Helm of the Eternal Vigil: Helm of Telepathy. True Believer also gains benefits of True Seeing spell and does not need to eat or sleep while worn. Divine spells are regained by meditating for 1 hour instead. Requires 4th-level divine spell or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Tabard of the Great Crusade: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Helm.
Hoar 1) Blade of Retribution: +1 broadsword (treat as longsword with 2d4 base damage). True Believer treats as +4 wounding broadsword that inflicts double damage to an opponent that strikes them in melee once per encounter. Requires 4th-level spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Armor of Returned Spells: Masterwork mithral breastplate. True Believer treats as +2 spell resistance mithral breastplate that once per day reflects one single-target spell of 9th level or lower back at the caster. The caster must make their own saving throw as appropriate for the spell as normal, but using the same DC as if they had cast it. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
Ilmater 1) Bindings of Martyrdom: Bracers of Armor +1. Inflicts constant wounding status on wearer, unable to be healed as long as bindings are worn. True Believer treats them as Bracers of Armor +8, immune to critical hits, pain and wounding effects (other than that from the bindings themselves). Requires 4th-level divine spell or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Golden Cup of Succor: Masterwork goblet. True Believer can once per day offer up a drink to another person that bestows the following spell effects upon the imbiber: - Heal - Greater Restoration - Break Enchantment Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
Jergal 1) Palid Blade: As per the Ruby Blade from Complete Divine, except being a scythe and a relic of Jergal. 2) Censer of the Last Breath: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Jergal.
Kelemvor 1) Tabard of the Disembodied: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Kelemvor. 2) Death's Embrace: +1 ghost touch bastard sword. True Believer treats as +4 vorpal ghost touch bastard sword. Vorpal effect also affects all undead as if they were applicable target. Requires 8th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 17 HD.
Lathander 1) Dawnstar: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Lathander 2) Shield of the Rising Sun: Masterwork heavy steel shield. True believer treats as +2 blinding shield which once per day can produce the effect of a Searing Light spell. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Liira 1) Pipes of Frenzied Revelry: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Liira. 2) Sandals of Joyful Dancing: Treat as Boots of Speed. True Believer also gains effect of Freedom of Movement and can make a ranged touch attack once per day to have a target make a Will save (DC 20 + 1/2 True Believer's Wis modifier rounded down) or be under the effect of Otto's Irresistable Dance. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.
Loviatar 1) Lash of Pain: Masterwork scourge. True Believer treats as +4 unholy wounding scourge that makes corporeal victim with discernible anatomy make a fortitude save (DC 20 + wielder's Strength modifier) or be wracked in pain (treat as stunned) for next round. Multiple hits do no stack. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD. 2) Bodice of the Masochist: Masterwork leather armor. True Believer treats as +2 heavy fortification leather armor and once per day, if the wearer is subjected to a pain effect (such as the spell Symbol of Pain), the wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on their next attack roll or spellcasting check within the next 5 rounds. If the attack roll or spellcasting check fails, the effect is wasted. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.
Lurue 1) Lance of the Unicorn: Masterwork lance. True Believer treats as a +4 anarchic holy lance that deals double damage when used as part of a charge. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD. 2) Saddle of the Wild Rider: Masterwork saddle. True Believer can summon a Unicorn with a command word who will wear the saddle and let the summoner ride it for a period of 1 hour per day. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Malar 1) Gauntlets of the Blood Lord: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Malar. 2) Mantle of the Beast: Masterwork hide armor. True Believer treats as +2 heavy fortification hide armor with no armor check penalty for Hide and Move Silently. Once per day, True Believer can change into the shape of an animal or magical beast of the wearer's choice, as per the Shapechange spell. The transformation lasts for 10 rounds, but does not need to used consecutively. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.
Mask 1) Tools of the Master Thief: Masterwork thief's tools. True Believer never risks breaking the tools and can use without penalty when rushing for Disable Device and Open Lock checks. Requires 7th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 15 HD. 2) Armor of Shadows: +1 shadow silent moves leather armor. True Believer treats as +2 Greater Shadow Greater Silent Movies leather armor and can once per day act as if under the effects of the spells Improved Invisibility and Nondetection for 10 rounds. The rounds of use need not be consecutive. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and least 9 HD.
