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 NWN and a Wyrm of the North: A Tangent

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Delwa Posted - 28 Jul 2019 : 14:45:19
I was doing a bit of browsing recently, and I noticed a... similar description in logos/banners. Figured I'd share, just in case it inspired anyone.

I was reading this article on Realmshelps, and came across the description of The Scaly Eye banner, as follows (bold emphasis mine):
The Scaly Eye banner, often seen on ships docked up and down the Sword Coast, is a long blue pennant displaying a single staring eye weeping a spreading fan of tears, above which arches an eyebrow. Both the tears and the brow, if examined closely, can be seen to be made of shaped representations of dragon scales. The artwork, reputed to be that of Lhammaruntosz herself, is impressive, not crude or amusing.

That description immediately brought to mind the Neverwinter Nights logo. I don't recall anything from the game that gave a definite reason for why the NWN logo is what it is, other than a vague reference to the reptilian creator race in the game. So I started musing what fun it could be to do a Campaign that explores that possible connection.

The Royal Badge of Neverwinter isn't anywhere close to the logo the game used. It's described in Waterdeep and the North as follows:
A white swirl connecting three white snowflakes. Silver and blue haloes encircle the flakes.

Anyway, what got those juices stirring is, a friend of mine recently asked me to pick up a campaign he's been running and and give his players a taste of my DMing style. I'm assuming that's not carte blanche for "kill my guys, I'm tired of dealing with them," and after polling the players, they indicated they might be up for a bit of intrigue down in Tethyr. They're currently in Baldur's Gate, and just hit level 9.

I looked up the Dragons of the North article to see who was canonically in the region that I could use to maybe throw in a bit of a scare and "shepherd" them South. This Lhammaruntosz has me thinking maybe have the Scaly Eye as an ally to the party, as the old Brass does operate a trading company that might supply them.

I found the musings inspiring, and figured I'd put it here for any of you to use.

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