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Posted - 28 Dec 2024 : 01:57:30VELSHAROON The Vaunted, Archmage of Necromancy, the Lich-Lord, Lord of the Forsaken Crypt, Lord of the Forgotten Crypt, the Necromancer, Patron of Evil Liches Demipower of Gehenna Symbol Laughing lich skull wearing a silver crown on a black hexagon Realm Death’s Embrace (Gehenna/Mungoth) Alignment Neutral Evil Aliases Mellifleur Superior Azuth (indirectly Mystra) Allies Afflux, Evening Glory (distant), Falazure, Kanchelsis, Kiaransalee, Mellifleur, Savras, Talos Foes Alathrien Druanna, Cyric, Jergal, Kelemvor, Sehanine Moonbow, Urogalan Servants none Servitor Creatures allips, atropal scions, awakened undead, baneguards, blazing bones, bloodhulks, bone creatures, boneclaws, bonedrinkers, boneless, boneyards, corpse creatures, crawling claws, crypt spawn, cursts, deathbringers, deathshriekers, death fangs, death knights, demiliches, dread warriors, dreads, evolved undead, fenhounds, flesh colossi and constructs, ghasts, ghosts, ghouls (all types), grimweirds, hooded pupils, liches (normal and dry), mummies, necromentals, nightshades (all types), poltergeists, revenants, revived fossils, scarab beetles (normal and fiendish), serpentirs, shadows, shadows of the void, skeletons, skull lords, slaymates, spectres, spellstitched undead, swordwraiths, wights, winterwights, wraiths (all types), zombies (normal and juju) Manifestations a burning skull wreathed in red, pale blue or blue-green flames, overnight appearance of an adult bloodrose plant Signs of Favor black, purple, maroon, rust-red, gray, and bright and unnatural green gemstones Worshipers the Cult of the Dragon, evil arcane spellcasters (primarily necromancers and other practitioners of necromancy), evil binders, evil truenamers, former worshipers of Myrkul dissatisfied with Cyric and Kelemvor, intelligent undead (especially liches), master specialists (necromancy), monks of the Long Death, morbid scholars, necropolitans, pale masters, seekers of immortality through undeath, true necromancers Cleric Alignments LE, NE, CE Specialty Priests Necrophant Holy Days nonspecific; clergy-dependent Important Ceremonies Binding of the Crypt, Pact of the Everlasting Portfolio lichdom, liches, necromancers, necromancy, undeath Domains Avarice, Death, Deathbound, Envy, Evil, Magic, Necromancer, Pride, Spell, Undead, Undeath Favored WeaponSkull Staff of the Necromancer (quarterstaff)
VELSHAROON Male Lich Necromancer 25, Red Wizard of Thay 10, Arcane Lord 10, Archmage 5 NE Medium Undead (Evil, Extraplanar) Divine Rank 5 Init +16 (+16 Dex); Senses 5-mile-radius; Listen +55, Spot +55; recognize spell; remote sensing (2 locations), portfolio sense Aura divine aura (250 ft., Will DC 58), fear aura (60 ft., Will DC 53, no save for creatures with 25 HD or less), zone of desecration (500 ft.); Languages can communicate with any living creature; Dark Speech ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
AC 92, touch 59, flat-footed 76 (+18 deflection, +16 Dex, +5 divine, +33 natural, +10 profane); ectoplasmic armor hp 1,500 (50d12 plus 900), divine shield 21/day (50 hp); DR 25/epic, good and adamantine Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, antimagic, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, energy drain, electricity, fire, mind-affecting effects, non-divine rebuking and turning, non-lethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph (unless he wishes to be affected), sleep, stunning, transmutation Resist sonic 25; SR 62; Turn Resistance +25 (divine only) Fort +54 Ref +52 Will +61; +4 against necromancy spells ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares) Meleeskull staff of the necromancer +50/+45 (1d6 + 27 plus 1d8 vs living plus 1d6 vs living plus 2d6 vs good outsiders/20/x2 plus 1d10 vs living plus 2d10 vs good outsiders) or Ranged coldfire +46/+41 (5d10 negative energy +1d10/spell level) or Melee touch +45 (6d8 + 27 negative energy plus 2d4 Str plus paralysis plus despair/20/x2) or Melee spell +45 or Ranged spell +46 Base Atk +25; Grp +45 Atk Options coldfire, death touch 5/day (kill any creature with 50d6 hp or less), despair (Will DC 53), divine blast 20/day (5 miles, 23d12 damage), grasp of death 5/day (Fort DC 53), grasp of enfeeblement (Fort DC 53), paralyzing touch (Fort DC 53) Special Actions alter reality, alter size, arcane mastery 1/day, avarice 5/day (determine the most valuable item within 30 feet), command or destroy undead as a 73rd level cleric 25/day (check +30, damage +85), doom gaze (Fort DC 53), dream haunting (Will DC 53), expanded spell power 2/day, gauge weakness 1/day, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping, pride 5/day (reroll any 1 on a saving throw and keep the new roll), recall spell 3/day, voice of maleficence (Will DC 53 + 1/round); Arcane Focus, Focused Specialist (Necromancer), Metamagic Vigor, Spell Rehearsal, Zone of Animation Combat Gearskull staff of the necromancer