Mielikki 1) Raptor Arrow: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Mielikki. 2) Scimitar of the Hunter: +1 scimitar. True Believer treats as +4 keen speed scimitar that acts as merciful weapon to creatures of the animal, fey or plant type. Acts as vorpal weapon to aberrations, humanoids and monstrous humanoids. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
Milil 1) Harp of the Great Minstrel: Masterwork Harp. True Believer can once per day play the instrument and produce the effect of a Fascinate spell as cast by a sorcerer or wizard of their caster level. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Rapier of Desperate Measures: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Milil.
Mystra 1) Mantle of the Weave: Cloak of Arachnida. True Believer can once per day use a command word and gain the effects of Spell Turning. Requires 7th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 15 HD. 2) Spellburst Shuriken: Masterwork Shuriken. True Believer treats as +4 returning shuriken that can act like one of the following arcane spells of the wielder's choice at will: Magic Missile, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, or Melf's Acid Arrow. The spell that is used is treated as if cast by a wizard or sorcerer equal to their character level. The wielder must decide which spell effect is used before the attack roll is made. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
Nobanion 1) Claws of the Lion: Masterwork Spiked Gauntlets. True Believer treats as +4 spiked gauntlets that have no penalties for two weapons if used together and can be used together as a full attack to deliver a rake attack (as per the Monster Manual). Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD. 2) Shield of the Pride: Masterwork Heavy Wooden Shield. True Believer treats as +2 light fortification heavy wooden shield and once per day use Fierce Pride of the Beastlands (SC) as a spell-like ability. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD.
Oghma 1) Tome of Ancient Lore: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Oghma. 2) Yarting of the Great Performer: Masterwork bardic instrument. True Believer can play the instrument as a full-round action to create the effect of a Mass Charm Person spell once per day. Requires 3rd-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 5 HD.
Red Knight 1) Tome of Insightful Strategy: True Believer can once per day read from this book as a full-round action to gain a +2 competence bonus on rally checks (Heroes of Battle) that last for 8 hours. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD. 2) Saddle of the Cavalier: Masterwork military saddle. True Believer is continually under the effect of the Sticky Saddle spell (SC) and the saddle can change itself on command word to fit any animal or magical beast. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD.
Savras 1) Lens of Discernment: Masterwork magnifying glass. True Believer can once per day use as full-round action to detect any illusions, magical properties and hidden opponents within a 60-ft cone in front of them. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Orb of the All-Knowing: Crystal Ball. True Believer can use as a full-round action once per day to see their future and gain a +2 insight bonus to AC against the next attack they suffer. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Shar 1) Cloak of Darkness: Cloak of Elvenkind. True Believer also gains total concealment in shadowy or dark conditions. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD. 2) Tome of the Stilled Tongue: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Shar.
Sharess 1) Claws of the Cat: +1 wounding claw bracer. True Believer wields it as +4 keen wounding claw bracer and does double normal damage against worshippers of Shar or Set. Requires 5th-level divine spell or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD. 2) Perfume of Intense Allure: Keoghtom's Ointment. True Believer can once per day use as a perfume instead that acts as a Charm Person spell (DC 20 + user's Cha modifier) against a person of the opposite sex that the wearer designates via gaze attack. Container refills each day. Requires 2nd-level divine spell or True Believer feat and at least 5 HD.
Shaundakul 1) Boots of the Unending Journey: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Shaundakul. 2) Rapier of Unerring Direction: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Shaundakul.
Shialia 1) Shialia's Seed Pouch: As per Ehlonna's Seed Pouch in Complete Divine, except being a relic of Shialia. 2) Staff of the Unyielding Oak: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Shialia.
Siamorphe 1) Chalice of the Righteous Ruler: Masterwork goblet. True Believer can [WORK IN PROGRESS]. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Vestments of the True Monarch: Robe of Scintillating Colors. True Believer also gains +4 Charisma and can use Detect Thoughts as a spell-like ability at will. Once per day, a True Believer wearing such can use Suggestion as a spell-like ability. Requires 7th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.
Silvanus 1) Mallet of the Forest: +1 Brilliant Energy Maul. True Believer wields as a +4 brilliant energy maul that gives a +2 competence bonus on sunder checks against manufactured weapons and armor, while constructs and aberrations struck by the weapon must make a Will save (DC 20 + attacker's Wis modifier, rounded down) or be destroyed. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 11 HD. 2) Armor of Fallen Leaves: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Silvanus.
