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 A complete list of Elven Mythals across AbeirToril

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 03:53:26
I thought I'd gather a list of Cannon Mythals across the planet.

After 20 years of playing FR, and 35 years of playing D&D I know of at least 7 elven Mythals across Faerun. Please list any Cannon Mythals in any far-away lands that you know of. I just found out about Narbeth. It was a realm of gold elves that occupied the northeast edge of the Shalhoond in southern Taan. The Great Wild Wood. circa the Year of the Tankard, 1370 DR. The most extreme eastern Gold elf realm in Faerun.

This realm was a kingdom long ruled by House Raryndur. As of 1370 DR, the ruler was the Great King Aumanas Raryndur. The throne of Narbeth was held by House Raryndur for millennia. As of 1372 DR, there were no other serious contenders for the throne since a conflict with House Oumryn which resulted in the apparent elimination of the Oumryndar nobility sometime in the distant past.

Because of the speed at which they can move through the forest in pursuit of prey, some sages claim the people of Narbeth can dimension door at will. The abundance of monsters in the Shalhoond, coupled with the Narbathan love of hunting, has led to rumors of deepspawn inhabiting the forest and the conjecture that the Narbathans put them there in order to have an endless supply of game.

Please help me make a list of Elven Mythals across the Planet.

Myth Drannor.
Myth Glaurach.
Myth Ondath.
Myth Dyraalis.
Myth Unnohyr.
Myth Rhynn.
Myth Lharast.
Myth Nantar.
Myth Iiscar.
Myth Adofhaer.
the Dracorage mythal.

24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Delnyn Posted - 02 Mar 2020 : 03:41:23
Originally posted by Copper Elven Vampire

Where exactly was Sharlarion located? I know the city was built around the first flowering of the elves and was named after Sharlario Moonflower; the Moon elf adventurer who came to Faerun from the Island of Faerie (Not the Plane), along with a swarm of Gold elves.

I always imagined Sharlarion somewhere in the current day High Forest, or near Aryvandaar.

Short answer: I do not know. High Forest is as reasonable a conjecture as I could give. My understanding is Sharlarion (and Occidian) fell before the Sundering (the one that created Evermeet), so locating it on today's Faerun may be an exercise in futility. Sorry I could not help you CEV.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 29 Feb 2020 : 04:35:30
Where exactly was Sharlarion located? I know the city was built around the first flowering of the elves and was named after Sharlario Moonflower; the Moon elf adventurer who came to Faerun from the Island of Faerie (Not the Plane), along with a swarm of Gold elves.

I always imagined Sharlarion somewhere in the current day High Forest, or near Aryvandaar.
George Krashos Posted - 27 Feb 2020 : 06:15:21
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by George Krashos

I think that's a good take. You can have mythal-effects, even several of them, which aren't the same as an all-encompassing, multi-faceted spell field which is a "true mythal" and worthy of the Myth X moniker.

That said, I've always thought that the Myth X moniker is a post-Crown Wars descriptor, as the elves sought to maintain past glories despite their race being in decline. Given this, I am of the view that there were "true mythals" created before and during the Crown Wars by realms such as Aryvandaar, Illefarn, Shantel Othreir etc that did not have the Myth X moniker. I've always thought that Silverymoon was built on one of these, likely Aryvandaaran (the now-High Forest likely encompassed the environs of Silverymoon in those long ago days), mythal sites and that Ecamane and co found a way to shape and control aspects of that mythal magic to create the wards of Silverymoon.

-- George Krashos

Just like you Mr. George to reduce the glories of Myth Drannor down to elven propaganda.

Myth Drannor was a cesspool. The Trio Nefarious did the right thing by Faerun. #teamyugoloth

-- George Krashos
Delnyn Posted - 27 Feb 2020 : 01:50:39
So anyone know if cities like Attornash, Occidian and Sharlarion has whar Mr. Boyd called full-blown mythals, even though they lacked the Myth X moniker? I remember Malkizid (rather testily) alluding to weaponizing mythals in inter-city warfare during the Crown Wars. Trying to remember the source in the Last Mythals trilogy.
ericlboyd Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 22:40:41
Originally posted by George Krashos

I think that's a good take. You can have mythal-effects, even several of them, which aren't the same as an all-encompassing, multi-faceted spell field which is a "true mythal" and worthy of the Myth X moniker.

