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 The Deepingdale Owl

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Azar Posted - 14 May 2024 : 08:13:54
In Deepingdale, Elves or Half-Elves who are "coming of age" occasionally prove themselves by seeking the elusive Deepingdale Owl*; thanks to an ever-increasing rarity, the act of harming one is frowned upon more so than usual. Therefore, spirited youths demonstrate their resourcefulness by bringing back a less destructive sign of success...such as a feather, a lone/abandoned egg which was imperiled or even a live specimen (which must be well treated). Because these symbolically sagacious avians are sacred to Rillifane Rallathil, priests of The Leaflord make a habit of blessing those able to coax a nocturnal hunter into willingly accompanying them to any number of secluded woodland shrines.

*A beast which I have yet to fully describe, but which likely features outward characteristics evocative of the sylvan folk, is vaguely magical and/or possesses a greater-than-usual longevity (like an Elven Cat or a Cath Shee).
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Azar Posted - 15 May 2024 : 05:21:33
Originally posted by sleyvas

*Hope you don't mind the addition... just the idea hit me... we did something similar in Anchorome with a kercpa / skiurid conflict, and I like it. But just because you do something in one place doesn't mean you can't do it elsewhere differently. I see these kercpa as being heavily allied with the elves of Cormanthor at one time, but perhaps their numbers have shrank heavily with time. Exactly who/what happened with the skiurid... up in the air. Exactly what is Cherrishade Blackthistle (twisted treant, twisted dryad, elf whose mind is shattered, something else entirely...) is also up in the air.

As you know, even brief references to customs can breathe life into a people/community. Additionally, these practices - longstanding or otherwise - often function as a springboard to the unlikeliest of adventures.
sleyvas Posted - 14 May 2024 : 13:46:19
a small red squirrel steps from behind a tree limb wearing a simple green cloak and a wovenleaf bycocket hat with an oversized owl feather sticking up from its size. The "squirrel" begins to speak in a squeaky voice, but by its facial features it is entirely serious.

"I am Chipperkyn, a kercpa of Clan Darkwatch, a noble order of bold wizards and warriors who silently protect the greater world from the evil spirits contained by the bounds of the Darkwatch. I can attest that the Deepingdale Owls are indeed a fact and not a legend, for these creatures were blessed by Sehanine Moonbow and Rillifane Ralathil when they first helped the valiant squirrelfolk contain the black threat. These valiant mounts, with their ability to extend moonlight from their eyes into even the darkest of places, have proven invaluable in fighting against our transfigured kin, the vile skiurid of Clan Deepshade. The skiurid infest the darkwatch and serve the foul Cherrishade Blackthistle, a treeborn threat who arose so long ago that our kercpa weepsongs only hint to his origins, but all agree that he is only a herald to a much more powerful and evil plague that must continue to be contained."

With that, the squirrel-like creature doffed its hat and placed it over its heart, bowing at its waist, before suddenly leaping from its branch as twin beams of light seeming came from nowhere, and a Deepingdale owl swooped in to catch Chipperkyn and carry him silently into the surrounding forest.

*Hope you don't mind the addition... just the idea hit me... we did something similar in Anchorome with a kercpa / skiurid conflict, and I like it. But just because you do something in one place doesn't mean you can't do it elsewhere differently. I see these kercpa as being heavily allied with the elves of Cormanthor at one time, but perhaps their numbers have shrank heavily with time. Exactly who/what happened with the skiurid... up in the air. Exactly what is Cherrishade Blackthistle (twisted treant, twisted dryad, elf whose mind is shattered, something else entirely...) is also up in the air.

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