Spell-like Abilities (CL 50th or 51st for necromancy spells; +1 ability damage, ability drain, evil or level drain spells) At will – animate dead, antimagic field, antipathy (DC 42), anyspell, avascular mass (DC 41), avasculate (DC 40), awaken undead, blade of pain and fear (DC 35), blasphemy (DC 40), break enchantment, cause fear (DC 34), chill of the grave, chill touch (DC 34), command undead (DC 35), control undead (DC 40), create greater undead, create undead, death knell (DC 35), death ward, desecrate, destruction (DC 40), detect undead, dispel good (DC 38), dispel magic, discern location, enervation, eyebite (DC 39), fangs of the vampire king, greater anyspell, greater teleport, halt undead (DC 37), horrid wilting (DC 41), identify, imbue with spell ability, leomund’s secret chest, legend lore, limited wish, locate object, mage armor, magic circle against good, mass inflict light wounds (DC 39), mordenkainen’s disjunction, nystul’s magic aura, protection from good, protection from spells, rary’s mnemonic enhancer, ray of enfeeblement, revive undead, sequester (DC 40), shrink item (DC 37), silence (DC 35), slay living (DC 38), spell resistance, spell turning, sticky fingers, summon monster IX (evil creatures only), telekinesis (DC 38), treasure scent, undeath to death (DC 40), unholy aura (DC 41), unholy blight (DC 37), vampiric touch, wail of the banshee (DC 42), waves of fatigue, wish, wither limb (DC 37).
Necromancer Spells per Day (CL 62nd or 68th for necromancy spells; 67th vs SR or 74th for necromancy spells; +1 ability damage, ability drain, evil or level drain spells; +2 vs SR/spell level with Fortify Spell; 3 quickened spells/round) 22nd (6/day) – chained heightened intensified irresistible atrophy (DC 87), heightened intensified irresistible moilian horrid wilting (DC 90), heightened intensified irresistible sphere of ultimate destruction (x2) (DC 82), heightened irresistible wail of the banshee (x2) (DC 97). 21st (6/day) – empowered enervated intensified split ray twinned enervation (x2), enervated enhanced intensified moilian horrid wilting (x2) (DC 77), empowered intensified quickened absorption, fell draining moilian intensified quickened touch of the graveborn (DC 77). 20th (6/day) – fell draining fortified [11th] intensified moilian blackfire (DC 77), enhanced intensified deadly sunstroke (DC 69), chained intensified repeated greater harm (DC 71), empowered intensified moilian repeated horrid wilting (DC 72), fortified [14th] heightened imprison soul (DC 83), enhanced intensified ring of fire (DC 70). 19th (6/day) – intensified irresistible blackfire (x3) (DC 87), fell animating intensified burst of glacial wrath (DC 69), empowered enervated enhanced heightened split ray twinned orb of acid (DC 66), empowered enervated enhanced heightened split ray twinned orb of electricity (DC 66). 18th (7/day) – irresistible split ray twinned avascular mass (DC 87), enhanced intensified moilian greater harm (DC 76), intensified moilian repeated horrid wilting (DC 77), heightened song of the dead mass hold monster (DC 86), heightened song of the dead mass suggestion (DC 86), fell draining heightened moilian orb of dancing death, extended fell draining intensified moilian vampiric drain (DC 77). 17th (7/day) – heightened intensified repeated acid storm (DC 68), irresistible split ray twinned avasculate (DC 86), enhanced heightened intensified chain lightning (DC 67), empowered fell animating maximized deadly sunstroke (DC 69), heightened quickened greater bestow curse (DC 82), empowered extended fell draining quickened lightning ring (DC 68), fell animating heightened irresistible wail of the banshee (DC 89). 16th (7/day) – enhanced split ray twinned disintegrate (DC 66), chained intensified fleshshiver (x2) (DC 75), heightened quickened song of the dead dominate monster (DC 82), chained quickened reaving dispel, intensified sphere of ultimate destruction (DC 70), intensified time stop. 15th (7/day) – split ray twinned energy drain (DC 78), fell draining moilian split ray twinned energy ebb (DC 76), fell animating repeated erupt (DC 69), intensified repeated necrotic skull bomb (DC 74), chained heightened wrack (DC 81), maximized repeated meteor swarm (DC 69), enhanced fell animating zajimarn’s field of icy razors (DC 68). 