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 There was a group of mages....

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Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 14:51:45
I seem to recall a few stray mentions, here and there, of a group of mages formerly active in the North. They were a powerful group, and were dedicated to trying to keep the North safe enough for civilization to flourish.

I'll be dipped, though, if I can recall what this group was called, or who any of the members were, and my search fu has not been up to the task.

Anyone recall the name of this group?
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AJA Posted - 09 Feb 2020 : 00:58:16
Originally posted by ericlboyd
They didn't really give up so much as need to run away to lure others in.

It is pretty directly stated in Lost Empires of Faerūn;

1101 Year of the Maelstrom
Presper and Grimwald, the surviving members of the Four Founders of the Covenant, leave Faerūn through a series of portals, drawing as many Red Wizards as possible after them into a series of magic traps and ambushes. The remaining Covenant members go underground, and the arrogant Red Wizards believe they have shattered the cabal of mages.

Not that "well, what have they been doing since?" isn't still a valid question.
Originally posted by sleyvas
Love you man. Love you

Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Feb 2020 : 00:35:08
Originally posted by Thauramarth

As it happens, I have this interesting text, attributed to George Krashos, WotC Board, September 2005, entitled "the Covenant." Would that be what Dr. Boyd is alluding to, and the Giantest of Giant Hamsters is looking for?

It turns out I have that text -- I just couldn't recall the name of the group, which rather hampered trying to search for it.
Thauramarth Posted - 08 Feb 2020 : 18:52:52
As it happens, I have this interesting text, attributed to George Krashos, WotC Board, September 2005, entitled "the Covenant." Would that be what Dr. Boyd is alluding to, and the Giantest of Giant Hamsters is looking for?
TheIriaeban Posted - 08 Feb 2020 : 18:52:23
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by ericlboyd

They didn't really give up so much as need to run away to lure others in.

It's very, very compilicated. :-)

There we go, that's what I was looking for -- something other than just throwing in the towel.

With those guys involved, I wouldn't want to be anywhere in the area. It could be a Towel of Terrible Retribution.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Feb 2020 : 15:35:34
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
But wizards with centuries-long lifespans and a history of manipulating people and events are exactly the ones you'd expect to be the super clever guys with backup plans.

Well, yes. But sometimes, you just are defeated and overcome, and just give in. Is realistic and relatable. It makes me more interested in their eventual return.

They didn't really give up so much as need to run away to lure others in.

It's very, very compilicated. :-)

There we go, that's what I was looking for -- something other than just throwing in the towel.
ericlboyd Posted - 08 Feb 2020 : 04:21:00
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
But wizards with centuries-long lifespans and a history of manipulating people and events are exactly the ones you'd expect to be the super clever guys with backup plans.

Well, yes. But sometimes, you just are defeated and overcome, and just give in. Is realistic and relatable. It makes me more interested in their eventual return.

They didn't really give up so much as need to run away to lure others in.

It's very, very compilicated. :-)
Zeromaru X Posted - 08 Feb 2020 : 00:01:03
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
But wizards with centuries-long lifespans and a history of manipulating people and events are exactly the ones you'd expect to be the super clever guys with backup plans.

Well, yes. But sometimes, you just are defeated and overcome, and just give in. Is realistic and relatable. It makes me more interested in their eventual return.
LordofBones Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 23:56:53
I'd always wondered who Grimwald and Aganazzar were.

I guess now I know, so it's time to dig up dirt on Zajimarn and Abi-Dalzim.
sleyvas Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 23:25:58
Originally posted by AJA

There once was a group of mages
First referenced in Pages
Ruelve, wasn't with it
Slew Ilyykur, he did it
Presper and Grimwald said, nah just forget it

Love you man. Love you
AJA Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 03:23:38
Originally posted by George Krashos
Difficult to shoehorn Agannazar in there!

The Thayans took a left turn at Tchazzar
And in Neverwinter, killed Ag'nazzar

(Faerūnian fun-fact: in the Common tongue the only thing that rhymes with 'Aganazzar' is 'orange' )

George Krashos Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 03:12:59
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Well, I guess not all factions need to be "super clever guys with always ace-in-the-hole ready plans". I for one, welcome this development.

