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 Map of Faerun with Tropical lines?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EltonRobb Posted - 17 Feb 2025 : 00:44:21
I know Faerun has tropics. a fair part of Zakhara is in the equator for instance.

Whereas Icewind Dale has a subarctic or arctic climate, and the Jungles of Chult is humid tropical, here is the reason why I ask. I'm about to recruit for a campaign set in Chondath on the Paizo boards (see the Vilhon Reach accessory).

The idea for the campaign is one for the unification of Chondath back into one country. We will be using PF1e. So, is Chondath near tropical or subtropical?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EltonRobb Posted - 19 Feb 2025 : 21:35:23
Originally posted by Gelcur

One of scribes here, Markustay, made this map. It includes tropics and arctic circles as well as equator and time zones. His map work is superb. I use it for my home campaign in case of teleporting vast distances.

That helps. Thanks!
Gelcur Posted - 19 Feb 2025 : 18:28:29
One of scribes here, Markustay, made this map. It includes tropics and arctic circles as well as equator and time zones. His map work is superb. I use it for my home campaign in case of teleporting vast distances.
paintphob Posted - 18 Feb 2025 : 20:23:24
Since you mentioned it, see the Vilhon Reach accessory, top of page 4.
"The weather of the Vilhon Reach is sub-tropical and humid."

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