That said, I've always thought that the Myth X moniker is a post-Crown Wars descriptor, as the elves sought to maintain past glories despite their race being in decline. Given this, I am of the view that there were "true mythals" created before and during the Crown Wars by realms such as Aryvandaar, Illefarn, Shantel Othreir etc that did not have the Myth X moniker. I've always thought that Silverymoon was built on one of these, likely Aryvandaaran (the now-High Forest likely encompassed the environs of Silverymoon in those long ago days), mythal sites and that Ecamane and co found a way to shape and control aspects of that mythal magic to create the wards of Silverymoon.

-- George Krashos

Just like you Mr. George to reduce the glories of Myth Drannor down to elven propaganda.
George Krashos Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 22:37:15
I think that's a good take. You can have mythal-effects, even several of them, which aren't the same as an all-encompassing, multi-faceted spell field which is a "true mythal" and worthy of the Myth X moniker.

That said, I've always thought that the Myth X moniker is a post-Crown Wars descriptor, as the elves sought to maintain past glories despite their race being in decline. Given this, I am of the view that there were "true mythals" created before and during the Crown Wars by realms such as Aryvandaar, Illefarn, Shantel Othreir etc that did not have the Myth X moniker. I've always thought that Silverymoon was built on one of these, likely Aryvandaaran (the now-High Forest likely encompassed the environs of Silverymoon in those long ago days), mythal sites and that Ecamane and co found a way to shape and control aspects of that mythal magic to create the wards of Silverymoon.

-- George Krashos
ericlboyd Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 16:32:53
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

So more of a proto-mythal than a full-on mythal?

I guess. For instance, I put a dracorage shield on three cities (Waterdeep, Teuveamanthaar, Mhilliminaar) but I don't think any of them are "cities with mythals".
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 15:53:53
So more of a proto-mythal than a full-on mythal?
ericlboyd Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 15:41:07
So, I would differentiate what we are talking about into two groups.

In 2e, we had the concept of "Myth XXX" where XXX was the name of the city, perhaps in shortened form. These were city's cloaked in an array of magical effects that collectively formed the mythal. (See Ruins of Myth Drannor and Cormanthyr for further discussion.)

In 3e, we had the concept of epic spell seeds. One of those seeds was called a mythal seed. The mythal seed is really good for creating a permanent area of effect epic magic effect.

So, I would view sites like Aelinthaldaar (i.e. Waterdeep) as a city with a permanent mythal seed effect, but not necessarily a full-blown mythal. (It wasn't called Myth Aelinth, for example.)

So, the reason for my "sighing" is that I think Silverymoon is like Waterdeep or Teuveamanthaar. It has a mythal seed effect in place, but its not a true "mythal."

Undoubtedly this is subjective (how many mythal seeds need be in place before it's called a mythal?), but I think it's more consistent with the lore.

lsls Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 14:00:33
The Last mythal
LordofBones Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 03:04:13
Halaster was nuts long before Mystra decided to attack the Lord Below on his home turf.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 02:01:18
Not to mention that Skullport is supported by a more recent Mythallar of the Netherese, which created the 12 Skulls of Skullport.

No wonder Halaster went mad!! A Goddess of magic entered his body and Plane-Shifted his mortal body into Avernus to rescue Elminster in hell. Even then, as powerful and gifted as Halaster was in the Art, he was not able to hold the Magick of Mystra for too long. Halaster died of Madness a century or two later, unleashing a handful of Halaster clones, not unlike the Manshoon Wars.

Whisper has it that Halaster The Mad, is lucid and coherent in the afterlife. Often seen in conversation with Khelben Arunsun's image next to a mirror in the Depths of Undermountain.

Others say it's just a figment of the many layers of the madness of Undermountain.

Few know the truth.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 26 Feb 2020 : 01:57:41
Originally posted by Delnyn

I believe the ancient Illefarn magic field that supports Waterdeep is also a mythal. The original city was Aelinthaldaar.