14th (8/day) – split ray twinned avascular mass (x2) (DC 77), extended quickened binding chain of fate (DC 69), extended quickened elminster’s effulgent epuration, empowered enervated split ray twinned orb of electricity (DC 65), extended quickened srinshee’s spell shift, extended quickened time stop, chained quickened vile rebellion (DC 76). 13th (8/day) – enhanced repeated acid storm (DC 67), quickened alamanther’s return, split ray twinned avasculate (DC 76), intensified split ray enervation, chained fell animating finger of death (DC 76), chained quickened heartfreeze (DC 76), enervated maximized horrid wilting (DC 77), extended intensified streamers. 12th (8/day) – empowered enervated blackfire (x2) (DC 77), extended quickened greater consumptive field (DC 76), quickened greater plane shift (DC 69), enervated extended maw of chaos (DC 69), heightened subvert planar essence (DC 72), extended moilian quickened sword of darkness (DC 76), maximized moilian split ray twinned vampiric touch. 11th (8/day) – fell animating fell draining acid fog, extended fell draining blackfire (DC 77), intensified doom scarabs (DC 73), quickened energy immunity, split ray twinned night’s caress (x2) (DC 74), fell animating maximized streamers, chained repeated thalassemia (DC 74). 10th (9/day) – repeated blood to water (DC 76), fell animating fell draining cloudkill (DC 66), split ray twinned enervation, song of the dead dominate monster (DC 78), fell energy foresight, chained fell energy mass bull’s strength, chained fell energy mass cat’s grace, chained fell energy mass eagle’s splendor, extended fell energy necrotic empowerment. 9th (9/day) – abyssal rift (DC 70), extended blackfire (DC 77), deadly sunstroke (DC 69), gate, empowered fell draining necrotic skull bomb (DC 74), fell energy protection from spells, reaving dispel, sphere of ultimate destruction (DC 70), fell draining moilian waves of exhaustion. 8th (10/day) – chained moilian atrophy (DC 74), chain dispel, fell energy quickened desecrate, empowered split ray enervation, extended fell energy eyes of the oracle, chained gelid blood (DC 74), greater celerity, greater spell immunity, fell draining storm of fire and ice (DC 67), moilian vampiric drain (DC 77). 7th (9/day) – antimagic ray (DC 67), blood to water (DC 76), finger of death (DC 76), fell draining firebrand (DC 65), extended karmic retribution (DC 66), reality maelstrom (DC 67), split ray soul scour (DC 74), stun ray (DC 68), fell energy superior resistance. 6th (11/day) – acid storm (DC 67), moilian ashen union (DC 75), chained curse of the putrid husk (DC 63), death hail (DC 67), moilian split ray enervation, fiery vision, moilian ghoul gauntlet (DC 75), greater anticipate teleportation, moilian kyristan’s malevolent tentacles (DC 75), shalantha’s delicate disk, spectral dragon (DC 80). 5th (12/day) – extended bloodstar (DC 65), moilian channeled lifetheft, choking sands (DC 74), cone of cold (DC 65), dimension jumper, fire and brimstone (DC 66), greater blink, night’s caress (DC 74), moilian orb of dancing death, overland flight, moilian thalassemia (DC 74), extended moilian withering death (DC 73). 4th (12/day) – assay spell resistance, backlash (DC 64), blast of flame (DC 65), caustic mire, split ray darkbolt (DC 62), moilian doom scarabs (DC 73), fell energy fox’s cunning, fell draining kelgore’s grave mist, moilian mindfrost (DC 73), moilian sinsabur’s baleful bolt (DC 73), slashing dispel, spell enhancer. 3rd (12/day) – arctic haze (DC 64), avoid planar effects, song of the dead black karma curse (DC 71), caustic smoke (DC 64), fell energy create magic tattoo, energy vulnerability (DC 63), moilian negative energy burst (DC 72), shivering touch, skeletal hand, slashing darkness, fell energy stone bones, undead torch. 2nd (13/day) – arcane turmoil (DC 62), ashstar (DC 63), blindness/deafness (DC 76), boneblast (DC 71), cold of the grave (DC 71), curse of impending blades, divine insight, escalating enfeeblement, execration (DC 71), fell energy forceward, heat leech (DC 71), fell energy nerveskitter. 1st (13/day) – moilian chill of the grave (x2), moilian chill touch (DC 70), corrosive grasp, lesser orb of acid, lesser orb of electricity, magic missile, mordenkainen’s buzzing bee (DC 61), moilian negative energy ray (x2), parching touch, ray of enfeeblement (DC 75), targeting ray. Cantrips (4/day) – arcane mark, caltrops, read magic, touch of fatigue (DC 69).
