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 Adventures of the North

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ericlboyd Posted - 12 Feb 2020 : 22:10:22

I'm trying to come up with a list of adventures set in the North / the Savage Frontier. Any edition, as long as it is set in 1375 DR or earlier. Published modules. Dungeon adventures. Web enhancements. etc.

Here's a partial list to start:

The Dungeon of Death (2e)
“The Inheritance” (Dungeon #26) (2e)
“Ex Libris” (Dungeon #29) (2e)
“Welcome to the Krypthome” (Dungeon #52) (2e)
“Prison of the Fire-Bringer” (Dungeon #101) (3.5e)
“Forest of Blood” (Dungeon #103) (3.5e)
“The Twisted Run” (3.5e) (Dungeon #129)
"The Muster of Morach Tor” (Dungeon #144) (3.5e)
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ericlboyd Posted - 18 Feb 2020 : 01:44:22
Originally posted by AJA

Eric, if you're counting Waterdeep then there's also the mini-adventures from FR1 Waterdeep and the North (Chapter 9: Adventures in Waterdeep).

I'm actually dividing up the North into five regions:

1) Waterdeep (which I felt like I wrote in CIty of Splendors: Waterdeep)
2) Shining Vale
3) High Forest
4) Sword and Shield
5) Swordsea Coast and Trackless Sea.

But since I'm sort of working on the last four of them simultaneously, with Shining Vale basically done a while ago, any and all will do.
AJA Posted - 18 Feb 2020 : 00:40:51

Eric, if you're counting Waterdeep then there's also the mini-adventures from FR1 Waterdeep and the North (Chapter 9: Adventures in Waterdeep).

George Krashos Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 09:30:44

The Glass House (Dungeon #15)
A Wizard's Fate (Dungeon #37)

-- George Krashos
ericlboyd Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 07:40:30
The Pipes of Doom (Dungeon #28).
George Krashos Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 07:01:23
Accursed Tower.

-- George Krashos
Cards77 Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 04:03:53
"The Tombs of Deckon Thar" in REF5 Lords of Darkness
"Eye of Myrkul" in Dungeon #73

Also from Dungeon Magazine:
* The Ship of Night (#20)
* The Inheritance (#26), reprinted in the Road to Danger anthology
* Visitors from Above (#28) (an introduction to Spelljammer, but with starting point in Neverwinter Woods)
* Ex Libris (#29)
* Into the Silver Realm (#43)
* The Mere of Dead Men Series: Slave-Vats of the Yuan-Ti (#69); Ssscaly Thingsss (#70); Dreadful Vestiges (#71); Mistress on the Mere (#72), and Eye of Myrkul (#73, already mentioned by Faraer).
TheIriaeban Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 03:43:22
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by TheIriaeban

Here are a few 2e:
N3 Under Illefarn
FRQ2 Hordes of Dragonspear
MV1 Marco Volo Departure
MV2 Marco Volo Journey
You seem to be including Undermountain so:
Hellgate Keep
Maddgoth's Castle
The Lost Level

I'm thinking he's familiar with Under Illefarn.

Oh, I am sure he is.

I just included it since he didn't list it and in case there was someone else reading this thread who wasn't familiar with it. Oh, and it is N5 (not N3).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 03:19:17
Originally posted by TheIriaeban

Here are a few 2e:
N3 Under Illefarn
FRQ2 Hordes of Dragonspear
MV1 Marco Volo Departure
MV2 Marco Volo Journey
You seem to be including Undermountain so:
Hellgate Keep
Maddgoth's Castle
The Lost Level

I'm thinking he's familiar with Under Illefarn.
TheIriaeban Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 01:33:36
Here are a few 2e:
N3 Under Illefarn
FRQ2 Hordes of Dragonspear
MV1 Marco Volo Departure
MV2 Marco Volo Journey
You seem to be including Undermountain so:
Hellgate Keep
Maddgoth's Castle
The Lost Level
ericlboyd Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 00:48:17
Found another one I forgot about ...

“Extraction from Jaezred Fosterage” (Dragons of Faerûn Web Enhancement)
Zeromaru X Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 00:28:11
Do adventures in Waterdeep count? There is a 4e adventure in set in the Deep in that timeframe.
ericlboyd Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 00:13:51
Thank you! I have the LGR modules, but I'm going to leave them off the list for my purposes.


Originally posted by AJA

Lair: Grimlight's Ravine (Cold Vale) (Silver Marches web enhancement)

Lost Tomb of Amarak (Nether Mountains) (Races of Faerûn web enhancement)

Do the Legacy of the Green Regent RPGA modules count?

AJA Posted - 12 Feb 2020 : 23:50:42

Lair: Grimlight's Ravine (Cold Vale) (Silver Marches web enhancement)

Lost Tomb of Amarak (Nether Mountains) (Races of Faerûn web enhancement)

Do the Legacy of the Green Regent RPGA modules count?

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