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 Monopoly Go Tycoon Racers Event is coming!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Liiyan Posted - 07 Feb 2025 : 06:30:29
The long-awaited Monopoly Go Tycoon Racers Event is finally here. This is another event of the new album. We will form a team to participate in the racing competition between February 6 and February 10. The generous rewards show that this will definitely be an exciting event.

What did everyone gain from the first partner event of the new album that just ended? I think it must be very generous. It would be even better if you won the grand prize in the plush partner event. However, while immersed in the joy, don’t forget to participate in the first Racers Event and Golden Lightning Event of the new album!

If you are a new player, you must participate even more. From February 6 to February 10, we have five days to participate in the Racers Event once a month!And on February 6, we will have 24 hours to trade up to 5 gold stickers with other players. You must know that although it seems that there are only five chances, gold stickers are often not tradable, so this is a very good opportunity, especially when you have duplicate Gallery Spree and Local Art!

What if you don't find a suitable teammate at this time? Don't worry, we can buy Tycoon Racers Event Slot Rank on, which is equivalent to having three teammates with full scores. This is a very fast and convenient method, and you don't have to worry about whether it is safe because they will provide sufficient protection and 24-hour online customer service.

Almost all Monopoly Go players will actively participate in these activities, so act quickly and hope that everyone can get the rewards they want!

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