T O P I C R E V I E W |
sleyvas |
Posted - 10 Jul 2023 : 16:32:01 Just to give a general summation Undrek'Thoz is the dark elven "segmented city" beneath Thay/Thesk/Rashemen which is seemingly created after the dark elves of Narathmault flee that Ilythiir holding also known as "The Dark Pit". Narathmault itself was founded by dark elves of Clan Sethomiir prior to the descent in -10400 DR (a mere 400 years before the descent).
Narathmault becomes Dun-Tharos when discovered by humans of the Nar tribes. These humans begin demon worship much like the dark elves that had been here prior. These humans eventually turn to the worship of Orcus.
Are there any hints that the dark elves of Undrek'Thoz or surrounding areas might not have "hooks" into the human civilization? Might they be somewhat (or even very much) involved in the conflict between the Nars and Raumathar? This would seem to very much fit their modus operandi (similar to how the ancient ones in Maztica were driving the humans to sacrifice... granted in that instance to a being known as Zaltec).
Just to throw out here there's another dark elven city that's roughly in this same general area named V'elddrinnsshar (source demihuman deities), that we might also be able to fit into this equation. All we know of this city though is that it was Lolth worshipping and that it fell to a plague in 1278 DR and then became a duergar holding and finally a holding for Kiaransalee worshippers known as "The Vault of Gnashing Teeth" and "The Acropolis of Thanatos"... and was a place where they were gathering a rather unusual "stone" known as voidstone.
https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Voidstone https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/V%27elddrinnsshar
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
TBeholder |
Posted - 04 Sep 2023 : 08:17:51 quote: from GHotR timeline: -10000 DR Descent of the Drow: . . . -Like their kin elsewhere, the dark elves of Narathmault [-10400, -9750] are transformed into drow by the will of the Seldarine, shattering their bindings over a host of fiends who swiftly turn on their former masters. Led by Undrek of Clan Sethomiir, the drow and their minotaur servants are forced to flee Narathmault, traveling south and east into the underground caverns beneath the present-day Plateau of Thay.
Which is how the settlements that became Undrek'Thoz confederation were founded, obviously. As to the abandoned Narathmault, it looks like the Nars found what was left of it millennia later, long after all fiends who could move got bored and left. So they built Dun-Tharos on top of Narathmault and enthusiastically began to replicate and "reverse engineer" mostly-experimental arts which the Ilythiiri still armed with High Magic saw fit to practice half a continent away from their homeland. So far, simple.
quote: These humans begin demon worship much like the dark elves that had been here prior.
Dark elves were not there for "demon worship", they were controlling the fiends. Successfully, until their magic was compromised by the curse of Descent.
quote: Just to throw out here there's another dark elven city that's roughly in this same general area named V'elddrinnsshar (source demihuman deities), that we might also be able to fit into this equation.
We also know it was "under the Galena Mountains", which is a bit North and far to the West of Narfell. It may or may not be related. And if it's near a source of valuable material, there's already an obvious reason to settle the place. Of course, we know that Moonsea area is rich in ores, so there's no need of "voidstone" MacGuffin: most likely V'elddrinnsshar is in this area for the same reason as Zhentil Keep, Phlan and the rest of them. The only difference is that while the Mooneyes say "dare - and beware!", the drow could probably say "beware, but dare".  Also, we indeed don't know how old it was. Maybe founded right after Descent from a settlement immediately above. Maybe was barely more than a promising outpost a century old when wiped out. The existence of Sarphil suggests that more likely the drow came later. |
sleyvas |
Posted - 10 Jul 2023 : 20:46:03 quote: Originally posted by Gary Dallison
Looking at raurin recently there is enough of a drow presence in the old empires region to be noteworthy.
I think the drow from undrek thoz are working with half drow exiles that settled in mulhorand.
The drow from undrek thoz engage in slaving activities in places like raurin (and possible narfell since it has low organisation and centralisation of power.
These slaves, along with drugs, and artifacts from imaskar (and perhaps ancient narfell and raumathar) are trafficked through a portal in skuld to menzoberranzan (although I'm sure undrek thoz keeps the choicest finds).
The slaves also likely go through Thay as well. It could be that the drow by slaves cheap in thay and sell then at high value in menzoberranzan (where they are harder to get hold of).
Just my two cents and weaving together the lore about the cult of the she spider in demihuman deities, references to drow in the deserts of desolation module, and Eds recent tweets and posts on his discord about drow in mulhorand etc.
just curious... can you post the stuff about drow in Mulhorand? I know of half-drow in Unther living amongst trolls in the Riders to the Sky Mountains and were driven there from the Yuirwood.
Looking for historical links more out of curiosity (i.e. 2 thousand years ago were the dark elves of Undrek'Thoz involved with Narfell as an Empire... just realized I should have specified empire), but also curious to see people's opinion on that as well even if there aren't actual canon references. |
Gary Dallison |
Posted - 10 Jul 2023 : 16:52:52 Looking at raurin recently there is enough of a drow presence in the old empires region to be noteworthy.
I think the drow from undrek thoz are working with half drow exiles that settled in mulhorand.
The drow from undrek thoz engage in slaving activities in places like raurin (and possible narfell since it has low organisation and centralisation of power.
These slaves, along with drugs, and artifacts from imaskar (and perhaps ancient narfell and raumathar) are trafficked through a portal in skuld to menzoberranzan (although I'm sure undrek thoz keeps the choicest finds).
The slaves also likely go through Thay as well. It could be that the drow by slaves cheap in thay and sell then at high value in menzoberranzan (where they are harder to get hold of).
Just my two cents and weaving together the lore about the cult of the she spider in demihuman deities, references to drow in the deserts of desolation module, and Eds recent tweets and posts on his discord about drow in mulhorand etc. |