Talos 1) Mantle of Storms: Minor Cloak of Displacement. True Believer treats as Major Cloak of Displacement, has immunity to natural lightning strikes, and can use Call Lightning Storm at will. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD. 2) Spear of Thunder: +1 shock shortspear. True Believer treats as +4 shocking burst thundering shortspear that once per day acts as a maximized and empowered Lightning Bolt spell (treat as cast by sorcerer or wizard of level equal to wielder's character level) at all targets in its path when thrown. Returns to wielder after being thrown as if it had the returning property. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD.
Tempus 1) Sword of Mighty Thews: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Tempus. 2) Belt of the Champion: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Tempus.
Torm 1) Helm of the Purple Plume: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Torm. 2) Blade of Hatred's Defeat: +1 merciful greatsword. True Believer treats it as +4 axiomatic holy greatsword that acts as a vorpal weapon towards followers of Bane, Iyachtu Xvim or Cyric while acting as merciful instead of vorpal against creatures of good alignment. Requires 9th-level spell or True Believer feat and at least 17 HD.
Tymora 1) Lucky Coin: Silver holy symbol of Tymora. True Believer can re-roll one die roll they made per day and use the better result. Requires 4th-level spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Sword of Good Chance: +1 anarchic longsword. True Believer treats as +4 anarchic longsword that gains different additional property based on a d20 roll made at time of attack based on table below: d2-5: keen d6-10: mighty cleaving d11-15: brilliant energy d16-20: vorpal Each ability lasts until the next round. Requires 8th-level spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.
Tyr 1) Gavel that Never Forgets: As the Cudgel that Never Forgets from Complete Divine, except changed to a Warhammer and a relic for Tyr. 2) Sword of Virtue Beyond Reproach: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic of Tyr.
Ubtao 1) Skin of the Dinosaur. Masterwork hide armor. True Believer treats as +2 beastskin (Complete Adventurer) hide armor and once per day can summon a dinosaur of equal HD who will obey the summoner's commands for a number of rounds equal to the summoner's Wisdom modifier or until killed. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD. 2) Lodestone of the Maze: True Believer gains immunity to effects that hamper the user's sense of direction (such as Hallucinatory Terrain or Maze spells). The lodestone always points north, as long as the plane that the user is on has such concrete directions. Requires 3rd-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 5 HD.
Umberlee 1) Trident of the Tsunami: Masterwork trident. True Believer treats as +4 unholy keen trident and can once per day use Standing Wave (Stormwrack) as a spell-like ability. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD. 2) Skin of the Shark: Masterwork Leather Armor. True Believer treats as +2 bouyant leather armor and can once per day turn into a fiendish dire shark of equal HD as the wearer, for up to 10 rounds. All 10 rounds do not need to be used consecutively. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD.
Uthgar 1) Axe of the Uthgardt: +1 keen battleaxe. True Believer treats as +4 keen mighty cleaving battleaxe. Once per day, a True Believer can touch an animal or non-sentient magical beast (as in naturally having an Int score of 2 or less) and cause the creature to become subservient to the axe wielder for 1d4 rounds. The creature makes a Will save (DC 20 + wielder's Cha modifier) to resist the effect. Creatures that resist this effect are immune for 24 hours. Requires 4th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD. 2) Armor of the Fierce Warrior: Masterwork leather armor. True Believer treats as +2 heavy fortification leather armor and can once per day use Rage (per the spell) as a spell-like ability. Requires 4th-level spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 7 HD.
Valkur 1) Sextant of the Great Mariner: Masterwork sextant (Stormwrack). True Believer gains +2 divine bonus on Knowledge (Geography) checks when using the relic and can once per day use Planar Navigation (Stormwrack) as a spell-like ability. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD. 2) Cutlass of the Master Swashbuckler. Masterwork cutlass (Stormwrack). True Believer treats as +4 keen defending cutlass that can once per day disarm an opponent with a melee touch attack (no save or check). Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Velsharoon 1) Scrolls of Uncertain Provenence: As per Complete Divine, except being a relic for Velsharoon. 2) Powder of Undeath: Dust of Disappearance. True Believer can instead once per day use on a freshly dead body to reanimate it as a corporeal undead of their choice under their control as if commanded by command/rebuke undead. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Waukeen 1) Lens of the Master Appraiser. Lens of Truth. True Believer gains +5 competence bonus on Appraise checks and once per day can use Identify as a spell-like ability to determine magical properties of an object. Requires 5th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 9 HD. 2) Golden Nunchaku. Masterwork nunchaku. True Believer treats as +4 impact brilliant energy nunchaku and can once per day produce one platinum coin from the nunchaku as a supernatural ability. Requires 6th-level divine spell slot or True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
So, what do you folks think? |