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 Game centered on Gods and Chosen

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
keftiu Posted - 09 Feb 2020 : 22:07:51
This has been on my mind for a little while now: with the focus on the gods and their most powerful servants from the Time of Troubles onward, the setting has sometimes felt torn between these cosmic-scale plots and the reality of mundane adventuring supporting by the rules. Obviously D&D struggles to emulate things at this level of play - epic level and beyond in earlier editions, Epic tier in 4e - but I'm sure people have tried, and there's plenty of other systems that can scale up to such a level.

So I wanted to ask: have you ever played a game where the gods are front and center, and the PCs are notable and powerful in their designs? Possibly even a game where everyone is avatars or Chosen?

I'd love to discuss possible plot hooks and character concepts along the theme!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Arivia Posted - 09 Feb 2020 : 23:30:39
Originally posted by keftiu

Originally posted by Arivia

I've been tempted to run this concept for a game where the PCs are Avatars or Chosen during the Time of Troubles for awhile:

It uses Godbound, a very well-done hack of Basic/Expert D&D for playing avatar/demigod-level characters inspired by Exalted.

So I've gotta ask: who would you play, personally?

There's too many good choices to choose! This is part of why I DM, I can never narrow it down to just one character. Probably one of the goddesses, like Selune, Sune, or Shar.
keftiu Posted - 09 Feb 2020 : 22:55:21
Originally posted by Arivia

I've been tempted to run this concept for a game where the PCs are Avatars or Chosen during the Time of Troubles for awhile:

It uses Godbound, a very well-done hack of Basic/Expert D&D for playing avatar/demigod-level characters inspired by Exalted.

So I've gotta ask: who would you play, personally?
Arivia Posted - 09 Feb 2020 : 22:39:06
I've been tempted to run this concept for a game where the PCs are Avatars or Chosen during the Time of Troubles for awhile:

It uses Godbound, a very well-done hack of Basic/Expert D&D for playing avatar/demigod-level characters inspired by Exalted.

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