Epic Spells Prepared 5 arcane, up to Spellcraft DC 126 or 146 for necromancy spells; Epic Spells Known Velsharoon knows all common epic spells and all epic spells of the necromancy school and that utilize necromantic epic spell seeds. The Lich-Lord has additionally developed many new necromantic epic spells during both his lifetime as a mortal archmage within his former abodes in Faerun and his deific tenure deep within the mortuaries and laboratories of the volcanic necropolis of Death’s Embrace. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Abilities Str 40, Dex 42, Con -, Int 55, Wis 48, Cha 46 SQ arcane reach, avatar (2), divinity, focus caster (necromancy), great circle leader (10), immortality, scribe tattoo, spell power +6 Feats Arcane Focus, Black Lore of Moil, Bolster Resistance (B), Chain Spell, Corpsecrafter (B), Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Dark Speech (B), Deadly Chill (B), Destruction Retribution (B), Empower Spell, Enervate Spell, Extend Spell, Extra Turning (B), Fell Animate, Fell Drain, Fell Energy Spell, Focused Specialist (Necromancer), Fortify Spell, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Hardened Flesh (B), Heighten Spell, Irresistible Spell, Maximize Spell, Metamagic Vigor, Necromantic Might (B), Necromantic Presence (B), Nimble Bones (B), Repeat Spell, Scribe Scroll (B), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Song of the Dead, Spell Focus (conjuration, necromancy), Spell Rehearsal, Split Ray, Tattoo Focus (necromancy), Twin Spell Epic Feats Craft Epic Staff, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Enhance Spell, Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spell Focus (necromancy), Epic Spellcasting (B), Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Multispell (x2), Undead Mastery, Zone of Animation Salient Divine Abilities Arcane Mastery, Archlich (unique salient divine ability), Archmage of Necromancy (unique salient divine ability), Call Creatures (5 undead with up to 25 HD each), Divine Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Divine Spellcasting, Life Drain (Will DC 58 or die, cloud 50 ft wide and 10 ft high), Master of Undeath (unique salient divine ability) Skills Appraise +52 (+58 alchemical substances, books, gems, scrollwork), Bluff +76, Concentration +78, Craft (alchemy) +80, Craft (bookbinding) +80, Craft (gemcutting) +80, Decipher Script +80, Diplomacy +64, Forgery +32, Hide +29, Gather Information +54, Intimidate +81, Knowledge (arcana, architecture and engineering, dungeoneering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility and royalty, religion, the planes) +80, Listen +57, Move Silently +29, Search +88 (+94 secret doors and compartments), Sense Motive +57, Spellcraft +116 (+118 necromancy spells, +122 scrolls, +136 epic necromantic spells and necromancy spell seeds), Spot +57, Use Magic Device +47 (+59 scrolls); Domain +2 Concentration and Spellcraft; Racial +8 Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Possessionsamulet of natural armor +15, crown of the forbidden crypt, ring of arcane might, ring of positive protection, robe of the lich-lord, skull staff of the necromancer
Alter Reality Velsharoon is an embodiment of divine power and reality is his to alter as he sees fit. This effectively functions as the wish spell that costs him no XP and requires a standard action to implement. In effect, this allows Velsharoon to duplicate any effect as long as it relates to his area of influence. For example, he can duplicate any class skill, ability or spell that relates to necromancy or undeath. He can create any necromantic effect and animate any form of undead. He can discover necromantic spells and relics that were only ever dreamed of or half-formed. He can alter the unique abilities of undead creatures at his whim and give life to any spell devised by a lich.
The Lich-Lord can create temporary, nonmagical objects, magic items or creatures for up to 5 hours, and can also create permanent nonmagical objects. He can also render a magical or supernatural effect permanent and reshape landscapes. The limits to these abilities are fully defined in Deities and Demigods.
Alter Size As a free action, Velsharoon can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. He also can change the size of up to 500 pounds of objects he touches.
Arcane Mastery (Su) Velsharoon may, once per day, re-roll a random effect of any arcane spell he has just cast. For instance, he could re-roll damage from a meteor swarm, the effect of a confusion spell, or any other effect determined by a random roll of the dice.
Arcane Reach (Su) Velsharoon can use spells with a range of touch on a target up to 30 feet away as a ranged touch attack.
Archlich (unique salient divine ability) Liches are among the mightiest of the undead and rulers of bastions of the unliving, and Velsharoon commands power greater than even the most distinguished of ‘mortal’ liches.
First, Velsharoon adds his divine rank to the damage dice and his Intelligence modifier to the damage of his touch for a total of 6d8 +27 damage, and creatures that strike the Lich-Lord in melee combat must succeed at the same saving throw or suffer the effects of his touch. His fear aura is further enhanced, affecting creatures of all Hit Dice, and creatures of 25 Hit Dice or less are not allowed a saving throw.
Velsharoon additionally possesses the full breadth of unique powers ascribed to liches as described in Monsters of Faerun, some of which are further modified as follows:
Coldfire: Velsharoon’s coldfire deals 5d10 damage and he can additionally sacrifice a spell or spell slot to add a further +1d10 damage per spell level (as per the arcane fire high arcana).
Grasp of Death: Velsharoon can use this ability five times per day. Any creature that dies is reanimated as a corpse creature under Velsharoon’s control.
Voice of Maleficence: Velsharoon only needs to speak for a full round and the saving throw DC increases per round rather than per hour. Any creature under the effects of Voice of Maleficence suffers a -5 penalty to saving throws against Velsharoon’s spells.
Finally, Velsharoon has Turn Resistance 25 and cannot be turned or rebuked by non-divine beings.
Archmage of Necromancy (unique salient divine ability) Velsharoon specifically governs a portion of Mystra’s Weave – that of the school of necromancy. In his role as both guardian of the Weave and patron of arcane practitioners, he treats any spell not on the sorcerer/wizard spell list as arcane spells which he adds to his spell list. He can cast any necromancy spell from any spell list, even those with alignment or feat prerequisites, without restriction as an arcane spell.
Velsharoon’s necromantic and negative energy spells are particularly potent and pierce through natural and magical defenses and immunities that protect against necromantic effects, death effects, negative energy and levels, and energy drain, affecting the target as if the protective barrier did not exist and retuning the negative energy to be harmful to them.