But wizards with centuries-long lifespans and a history of manipulating people and events are exactly the ones you'd expect to be the super clever guys with backup plans.

Depends if they are faced with a nasty, full-on foe that means all those plans come to nothing. When that occurs, you just head for the hills and stay away. At least for a long while ...

-- George Krashos
George Krashos Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 03:10:51
Originally posted by AJA

There once was a group of mages
First referenced in Pages
Ruelve, wasn't with it
Slew Ilyykur, he did it
Presper and Grimwald said, nah just forget it

Difficult to shoehorn Agannazar in there!

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 02:12:28
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Well, I guess not all factions need to be "super clever guys with always ace-in-the-hole ready plans". I for one, welcome this development.

But wizards with centuries-long lifespans and a history of manipulating people and events are exactly the ones you'd expect to be the super clever guys with backup plans.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 02:10:53
Originally posted by sleyvas

Wooly, no fair.... I thought you were going to make a limerick like "there once was a girl from Nantucket" but with "there once was a group of mages"….. I'm now crestfallen... woe is me...

There once was a group of mages,
With spells to conquer the ages,
They fell, one by one,
and now there are none...
A lesson, from old bearded sages!
AJA Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 02:10:27

There once was a group of mages
First referenced in Pages
Ruelve, wasn't with it
Slew Ilyykur, he did it
Presper and Grimwald said, nah just forget it

Dalor Darden Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 01:16:39
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by ericlboyd

The Covenant effectively disbanded and has slowly started to come back together. See the write-up of Savengriff in CIty of Splendors: Waterdeep and Champions of Valor.

No clever subterfuge or long-term plans? It was a for-real "we're done with this"?

The originals “went into the planes” to other things. They were more like an adventuring band that broke up.
sleyvas Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 00:52:17
Wooly, no fair.... I thought you were going to make a limerick like "there once was a girl from Nantucket" but with "there once was a group of mages"….. I'm now crestfallen... woe is me...
Zeromaru X Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 23:54:31
Well, I guess not all factions need to be "super clever guys with always ace-in-the-hole ready plans". I for one, welcome this development.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 20:50:34
Originally posted by ericlboyd

The Covenant effectively disbanded and has slowly started to come back together. See the write-up of Savengriff in CIty of Splendors: Waterdeep and Champions of Valor.

No clever subterfuge or long-term plans? It was a for-real "we're done with this"?
Balmar Foghaven Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 19:38:32
Thank you! I've been looking for information regarding the Covenant for a while. I thought it odd that a group of relatively powerful mages would go underground.
ericlboyd Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 19:20:47
The Covenant effectively disbanded and has slowly started to come back together. See the write-up of Savengriff in CIty of Splendors: Waterdeep and Champions of Valor.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 18:32:26
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

The are mentioned in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting as well. Seems they were disbanded after the Orc Gates affair.

It doesn't really say that the group disbanded -- just that the leaders left Faerūn. Personally, I'd assume that they were either trying to lay low until the Red Wizards forgot about them, or they went underground to work on some major undertaking.

And just because we don't know what that undertaking was doesn't mean it's not already in motion, too. We may have already seen signs of it, but simply don't have enough information to link it to the Covenant. And I'd expect that whatever they're doing, it's a very long-term thing.

Additionally, even if the leaders left the Realms entirely, it doesn't mean they didn't give certain tasks to remaining members, or that they're not continuing to influence things from afar.
Zeromaru X Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 16:03:55
The are mentioned in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting as well. Seems they were disbanded after the Orc Gates affair.
ericlboyd Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 15:05:57
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I seem to recall a few stray mentions, here and there, of a group of mages formerly active in the North. They were a powerful group, and were dedicated to trying to keep the North safe enough for civilization to flourish.

I'll be dipped, though, if I can recall what this group was called, or who any of the members were, and my search fu has not been up to the task.

Anyone recall the name of this group?

The Covenant. First references in Pages from the Mages. Then more from the mind of George Krashos, that appeared in places like Lost Empires and Champions of Valor.

There's a lot more coming as soon as we finish Crown of Eaerlann.

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