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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EltonRobb Posted - 27 Jan 2025 : 23:54:41
I'm looking at this product on drivethru and ebay. I'm just wondering, should I get a copy? What are your feelings on the Atlas? Is it worth it?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ElfBane Posted - 28 Jan 2025 : 10:17:11
Get it. It's probably ridiculously expensive now since it's become an "artifact", but if it doesn't break the bank, pick it up.
Seravin Posted - 28 Jan 2025 : 08:46:02
It really tries best to provide novel-accurate maps and building interiors, for better or worse. I think sometimes those amazing early Realms novels took a bit of liberty to tell a great story, which can lead to some questionable designs when it is put to the Atlas for the buildings anyway. My fave use of the Atlas is to have it to hand while I'm re-reading a book, it can help visualise the journey of the heroes quite well.

But yes, the book is a high quality product and you can tell it was created by people with passion for Ed's Forgotten Realms and all the novels of the era.
EltonRobb Posted - 28 Jan 2025 : 00:55:56
Thanks, Wooly! That insight helps.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Jan 2025 : 00:06:42
Karen Wynn Fonstad was very well known for the Atlases she worked on.

This Atlas is way outdated, obviously, but it's a quality product and it's one I'd readily recommend if you're interested in earlier material.

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