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 Faerun elevation map?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Demzer Posted - 12 Jul 2021 : 14:50:42
Fellow sages,

apologies if the topic has been already covered but I couldn't find a scroll on this on a quick search of the 'Keep.

As the title says, is there anywhere an elevation map of Faerun or one of its regions? Can anyone point me to it (or them, if more than one exist)?

Mainly looking for official/canonical maps but if there is something made by MarkusTay or other respected sages I'll bite that too.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PattPlays Posted - 15 Jul 2021 : 02:34:51
Originally posted by Gelcur

The closest official source to an elevation map you will find is likely in TSR8442 "The Forgotten Realms Atlas", p.VIII-IX. They have a map of Faerun and below it they have 2 vertical cross sections, sadly they are not labeled with elevation marks. They DO have a sea level and they do list Yehimal Mountains which are the tallest on all of Toril ranging from 15,000ft to 30,000ft. The Dragon Wall is also depicted, I'm not well versed in that area of lore but maybe there is an exact height for it somewhere. It also has various cut outs and cross sections of buildings and specific areas like Mount Waterdeep.

Yeah! I once saw that page and I think that's where I learned about the absolutely insane topology of the Shaar. Toril has some fantastically sized waters that aren't simply north-south-flowing. Not to mention supernaturally vast craters and chasms.
Gelcur Posted - 14 Jul 2021 : 16:05:28
The closest official source to an elevation map you will find is likely in TSR8442 "The Forgotten Realms Atlas", p.VIII-IX. They have a map of Faerun and below it they have 2 vertical cross sections, sadly they are not labeled with elevation marks. They DO have a sea level and they do list Yehimal Mountains which are the tallest on all of Toril ranging from 15,000ft to 30,000ft. The Dragon Wall is also depicted, I'm not well versed in that area of lore but maybe there is an exact height for it somewhere. It also has various cut outs and cross sections of buildings and specific areas like Mount Waterdeep.
PattPlays Posted - 14 Jul 2021 : 10:08:33
Combat dot toril is a classic. However, I have a pet peeve with 3.5 era maps of faerun for the placement of the Hartblood / Heartblood river as south of Shining Falls. The location of the High Forest's mountains looks silly compared to maps that place the river further north. The 3.5 high forest looks so.... lopsided..

There's been quite a few mapping projects, you should be able to find quite a few of them yourself with search tools. Well met.
..Just realized some designer might have moved the mountains and river just to fit a fancy title text box in the right side of the forest. Maybe it's just me. Looks reaaaally like they moved it to make room for.. text..
This is the official map for the 5e realms, not sure if it helps you reign in your elevation maps. The only curious case of elevation on toril that I can recall are the historic water routes of the Shaar, which you can infer from the combat dot toril map.
Vaughn Javreau Posted - 14 Jul 2021 : 06:16:38
This one is quite tricky in my view. While there are works that may refer to some regions as specifically being raised (The Endless Wastes, The Amber Steppes),things like this sadly aren't mentioned in most supplements aside from passing remarks. The forgotten realms wiki has a nifty tool for sorting locations based on landform. Taking into account the location of nearby fault lines (mostly by the position and size of nearby mountains), as well as the fact that rivers run in one direction (downhill), a bit of elbow grease and map segmentation should help you get off to the races with this subject!
Below is one of my (and probably some others) favorite maps of Faerun, it includes rivers, mountains of varying size, volcanoes and even tracts of MOORS! Taking all these geological realities into account should be of decent assistance. Feel free to let me know if you need input or help with any research or geological matters, I do thoroughly enjoy things like this.
(Don't know if this link will work here on the forum, I've been here maybe a week)

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