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 Umberlee, Sea Wolves and Lycanthrope control

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mrestos Khorvaen Posted - 29 Sep 2020 : 14:09:24
Hello everybody,
I'm running a scenario (by Comunidad Umbria, in Spanish) during which the PCs face a pack of sea wolves (maritime werewolves). They are the result of a weird accident, when a mage used dead lycanthrope fangs to build dental prothesis (really!).

The scenario happens in Velen, a town in Tethyr. Tethyr has a formal temple and cult of Umberlee, with strange ceremonies.

My idea is having an Umberlee priest interested in controling the pack. Is there any precedent of Umberlee being connected to such monsters? I've always thought he was more tied to leviathans and krakens.

Malar is more related to were-beasts, but he is strictly a land god, I suppose.

Is there any magic object or artifact that could allow the priest to control the sea wolves?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 23 Oct 2020 : 23:05:25
Seeker Khorvaen,

I agree with Senior Scribe Seethyr. I feel things get to silo'd out of a desire to have the unknown be known. Deities do weird stuff all of the time. I think this would be no different.

By the way: the denture thing is outrageously cool! I would never have thought of such a thing as an impetus for an adventure. So awesome!

Best regards,

Mrestos Khorvaen Posted - 01 Oct 2020 : 07:16:11
Originally posted by AJA

Faiths and Avatars (p.173) says Umberlee created weresharks, and that she "acts through the appearance or presence of sea monsters of all sorts," so I'd say it's safe to have a connection to sea wolves. As for controlling them you could look to something like a ring of elemental command for inspiration, but would I agree with Seethyr and just handwave it as a power granted from the goddess.

Didn't know about the weresharks, good points!
The priest wants to have pack of feral monsters to spread fear to the sea. Thus augmenting donations to his temple.
One curious thing about sea wolves is that the curse not only turns one self into a monster under a full moon. It changes alignment in both forms to neutral evil.
AJA Posted - 29 Sep 2020 : 23:24:28
Faiths and Avatars (p.173) says Umberlee created weresharks, and that she "acts through the appearance or presence of sea monsters of all sorts," so I'd say it's safe to have a connection to sea wolves. As for controlling them you could look to something like a ring of elemental command for inspiration, but would I agree with Seethyr and just handwave it as a power granted from the goddess.

sleyvas Posted - 29 Sep 2020 : 15:28:10
Umberlee isn't just specifically leviathans and krakens. She's anything related to the sea. To note there is a specific seawolf type of creature in earlier editions of the game (not sure what edition you're playing). More details can be found here

As to a priest of Umberlee controlling them, not sure what your end goal is, but have you considered having the priest of Umberless being one of them? Not sure why specifically you need this story of dentistry gone wrong (is it intrinsic to your character's stories, or is it simply part of the backstory on some module you found and can be gutted... ). If you do need it to stay, what if the dentistry was even on purpose, for instance being done by the priest in combination with some healing magic (i.e. he puts the teeth in place and uses a cure spell to "fuse" it to the broken teeth of people to create sea wolves).
Seethyr Posted - 29 Sep 2020 : 14:26:21
Personally, I’d just say “by the will of the Bitch Queen” and be done with it. Published adventures pull that all the time.

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