Velsharoon’s command of the school of necromancy has additionally granted him a +15 bonus to any skill check involving casting, creating, developing and researching epic spells or using epic spell seeds from the necromancy school. He halves the development time, resource cost and experience cost for casting epic necromancy spells, and always takes only the minimal amount of backlash damage. In addition, in his role as the overseer of practitioners of necromancy among Faerun’s deities of magic, Velsharoon uses his character level to determine his effective necromancer class features and has 9 virtual bonus feats.
All numeric values and limits, such as caster level caps and Hit Dice limitations, of Velsharoon’s necromantic spells are doubled beyond their normal value. The Necromancer adds his divine rank (5) as a bonus to the spell saving throw DCs, base caster level and caster level caps of his necromancy spells and to any numeric bonus granted by his necromantic spells. The Lord of the Forsaken Crypt has the benefits of focused specialization (granting him an extra necromancy spell slot for every spell level he can cast) and does not have forbidden schools of magic.
Finally, Velsharoon can modify his Mastery of Elements high arcana to deal positive or negative energy damage. Negative energy damage Velsharoon deals can heal or harm the undead as he desires.
Avatar Velsharoon can have up to two avatars at any given time. The Lich-Lord’s avatar manifests as a very tall, gaunt, sallow-skinned man whose flesh is as cold as the grave and stretched thin over his skeletal figure, with thinning black and graying hair straggling down his back in a snarl. He wears once-grand purple robes that are now rotten and maggot-ridden and bears a tarnished silver crown on his head. The Necromancer’s eyes are pits of absolute darkness in which a tiny green flame dances malevolently.
Cold Fire (Su) Velsharoon can produce balls of cold, blue-green fire that deal 5d10 points of negative energy damage as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 15 feet.
Despair (Su) Velsharoon’s touch, in addition to dealing damage, forces his victims to make a Will save (DC 53) or suffer a -2 morale penalty on saving throws, attack rolls, skill and ability checks, and damage rolls for the duration of the encounter.
Divine Blast Velsharoon can create a ray of divine power that extends for up to 5 miles, dealing up to 23d12 points of damage, as a ranged touch attack with no saving throw. Velsharoon can unleash a divine blast 21 times per day, and alter the visual, auditory and sensation-based qualities of his divine blast as he desires. Velsharoon’s divine blasts generally take the form of rays of black and purple negative energy tinged with red, pale blue or blue-green flames.
Divine Shield As a free action 21 times per day, Velsharoon can create a shield that lasts 10 minutes and stops 50 points of damage from attacks. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. Any damage Velsharoon is naturally immune to does not count towards the shield’s limits.
Doom Gaze (Su) Living creatures within 30 feet that meet Velsharoon’s gaze must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 53) or die.
Dream Haunting (Su) Velsharoon can visit the dreams of any individual whose exact location is known to him. The sleeper experiences tormenting dreams and suffers 1 point of permanent Constitution drain upon awakening (Will DC 53 negates). A sleeper reduced to a Constitution score of 0 dies.
Expanded Spell Power (Ex) Twice per day, Velsharoon cast any spell that has an effect that is capped by level as if the cap were twice the listed amount. For example, he could cast a fireball that dealt 20d6 damage, rather than the normal maximum of 10d6, or a magic missile that fired 10 missiles, rather than the normal maximum of 5. His caster level still applies to such limits and does not stack with the effects of the Enhance Spell epic feat.
Focus Caster Velsharoon has bound himself to his staff, which acts as a focus for all his spells and that enhances the power of spells of the necromancy school. The range of any necromancy spell the Lich-Lord casts is increased by +25%. His necromancy spells that deal ability damage, ability drain, or directly assigns a penalty to an ability score deal +1 point of ability damage or ability drain or increases the penalty by an additional -1. Any living creature affected by a necromancy spell he casts and fails the Fortitude save against it also becomes fatigued. Velsharoon has traded away the ability to summon a familiar for this ability.
Gauge Weakness (Su) Velsharoon may spend a standard action to analyze any single foe that he can see (even via a scrying effect). He instantly knows all of that foe's current save bonuses (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will), thus allowing the Lich-Lord to better tailor his spell choice for the encounter. If the target's save bonuses change at a later time, he is not automatically privy to this information.
Grasp of Death (Su) Five times per day, Velsharoon can force any creature struck by his touch to succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 53) or die instantly and be reanimated as a corpse creature under his control.
Grasp of Enfeeblement (Su) Velsharoon’s touch deals an additional 2d4 points of Strength damage (Fort DC 53 negates).
Great Circle Leader Velsharoon can be the leader of a great circle, which can have up to nine other participants. Circle magic is described on page 194 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide v3.5.
Master of Undeath (unique salient divine ability) As patron of necromancy and the power that governs creation of the undead, Velsharoon possesses near-unsurpassed power over undeath.
First, Velsharoon radiates a zone of desecration in a 500 ft. radius. He treats Corpsecrafter, Necromantic Presence and all feats requiring them as prerequisites as bonus feats and adds his divine rank (+5) to the numeric bonuses bestowed by those feats. Undead created by the Lich-Lord additionally gain the Unholy Toughness special quality.
