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 Is there any info on Ed Greenwoods 3e campaign?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ozreth Posted - 15 Mar 2024 : 19:01:58
I saw him post recently that he is in a 3e game alongside 2e and I believe 5e.

I'm curious if he's running it or playing in it and whether it is straight 3e or 3.5. Also just generally curious about his experience in this campaign vs AD&D etc.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ozreth Posted - 01 May 2024 : 01:16:38
Originally posted by Gelcur
I'd be very interested where you read about 3e.

If you scroll down a little here you can see it in his tweet from 2021:

Also says that his original home game is AD&D 1e, alongside other games using 2e, 3e and 5e.
Gelcur Posted - 13 Apr 2024 : 23:24:41
He normally runs 2e AD&D and he plays as a player in an online Greyhawk quest that is a modified version of 2e AD&D. He was featured in a 5e WotC? Adventurers League "quest" I'm guessing portraying Elminster, link. He also runs Fate of the Norns, a viking fantasy RPG, that he worked on some products.

I'd be very interested where you read about 3e.
nblanton Posted - 12 Apr 2024 : 17:28:46
Last time I heard him say which edition he was playing it was still 2E AD&D.

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