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 Stormwatch castle

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Lord of Rodly Might Posted - 20 Jan 2021 : 04:55:17
Hello everyone I’m completely new to the forum and would very much like some help already. I know I know the new guy asking for help already what a pain but here goes anyway.

I’m running a 3.5 game for my sons and their friends because oh they want to see the old addition… Anyway making a long story short I’m trying to find information on stormwatch castle because I’m Making an adventure Manshoon and Zhentarium heavy, as they are in the Moonsea/Dales area. I can’t seem to find out any information on stormwatch castle anywhere. Does anybody have any information be it official or even on official. Thanks in advance
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TheIriaeban Posted - 21 Jan 2021 : 00:58:48
It is only a mention in the Secrets of the Zhentarim. It is the FRCS that has a bit more information including the vamp Manshoon's 4e stats.
Lord of Rodly Might Posted - 20 Jan 2021 : 19:20:54
OK I found out what the DM’s guild was so thank you on that as well. This is all new to me I’ve been a player and DM for a good long while but haven’t played or DM since the early 2000s
Lord of Rodly Might Posted - 20 Jan 2021 : 19:16:36
I found the information on the forgotten realms fandom page for stormwatch, the haunted castle. But that’s all they had on it.

Thank you so much I don’t have any of the 4E books so I wouldn’t have known to look for it there. Not exactly sure why MT DM’s guild is do you have a link for that?
Lord of Rodly Might Posted - 20 Jan 2021 : 19:11:38
I was on the forgotten realms fandom page looking up manshoon And it said that around the year 1434, I think, was when he and his vampires from Westgate settled in that stormwatch the haunted castle
TheIriaeban Posted - 20 Jan 2021 : 14:53:57
It is in the FRCS (4e) on page 284. The first paragraph is:

Manshoon’s lair stands between Westgate and the ruins of Starmantle, not far from an old road that once connected the two cities. Known to most merely as a haunted castle from which none return, the stronghold is appointed as befits its decadent immortal lord, and deep within are his personal chambers and sepulcher. Manshoon keeps a small force of living Zhents here, but his undead servitors outnumber the living."

Edit: It is also mentioned on page 20 of MT Black's DMsGuild product Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim.
Brimstone Posted - 20 Jan 2021 : 13:42:25
Originally posted by George Krashos

There's a villa in Waterdeep called Stormwatch but I've never heard of Stormwatch Castle.

-- George Krashos

That is what kept coming up on my Google Searches.
George Krashos Posted - 20 Jan 2021 : 10:52:58
There's a villa in Waterdeep called Stormwatch but I've never heard of Stormwatch Castle.

-- George Krashos
Brimstone Posted - 20 Jan 2021 : 08:08:32
What is your source of this Location? I don't think I have ever heard of it before?

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