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 Making Walkable 3D Model DM Tool of Waterdeep /UM

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
westingtyler Posted - 23 Jul 2022 : 22:28:51

I'm trying to recreate Waterdeep and Undermountain in 3d walkable form, and it is in early stages. Is there anything obvious I have messed up? Also I'll eventually post a vid going down the layers to the Mad Wizard's Layer, as it SEEMS the entire dungeon layout "drifts" southward. is that correct? maybe I should re-arrange things to all fit under the city or mountain?

I totally want to share it for free on itchio when it's done as a handy DM tool, under the name Project Ultradeep.

I'm not sure how to show images in this post, so:

Reddit Thread with Pictures:

A short video of walking around in 1st person in wireframe mode in Blender, for classic vibes:

I love DnD, especially Waterdeep and Undermountain, and I am trying to find the right online community to share my passion with. Anyway, feedback desired!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TBeholder Posted - 12 Aug 2022 : 08:53:15
Blender is indeed classic, for all its weirdness.
But if you want big and walkable, perhaps the output format should be something like Quake2 or openDarkEngine (Thief/System Shock/Ultima Underworlds)?
westingtyler Posted - 10 Aug 2022 : 11:24:48
Thanks for the support, guys! I recently made a chill long video going over the current progress of #ProjectUltradeep, where I show how I'm concepting the art, show off some gameplay, etc. It's long, but it has chapters for skipping around to get an idea where the project is.
sleyvas Posted - 24 Jul 2022 : 20:05:22
Damn, everytime I turn around, I find someone who has just gone over the top for some aspect of the realms.
Brimstone Posted - 24 Jul 2022 : 13:50:36
WOW! Welcome.

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