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 Tritons/Shalarin/Theros/Sea of Corynactis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sleyvas Posted - 29 Aug 2020 : 22:46:22
So, I picked up Mystic Odyssey of Theros. I'm enjoying it, as a lot of the concepts that I've talked about doing in Abeir during the spellplague years can be "fit" within the concepts they're doing. I noted two new races that people don't normally play. One is the Triton. The imagery of a Triton however is NOT D&D imagery of a Triton. In fact, I'd say that its more like a Shalarin.

That made me think of the "Sea of Corynactis" which is "on the western side of Maztica". I then thought "hmm, that sounds kind of Greek". It occurred to me that perhaps it could be a good storyline that the Sea of Corynactis has ties to "the Sea of Nyx" in Theros. What is the "Sea of Nyx"? Well, its the sky where the gods live (and you sometimes see them IN Nyx above their world), but there are stories that you can "sail to it".

Anyway, the idea hit me. Not sure what to do with it yet, but it might explain this race on both worlds that looks similar. Maybe there's some reason it can't work, and if so, call me out on it. I just wanted to write this before I forgot. Who knows, perhaps Theros is a 3rd world spun off from Toril like Abeir at one point.
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sleyvas Posted - 22 Sep 2020 : 01:48:05
Originally posted by cpthero2

Great Reader sleyvas,

I can most certainly guarantee you, 100%, that I did that very thing. Let me quote myself first, before I finish this:

I find the different forms of tritons from editions, as well as for sharlarin, to be quite possible connected in some case which could look similar. Links below:

I deeply wish to focus on the following aspect of that quote: "I find the different forms of tritons from editions..."

If you click on 1e triton it has webbed fingers, as does the 1e Shalarin. Yes, they do not both share hair, but that wasn't my sole point. In some cases, and in ...different forms of tritons from editions... they do have webbed fingers. Additionally, the 3e triton has a conk on its shoulder, and scaly skin. The 1e triton has a mermaid like lower half, and the 2e triton as well as 2e Shalarin have webbed feet and hands.

So, I did in fact take more than a few seconds as evidenced by comments above, as well as the time stamp of my reply being (20) days later.

Best regards,

[EDIT] I edited out some bold type, as I think it came across the wrong way.

My point is that the tritons you were looking at aren't the ones that I'm talking about. The ones I'm talking about are from the new Theros books and they look nothing like any of those pictures. I wasn't trying to make a link between the tritons of Toril and the Shalarin of Toril. Those are entirely distinctly separate races on Toril.

That site has the tritons from Theros. Look at those pictures. Then tell me, do they look more like the Tritons you googled or more like the shalarin you googled? Then also compare those 5e Theros Tritons to teh 5e triton picture you see in Volo's Guide to Monsters. They look nothing alike... but they do look like Shalarin.
cpthero2 Posted - 21 Sep 2020 : 23:00:12
Great Reader sleyvas,

I can most certainly guarantee you, 100%, that I did that very thing. Let me quote myself first, before I finish this:

I find the different forms of tritons from editions, as well as for sharlarin, to be quite possible connected in some case which could look similar. Links below:

I deeply wish to focus on the following aspect of that quote: "I find the different forms of tritons from editions..."

If you click on 1e triton it has webbed fingers, as does the 1e Shalarin. Yes, they do not both share hair, but that wasn't my sole point. In some cases, and in ...different forms of tritons from editions... they do have webbed fingers. Additionally, the 3e triton has a conk on its shoulder, and scaly skin. The 1e triton has a mermaid like lower half, and the 2e triton as well as 2e Shalarin have webbed feet and hands.

So, I did in fact take more than a few seconds as evidenced by comments above, as well as the time stamp of my reply being (20) days later.

Best regards,

[EDIT] I edited out some bold type, as I think it came across the wrong way.
sleyvas Posted - 21 Sep 2020 : 11:47:57
Originally posted by cpthero2

Great Reader sleyvas,

I find the different forms of tritons from editions, as well as for sharlarin, to be quite possible connected in some case which could look similar. Links below:

You really need to look at things for more than a few seconds before responding. One's essentially a human with a little webbing on their fingers, complete with hair on their scalp in every edition. The other has no hair, head and back fins, etc...

Best regards,

cpthero2 Posted - 21 Sep 2020 : 07:38:25
Great Reader sleyvas,

I find the different forms of tritons from editions, as well as for sharlarin, to be quite possible connected in some case which could look similar. Links below:

Best regards,

sleyvas Posted - 31 Aug 2020 : 12:41:10
Hmmm, one very real difference between the two that I didn't think about, the Tritons of Theros may look extremely similar to the shalarin, but the tritons are amphibious (i.e. can leave the water), whereas the shalarin are strictly water breathers (or at least I'm not seeing where they can breathe outside of water).
sleyvas Posted - 30 Aug 2020 : 18:27:17
Originally posted by Seethyr

I don’t know if it’s just because I’m a grognard with Spelljammer hardwired into my brain but I’m still of the mindset that every new setting is within its own crystal sphere.

Could work equally the same with this mind you, wherein this is just a portal between two crystal spheres (same as a portal from Toril to Eberron or Krynn or Greyhawk). I only mentioned the other idea because it could work as well. My main thing was they want to call this race "tritons", but they're plainly not like normal tritons. Similarly, they also want to call another race Satyrs, and Satyrs in 5e are still specifically "male" in the 5e monster manual. That part I'm not looking into though
Seethyr Posted - 30 Aug 2020 : 16:46:47
I don’t know if it’s just because I’m a grognard with Spelljammer hardwired into my brain but I’m still of the mindset that every new setting is within its own crystal sphere.
sleyvas Posted - 30 Aug 2020 : 16:00:48
Tis half the fun of things, conjecture.
George Krashos Posted - 30 Aug 2020 : 12:39:18
You really love melding everything together, spanning worlds and planes.

-- George Krashos

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