T O P I C R E V I E W |
The Cavalier |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 00:04:02 Hi all,
Working on a human paladin of Bahamut character, just curious about Bahamut's place within the pantheon of the Forgotten Realms, and how widespread the worship of him is. Also of interest is the location of any and all temples devoted to him, especially any on the Sword Coast. Finally I've already read through the Forgotten Realms wiki page and am looking for additional information. Even better would be providing sources for me to look into on my own.
And yes, a human worshiping a dragon god is weird, I know.
Thanks! |
10 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Storyteller Hero |
Posted - 11 May 2020 : 18:09:14 quote: Originally posted by Zeromaru X
quote: Originally posted by Storyteller Hero
An important reason for Bahamut to step down from the Triad is to focus more of his attention towards suspicious movements among the followers of his arch-nemesis Tiamat.
Given the way that gods have been demonstrated to planeshift themselves at will in the novels, I believe that there may be a strong chance that once Tiamat stepped foot into the Weave of Realmspace, she immediately took her main body to a safe place while leaving behind an avatar for the PCs to encounter in Rise of Tiamat, and subsequently Descent Into Avernus. Given how long she had been planning her escape, and how long she has lived, and how depowered her avatar is in the adventure module, I believe that it's fair to claim the probability that the Dragonfall War is soon to re-ignite.
IIRC, canonically Tiamat failed her attempt to enter the material plane. That's why you encounter her in Avernus in Descent (that happens a few years after Tyranny).
I'm saying that Tiamat in Avernus is quite possibly an avatar and not the main body, left behind to fool Asmodeus and everyone else so that Tiamat can prepare her forces for a major comeback.
The Cavalier |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 19:41:48 Personally I've always liked Bahamut as a deity, even in the age of 5e. Back when I first got into D&D at 4e, he was the only LG god that really seemed to appeal to me. And now with 5e and the basic pantheon being from the Forgotten Realms, there just aren't any gods really devoted to the idea of doing good in the world. Helm is focused on protection, Torm on duty/loyalty, and Tyr on justice. For the paladins that I play, I wanted a character devoted to a god that combined all three of those aspects, and Bahamut seemed to fit the bill, especially with his tempering of justice with wisdom. |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 18:12:56 I've always like Bahamut, myself, and given that Tiamat was paying more attention to the Realms back in 2E, including him makes sense. |
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 15:25:39 quote: Originally posted by Storyteller Hero
An important reason for Bahamut to step down from the Triad is to focus more of his attention towards suspicious movements among the followers of his arch-nemesis Tiamat.
Given the way that gods have been demonstrated to planeshift themselves at will in the novels, I believe that there may be a strong chance that once Tiamat stepped foot into the Weave of Realmspace, she immediately took her main body to a safe place while leaving behind an avatar for the PCs to encounter in Rise of Tiamat, and subsequently Descent Into Avernus. Given how long she had been planning her escape, and how long she has lived, and how depowered her avatar is in the adventure module, I believe that it's fair to claim the probability that the Dragonfall War is soon to re-ignite.
IIRC, canonically Tiamat failed her attempt to enter the material plane. That's why you encounter her in Avernus in Descent (that happens a few years after Tyranny).
Anyways, while you have a point about Bahamut stepping down from the Triad to chase Tiamat, they never used Bahamut in the adventures, while Tiamat has a starring role. And I remember one of the authors (don't gonna say who) told me Wizards asked them to downplay Bahamut role in the novels.
So, they are just downplaying Bahamut to pamper the fans of the old Realms who hate everything 4e (and Bahamut was one of the most popular deities back then). That's why they removed him from the Triad without explanation. |
Storyteller Hero |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 14:29:40 An important reason for Bahamut to step down from the Triad is to focus more of his attention towards suspicious movements among the followers of his arch-nemesis Tiamat.
Given the way that gods have been demonstrated to planeshift themselves at will in the novels, I believe that there may be a strong chance that once Tiamat stepped foot into the Weave of Realmspace, she immediately took her main body to a safe place while leaving behind an avatar for the PCs to encounter in Rise of Tiamat, and subsequently Descent Into Avernus. Given how long she had been planning her escape, and how long she has lived, and how depowered her avatar is in the adventure module, I believe that it's fair to claim the probability that the Dragonfall War is soon to re-ignite.
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 04:02:45 That is what happened in canon, as well. I do prefer him as part of the Triad that not-Norse Tyr, but well, what can I do? |
Diffan |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 02:47:57 Oh, I made Bahamut a part of the Triad with Torm and Ilmater when Tyr went on his vengeful crusade. Sort of took his place as the part of justice and duty while Torm took the greater role of the Triad's main deity. |
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 02:28:05 quote: Originally posted by The Cavalier
And yes, a human worshiping a dragon god is weird, I know.
Well, Bahamut is quite popular among humanoids, so it's not that weird.
As for your question, it depends on the year you're playing. If you play around the 1370s or before, then the worship of Bahamut is really rare, and is mostly popular around Vaasa and Damara. I recommend you to read Dragons of Faerűn to get more info about this.
If you play in 1479 or later, then Bahamut is way more popular among humans and demihumans, and his cult is more widespread, thanks to becoming an ally of Torm. You can check the 4e Forgotten Realms Player's Guide, and "Channel Divinity: Champions of Torm” (in Dragon 381) for more info about it.
In fact, IIRC, the sources in Bahamut's wiki article are quite complete. You should check them if you have access to those sources. |
The Cavalier |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 00:48:39 This is all excellent! Thanks! |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 10 May 2020 : 00:16:57 Well, there's this bit from Ed, on the Twitter:
quote: Feb 29, 2020
Hey @TheEdVerse was wondering if there was an order of knights or paladins dedicated to Celestia or Bahumut in Faerun; post spell plague? Any info would be welcome! #loremaster
Yes. An order of paladins dedicated to Bahamut, the True Hands Of Justice, was founded in Shamph in 1489 DR, by Grandmatriarch Darthanna Halarkantle of The House Of Justice, the new temple to Bahamut there.
It is small (little more than a dozen roving paladins, plus a handful of knights in training), but dedicated to bringing justice (both adherence to formal law, and the “law-abiding spirit” of respecting the spirit of laws and that law and order should hold sway everywhere, especially in frontier areas where there is no Watch, the Order stepping in to be the lawkeepers in lieu.
They enforce the Code of Bahamut (that all sentients have rights, that the deeds of one should not hamper the freedom of another, that force does not make “right,” that justice lies in trials and evidence and not on-the-spot execution if there’s any doubt about guilt, and so on) if they’re in wilderlands, or the laws of whatever government claims the area they’re operating in (except those laws, such as any encouraging slavery, that might offend against the Code). Some of the leading paladins of this Order include the human females Jaaluth Darfire (formerly of Selgaunt) and Mararrla Dragonshield (formerly of Luthcheq), and the human male Tarlund Raeraunt (formerly of Arrabar). #Realmslore
Also, Tom Costa did an excellent Faiths & Avatars-style write-up of Bahamut, here at the 'Keep. See this discussion. |