The Archmage of Necromancy is otherwise aware of all undead within a radius of 5 miles as the greater status spell and can communicate telepathically with them. Undead within 1 mile of Velsharoon must succeed at a Will save (DC 58) or fall under his absolute control. Undead of less than 25 HD and unintelligent undead receive no saving throw against this effect. There is no limit to the amount and Hit Dice of undead Velsharoon can animate, command, create, rebuke or otherwise have under his control.
As a swift action Velsharoon can animate or create any form of undead creature within range of his divine senses provided that a corpse is present. The Necromancer is additionally capable of using any undead within range of his divine senses as a focal point for his spellcasting, sight and hearing. He can also designate any undead within that same range as the origin point of any spell he casts. Furthermore, he can instantly take the place of any undead he controls regardless of distance as long as it is on the same plane; this instantly destroys the undead in question when Velsharoon emerges from its body.
Finally, Velsharoon rebukes and turns undead as a cleric of his necromantic caster level, using his Intelligence modifier for all variables in place of his Charisma. Undead do not apply their turn resistance against Velsharoon’s turning attempts. Undead that would be turned are instead destroyed, and undead that would be rebuked are instead commanded.
Mastery of Counterspelling When Velsharoon counterspells a spell, it is turned back upon the caster as if it were fully affected by a spell turning spell. If the spell cannot be affected by spell turning, then it is merely counterspelled.
Mastery of Elements Velsharoon can alter an arcane spell when cast so that it utilizes a different element from the one it normally uses. This ability can only alter a spell with the acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic descriptor or that deals negative or positive energy damage. The spell’s casting time is unaffected. He decides whether to alter the spell’s energy type and chooses the new energy type when he begins casting.
Mastery of Shaping Velsharoon can alter area and effect spells that use one of the following shapes: burst, cone, cylinder, emanation, or spread. The alteration consists of creating spaces within the spell’s area or effect that are not subject to the spell. The minimum dimension for these spaces is a 5-foot cube. Furthermore, any shapeable spells have a minimum dimension of 5 feet instead of 10 feet.
Painwrack Gaze (Su) Any creature that makes eye contact with Velsharoon takes 2d10 points of damage from severe, muscle-wrenching pain (Fort DC 53 negates).
Recall Spell (Su) Velsharoon can use a standard action to recall any spell he has already cast within the past hour, three times per day.
Recognize Spell (Ex) Velsharoon instantly knows when an arcane spell is cast within line of sight, even if he can't see or hear the caster. He also knows with unerring precision exactly what the spell is (including any metamagic effects). This ability doesn't grant any bonus to saves, but it can help his counterspell efforts immensely.
Specialist Defense Velsharoon has a +4 bonus on saving throws against spells from the school of necromancy.
Voice of Maleficence (Sp) If Velsharoon speaks to a victim for a full round, the subject must make a Will save (DC 53) or fall into a sleepy trance and truthfully answer any question he asks. The victim may attempt a new saving throw every hour, but for each consecutive round Velsharoon talks to the victim, the saving throw DC increases by 1.
Possessions Velsharoon’s staff of office is the Skull Staff of the Necromancer, an ancient artifact created by the greatest archmage of the Imaskari. Carved from ebony engraved with morbid symbols of death, undeath, and necromancy, and crowned by a polished rune-marked skull nestled between a set of pointed tines, the relic additionally functions as a focus and material component for all spells of the necromancy school, replacing any previous material component and focus. When held by Velsharoon, it is a +5 quarterstaff of consumptive and profane burst with the powers of a rod of restless death, and the skull crowning the staff functions as a greater crystal of arcane steel. As a free action, he may lower the enhancement bonus of the staff (to a minimum of +1) to grant himself an equivalent bonus to the caster level check or spell saving throw DC of the next spell he casts; this bonus is doubled for spells from the necromancy school.
The skull staff of the necromancer has 100 charges, which are fully renewed at midnight, and has many spell powers and other functions. Some of its powers use charges, while others don’t. The following powers do not use charges: • Blacklight • Daylight • Detect magic (always active) • Detect undead (always active) • Ectoplasmic armor (always active) • Greater mage hand • Greater spectral hand • Mystic surge • Shield • True casting
These powers drain 2 charges per usage: • Gate • Prismatic sphere • Prismatic spray • Sphere of ultimate destruction
In addition to its existing spell powers, the skull staff of the necromancer is a repository of necromantic energy and allows its wielder to store a number of necromancy spells up to the wielder’s Intelligence modifier within it. Each spell consumes 1 charge for every 4 spell levels when cast. Furthermore, by touching the skull staff of the necromancer to a corpse or undead creature, Velsharoon can cast animate dead, animate dread warrior, awaken undead, create greater undead, create undead or speak with dead without expending any charges. By striking the staff upon the ground and without expending any charges, he can cast animate legion or plague of undead. He can spontaneously apply metamagic feats he knows to spells within the staff, up to the maximum level he can cast, by consuming one additional charge per four spell level increases.
