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 Speculation about the High Observer of Elturgard

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Windrider Posted - 18 Jul 2019 : 00:40:27
[Potential future spoilers for Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus]

Based on artwork previewed in the latest issue of Dragon+ and Gale Force Nine's preorder for BG:DiA miniatures, it seems like Thavius Kreeg (formerly spelled "Thavus" in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide), high priest of Torm and ruler of Elturgard, either is or eventually becomes an amnizu devil.

The artist who created the image mentions that "Thavius Kreeg sold his soul for power." While becoming a CR 18 fiend is certainly power in and of itself, I wonder if this bargain goes back further. The disappearance of his rival Tamal Thent (for whom he later named the fort at Boareskyr Bridge) and the mystery of Fort Morninglord (which he had bricked up and closed off) both become more intriguing in this light.

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