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 An odd idea from my brain-box...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Arivia Posted - 20 May 2004 : 14:56:39
(technobabble might follow)
I've had an odd thought recently-what would a setting designed along the same lines as a Linux distribution(Gentoo, perhaps, being the best example) be like?(Follow me here, folks)
What I mean, is that the setting is designed in a modular way(with gaming content distributed under the D20 licence, and Product Identity pieces perhaps under the Free Document Licence, or whatever it is?), with both official and unofficial repositories of data(to make a comparison to stable and beta update trees for Linux), with a central group of individuals(likely the creators of the setting) approving what goes into the official lore. Obviously, you could mix and match pieces as you chose to come up with something customized to your ideas...Any thoughts?(I tried to make it as understandable as possible...)
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SoulLord Posted - 20 May 2004 : 15:38:50
There have been simlar efforts runing around the trouble i see with it is that most of the contributors want their contribution to be the best and biggest which might be good for a solo contributor but it disrupts collective efforts.

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