By expending 5 charges from the staff and striking it down into the ground, the Lich-Lord can create a rift merging his current plane with the Negative Energy Plane or Gehenna. This rift is 100 feet in diameter (tripled within Gehenna, the Negative Energy Plane or any site holy to Velsharoon) and lasts for 1 minute. If the creature that drives the skull staff of the necromancer into the ground expends an additional 5 charges when doing so, the effect lasts until the staff is pulled out of the ground (which takes a standard action).
The rift’s area acts as an utterdark spell that can only be seen through by the caster. Spells from the necromancy school cast within the rift have a +4 bonus to caster level and spell saving throw DC in addition to the combined planar traits of the Negative Energy Plane and Gehenna. As a standard action, any creature within the area can use a full round action to plane shift to Gehenna (if on the Material Plane or Negative Energy Plane), the Negative Energy Plane (if on Gehenna or the Negative Energy Plane) or to the Material Plane (if on Gehenna or the Negative Energy Plane). If a creature plane shifts while holding the skull staff of the necromancer, the weapon teleports with that creature, ending the effect.
The skull staff of the necromancer gives the wielder Spell Resistance 53. Velsharoon does not benefit from this protection due to his own innate Spell Resistance, but it benefits creatures to whom he has bequeathed the staff (although he is loath to let it leave his hand for an extended period of time). The staff can also be used to absorb spell energy directed at its wielder, as a rod of epic absorption does. The staff converts spell levels first into charges before retaining them as spell energy usable by a spellcaster. Velsharoon is always aware of how many spell levels are cast at him.
The skull staff of the necromancer can be broken for a retributive strike as per a staff of the magi (Ref DC 77). Velsharoon cannot be harmed by the retributive strike of his own staff, although he must wait 1d6 days till the staff renews itself, fully charged, in Death’s Embrace. (CL 50th).
Velsharoon also wears the robe of the lich-lord, an imperious broad-shouldered robe that combines the powers of a robe of scintillating colors (Will DC 60, 50 rounds per day), a robe of stars and a starmantle cloak. It grants him a +10 profane bonus to armor class and saving throws, and a +5 profane bonus to his rebuking level, caster level and spell DCs. The robe’s velvet sash is woven with images of undead creatures and once per round, the wearer can command one image to come to life and manifest as an actual undead. The images are an advanced 50 HD nightcrawler, advanced 42 HD nightwalker, advanced 50 HD shadow of the void, advanced 50 HD shape of fire, and an advanced 50 HD winterwight. The creatures are under the caster’s control and persist until destroyed and are renewed every midnight. Any creature slain by the undead conjured by the robe doubles all its numeric bonuses for one round per Hit Dice of the victim. (CL 50th)
The crown of the forgotten crypt, the Necromancer’s silver crown, grants him an extra spell slot of each spell level he can cast in which he can only prepare necromancy spells. Five times per day, the crown can be called on to recall an expended spell of any level as a pearl of power, and the rush of arcane power grants the spell a further +4 bonus to the attack roll and saving throw DC. Once every five rounds, Velsharoon can use his crown to produce a cone of cold (DC 65) or a symbol of insanity (DC 67). (CL 50th)
The Archmage of Necromancy also wears an amulet of natural armor +15, a ring of arcane might and a ring of positive protection.
Other Divine Powers As a demipower, Velsharoon treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal and cannot die from natural causes. Senses Velsharoon can hear, touch, and smell at a distance of five miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within five miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to two locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for up to five hours. Portfolio Sense Velsharoon is aware of any act taken by a necromancer or lich as long as the event affects at least one thousand people. He is similarly aware of any event pertaining to the creation or casting of a spell of the necromancy school, the creation and animation of undead creatures, and successful rituals of lichdom as long as the event is of similar scale. Automatic Actions Velsharoon can use any skill related to his portfolio as a free action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower, or Spellcraft if the DC is 20 or lower. He can perform up to five such free actions each round. Create Magic Items Velsharoon can create any type of magic item that employs the school of necromancy or affects the undead as long as the item’s market price does not exceed 4,500 gp.
NEW SPELLS Cold of the Grave [Dragon Magazine 347 77] Evocation and Necromancy [Cold, Evil] Level: Cleric 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels) Target: One creature or object Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes
You fire a ray of deathly cold necrotic energy. You make a ranged touch attack against one target, dealing 1d6 points of cold damage and 1d6 points of negative energy damage. The target takes 1 point of Strength damage, plus one per four caster levels (maximum 5). A successful Fortitude save negates the Strength damage.
Skeletal Hand [Dragon Magazine 348 28] Necromancy Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft / level) Effect: Disembodied skeletal hand Duration: 1 round / level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
A disembodied skeletal arm and claw appears and moves as you desire, allowing you to attack and deliver touch spells at a distance. The skeletal appendage deals 1d6 points of slashing damage per hit, +1 per three caster levels (maximum +5). In addition, any touch spell of 6th level or lower that you cast can be channeled through the skeletal hand. The hand can attack to discharge the spell in lieu of its regular attacks for the round. The limb is corporeal and can be harmed by any normal weapon or effect. It has improved evasion, uses your saving throws, and has an AC 12 + your Intelligence modifier. The hand has hit points equal to 5 plus half your caster level.