Very good point. Old realmslore there. Something Boyd would be exemplary with.
Delnyn Posted - 25 Feb 2020 : 18:39:44
I believe the ancient Illefarn magic field that supports Waterdeep is also a mythal. The original city was Aelinthaldaar.
BrennonGoldeye Posted - 25 Feb 2020 : 16:12:18
The Pasha's Sabban in Calimport deserves an honorable mention.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Feb 2020 : 03:14:58
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-Myth Drannor, Evereska, Myth Glaurach, Myth Ondath, Myth Dyraalis, Myth Unnohyr, Myth Rhynn, Myth Lharast, Myth Nantar, Myth Iiscar, Myth Adofhaer, the Dracorage mythal...

Silverymoon too, sigh.

Though I, too, complained about the apparent retcon with Silverymoon's mythal, I have to withdraw such complaints. From Ed, via the Twitter:

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

On Silverymoon's mythal:

Jan 29, 2020


In 2E sources, we learned about the wards of Silverymoon. Nowhere was it implied that Silverymoon had a mythal. Then, in Lost Empires of Faerūn, we find out Silverymoon's had a mythal for 500 years. So... Mythal or no? How would you reconcile this conflicting lore?


There's no conflict to reconcile. The general public knew that Silverymoon had wards, and some of what they did (the properties that daily affected them). The wards are either part of, or added to, an underlying mythal (depending on the ward) that's been hinted at in published Realmslore (Moonbridge and other elements) several times. It's simply a case of some folk thinking it wiser, in the hostile North, to keep SOME secrets. Elder TSR staffers who saw my turnovers have known about this mythal all along.

Although we all hunger to know everything, secrets have an allure; they maintain awe and wonder. There's a lot about the Realms that's still secret. TSR has been sitting on a file of "not yet revealed secrets of the Realms" they asked me to write, for YEARS.

Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 22:06:04
Originally posted by Lord Karsus


That's it. The ancient city of Faer'tel'miir. destroyed during The Crown Wars and risen again by Elven High Magic.

Can we consider that a Mythal for the list?
Lord Karsus Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 21:45:16
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 21:32:41
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-Myth Drannor, Evereska, Myth Glaurach, Myth Ondath, Myth Dyraalis, Myth Unnohyr, Myth Rhynn, Myth Lharast, Myth Nantar, Myth Iiscar, Myth Adofhaer, the Dracorage mythal...

Silverymoon too, sigh.

No sigh. Silverymoon having an augmented Mythal seems on point with that ancient region of moon, gold and copper elves.

What is the name of that lost elven realm in the High Moors that Khelben Arunsun brought back with the help of The Sharn, and other powerful elven and human spell casters? I know Khelben died, being consumed by the art of elven magic as he gave his life for the return of that ancient city.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 21:19:40
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Is there any known Mythal outside of Faerūn?

Besides those in Evermeet, I mean.

I would imagine a possible Mythal in Kara-Tur.
ericlboyd Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 19:13:02
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Is there any known Mythal outside of Faerūn?

Besides those in Evermeet, I mean.

My guess would be Thunderfoam. (See Demihuman Deities, page 106, and Pages from the Mages, page 30.) Maybe Mlossae as well. (Dragon #267, pages 82-83.)

However, those are just guesses.


Zeromaru X Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 18:46:29
Is there any known Mythal outside of Faerūn?

Besides those in Evermeet, I mean.
ericlboyd Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 18:27:07
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-Myth Drannor, Evereska, Myth Glaurach, Myth Ondath, Myth Dyraalis, Myth Unnohyr, Myth Rhynn, Myth Lharast, Myth Nantar, Myth Iiscar, Myth Adofhaer, the Dracorage mythal...

Silverymoon too, sigh.
Lord Karsus Posted - 23 Feb 2020 : 18:25:42
-Myth Drannor, Evereska, Myth Glaurach, Myth Ondath, Myth Dyraalis, Myth Unnohyr, Myth Rhynn, Myth Lharast, Myth Nantar, Myth Iiscar, Myth Adofhaer, the Dracorage mythal...

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