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 Northern Lights

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Seethyr Posted - 05 Feb 2020 : 21:55:35
Is there any record of a northern lights/aurora in the Realms? If so, would it appear in a place like Sossal or the Great Glacier? Has Ed ever spoken of this?

Also, either canonically or through your own musings, would there be any sort of magic attached to such an event? In the Realms, it would make sense for something so naturally magical to have some actual magic attached to it. Perhaps there are creatures that only exist within the aurora.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AJA Posted - 11 Feb 2020 : 04:12:06

The word 'elemental' in this case doesn't have to do with the DnD creature, but rather the dictionary definitions of "fundamental; basic; primal; motivated by or symbolic of primitive and powerful natural forces or passions." Or you could substitute in 'primordial' (perhaps even with a capital 'P' as in the 4E concept of the Dawn Titans), if you're so inclined. And yes, it could be a Celestial Staircase of sorts, among other things.

It could also just be a bunch of myth and folklore and bard's tales, told around the trail-fire.

TBeholder Posted - 10 Feb 2020 : 23:58:31
I'm almost sure there was something outside Planescape.
In Realms, IIRC, there was weirdness around Nchaser's tower?

The list of the gods only shows aurora borealis as Valkur's manifestation.

Originally posted by AJA

Originally posted by Seethyr
through your own musings,

The Opalescent Bridge (to the Gods)
That elemental highway
[...] all of the weals and woes of the world.

This sounds like cloning the stairs.
Also, why would anything elemental would have anything to do with gods (other than specific influences)?
AJA Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 01:58:34
Originally posted by Seethyr
through your own musings,

The Opalescent Bridge (to the Gods)
That elemental highway forbidden to Man, manifold and grotesque, from which flows all of the weals and woes of the world. It is only seen from Faerūn when three of the five Great Tears of Selūne sing forth with that ethereal shining-white that Selūnites and the wild-men of the North call "ieiridlaur" (eerie-ED-lore, believed to derive from Auld Draconic). The Ice Hunters, native to the uttermost reaches, have long known the Bridge as "The High Pillars of Smoke," as it appears as ribbons of color akin to the Northern Lights of Earth.

sleyvas Posted - 07 Feb 2020 : 00:48:03
It might be fun to link them to the appearance of a "celestial staircase" that extends all the way to Selune, but only for a short time, such that someone would have to be exceptionally fast to make it there. At other times the celestial staircase may open a portal in the sky to the home of the metahel gods.
Seethyr Posted - 06 Feb 2020 : 00:31:19
Interesting. Homebrew-wise there’s a lot that could be done. I wish more had been done on the polar regions of the Realms in the past. The Great Glacier was a good start, but I haven’t seen much since then.

I’m with you on the prismatic magic enhancement. Perhaps beneath them, and only on nights when they are brightest, prismatic spray and wall gain advantage on damage rolls. Resisting Color Spray is at disadvantage.
ElfBane Posted - 05 Feb 2020 : 23:08:16
Perhaps even Auril, if the rules allow Her to exist.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Feb 2020 : 23:02:35
I don't see any references to an aurora in my files (aside from the mage with the catalog, of course).

Me, I'd allow such phenomenon to enhance light and prismatic magics. There may be some requirement to attune to this, though, to get that benefit.

I've gotten the impression from Edlore in the past that he really likes the Spelljammer critter called a wizshade... I can readily see connecting them to auroras.

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