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 5e circle casting mechanics released yet?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sleyvas Posted - 20 Feb 2025 : 15:19:33

was reading something, got drawn to the above url. Noted it said that

Note: Circle Casting, a special form of casting unique to the Forgotten Realms that lets players unite to cast spells together, now has in-game mechanics that coincide with the lore and allow players to finally play this out at their own tables.

Noting that I've seen (and developed) different iterations of "circle casting" across editions, I'm curious to see what the new mechanics are essentially focused on. What exactly a circle does has varied greatly across editions. So, has this been "released" somewhere or is it just being "teased" for the new books in November?
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lordsknight185 Posted - 21 Feb 2025 : 17:45:54
Originally posted by Athreeren

There was a video on the Dungeons & Dragons official channel, about Forgotten Realms inspired subclasses from new Unearthed Arcana. Even that video did not say anything on circle magic.

That's because their videos only discuss what is in the Unearthed Arcana. I guarantee we will see more UAs through the year that will probably cover that at some point.
Athreeren Posted - 21 Feb 2025 : 11:59:49
There was a video on the Dungeons & Dragons official channel, about Forgotten Realms inspired subclasses from new Unearthed Arcana. Even that video did not say anything on circle magic.
TomCosta Posted - 21 Feb 2025 : 02:27:51
It hasn't been released. It will likely be released in a future Unearthed Arcana (prior to the final version showing up in one of the FR books this fall), likely soon, but if it does get released, it hasn't yet.

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