Upon appearing, the skeletal hand strikes the opponent you designate, starting with one attack in the round the spell is cast and continuing each round thereafter on your turn. It uses your base attack bonus plus your Intelligence modifier as its attack bonus. It strikes as a spell and does not receive a flanking bonus or grant one. Your feats or combat actions do not affect the skeletal hand. If the skeletal hand does beyond the spell range, if it goes out of your sight, or if you are not directing it, the hand returns to you and hovers.
Each round after the first, you can use a move action to redirect the skeletal limb to a new target. If you do not, the hand continues to attack the previous round’s target. On any round the hand switches targets, it gets a single attack. If it does not switch target, it is allowed multiple attacks if your base attack bonus is high enough.
If an attacked creature has spell resistance, you must make a caster level check against it for the first attack on that creature. If the hand hits and you fail your caster level check, the spell is dispelled. If successful, the hand hits normally against that creature for the full duration.
As spectral hand, but the hand can deliver any touch range spell of 6th-level or lower. In addition, if you have a supernatural effect tied to your touch, such as a paralyzing touch, the hand can deliver that effect as well.
Vampiric Drain [Dragon Magazine 317 71] Necromancy Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 8, Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / level) Target: All living and undead creatures in a 10ft-cube Duration: 1 round / 3 levels Saving Throw: Will half Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes a complicated circular rune of purple light to manifest briefly in the area of effect, then quickly fade. All living creatures in the area of effect immediately take 1d6 points of damage per four caster levels (maximum 5d6). Thereafter, they take damage once per round for the spell’s duration. A creature that makes a successful Will save takes only half damage from the vampiric drain on the initial round and all following rounds of the spell’s duration.
Each time this spell deals damage to a living creature, the caster gains temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt. You can’t gain more from any single target than the target’s current hit points plus 10, which is enough to kill the target. These temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later.
Care should be taken to avoid targeting undead creatures with a vampiric drain. An undead creature targeted by this spell heals 1d6 points of damage per four caster levels (maximum 5d6), and the caster takes damage equal to half this amount.
For example, a 16th-level sorcerer casts this spell into an area where four creatures can be targeted. A purple rune, as described above, appears in the area long enough to be seen, then quickly fades away. The four living creatures in the area of the spell immediately takes 4d6 points of damage (half if they make their Will save), and suffer 4d6 points of damage (half if they make their Will save) every round until the spell ends. The damage continues even if the targets move out of the initial area of effect.
Vile Rebellion [Dragon Magazine 300 57] Necromancy [Evil] Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 7 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: See text Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes a rebellion of the worst kind-a rebellion of the body. If the victim resists the spell, she is filled with wracking pains and is nauseated for 1d4 rounds. If the victim fails her save, she is stunned for 1d4 rounds, after which time her arms, legs, and torso separate bloodlessly and go their own ways. Only the victim's head remains under her control. The separate limbs quickly pass from life into perpetual undeath, and they are treated thereafter as zombies two sizes smaller than the target creature. The caster controls the zombies as though he had used negative energy to command undead. The victim's head remains horribly alive, sustained by the spell, but suffers 1d3 points of Wisdom drain each round until it goes insane as per the insanity spell. The head can cast spells that have only verbal components, but it is otherwise helpless.
If the victim's limbs have not yet separated from her body, successfully dispelling the spell stops the progression of vile rebellion. Once separation occurs, however, reintegration of the living victim is possible only by bringing the body parts together and casting dispel evil, followed by regeneration. Material Component: A severed finger.
Withering Death [Dragonlance: Holy Orders of the Stars 70] Necromancy [Evil] Level: Cleric 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4 Components: S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels) Effect: Ray Duration: 1 round / level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes A yellow pulsating ray springs from the caster’s hand. He must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target. If hit, the target takes a penalty to Constitution equal to 1d6 plus +1 per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5). If a subject dies while under the effect of this spell, it rises as a zombie under the caster’s control, as if animated.
NEW FEATS FELL ENERGY SPELL [METAMAGIC] [Dragon #312, Dragon Compendium Vol. 1] You add a dose of raw necromantic energy to your beneficial spell, making it especially effective for undead creatures. Benefit: Any numerical bonus granted by a spell modified with this feat increases by +2 for all undead creatures it affects. This increase does not apply to factors such as range, save DC, healing, or other numerical factors relating to a spell. Only effects described as bonuses gain this benefit. A fell energy spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
SONG OF THE DEAD [METAMAGIC] [Dragon #312, Dragon Compendium Vol. 1] You can add such a powerful dose of necromantic energy to your mind-affecting spells that they function against undead creatures but are useless against all others. Benefit: A mind-affecting spell modified by this feat works normally against intelligent undead creatures. Mindless undead (those without Intelligence scores) are still immune to its effect, and the altered spell has no effect against living creatures or constructs. A song of the dead spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. Note that use of this feat does not make mind-affecting spells affect undead if the spell's description specifies that the target must be living or a particular creature type (other than undead). Any spells prepared with Song of the Dead become necromancy spells.