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 Moon Shae changes across editions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MTA Posted - 27 Jan 2020 : 00:47:04
First post here, and apologies if this has been covered before, but couldn't find it with a search. Is there a summary of the core setting changes of the Moon Shae region from the original FR2 to the newest 5e material? I am just starting out reading FR2, but was curios if there was a primer on the evolution of the area from a core perspective. TIA.


7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
shades of eternity Posted - 29 Jan 2020 : 18:04:21
I think the misdirected mark guys are trying to develop an adventure path for 5e.

I think they are called: The Five Temples of the Earthmother
TomCosta Posted - 29 Jan 2020 : 02:09:14
So 1E and 2E had FR1 and Douglas Niles' two trilogies. 3E didn't do much with the Moonshaes outside of the FRCS. 4E had the two Dragon articles noted above and basically made the Earthmother a primal spirit (a spirit of the world itself that is nearly so or actually god-like in power rather than a god of the outer planes). 5E has some info in SCAG and a DM's Guild product and series of adventures endorsed by Douglas Niles and Adventurer's League legal put out by Baldman Games (solid stuff) -- so I'd consider it canon myself.
Gary Dallison Posted - 27 Jan 2020 : 11:20:51
I did some moonshaes stuff on my wordpress website, but it's all pre spellplague and starts from the very beginning of the moonshaes in 1346, even before the novels.
MTA Posted - 27 Jan 2020 : 04:04:29
Thanks for the information everyone. Super helpful. I will check these resources out.


Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Jan 2020 : 03:26:52
I don't think there's a summary of changes for any corner of the Realms -- the current WotC designers don't seem to care if something changes at all, much less explain or track such things.

That aside, there is a wonderful -- if non-canon -- resource I'd recommend: Moonshae Isles Regional Guide

Return to Where the Forgotten Realms Began!

Discover the mythic Moonshae Isles, the first published region of the Forgotten Realms. Now you can walk in the footsteps of Tristan and Robyn, sail the straits in dragon-head longships, look deep into the moonwells of the Earthmother, and feel the fury of Kazgoroth the Beast!

The Moonshaes Regional Guide is intended for use with Moonshae adventures published by Baldman Games for the Adventurers League. However, this guide can be used for Forgotten Realms games separate from the Adventures League or even for Celtic-inspired fantasy games outside the Realms!

This product includes:

  • Foreword by Douglas Niles, creator of the Moonshaes

  • An overview of the history, cultures, powers, and deities of the Moonshaes

  • A tour of the many islands of the Moonshaes

  • New player options including names, trinkets, and seven new backgrounds

  • New player organizations for your characters to join

  • Map of the Moonshaes by expert cartographer Mike Schley

  • Themed adventure logsheet for BMG’s Moonshae adventures

Arivia Posted - 27 Jan 2020 : 02:43:27
Originally posted by keftiu

There were two 4e magazine articles on the place. No 5e lore that I’m aware of.

Dragon 362 and 405 are the 4e articles in question.

I think the Moonshaes were one of the best areas in the 4e Realms. The 4e work with the Feywild, eladrin, primordials and so on really rejuvenated the area, and made it really fit well with the rest of the North in ways previous development hadn't.
keftiu Posted - 27 Jan 2020 : 01:48:47
There were two 4e magazine articles on the place. No 5e lore that I’m aware of.

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