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 A Thanos knock-off for D&D

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Jun 2019 : 04:26:16
Unless you're Amish* or you've been living under a rock, you're aware that Marvel has made a bunch of movies that lead up to the recent Infinity Way and Endgame.

For those who are somehow unaware of this, short version: There's a bad guy who is after artifacts that will let him literally reshape all of reality.

That spoiler-free intro aside, I saw these, recently:

These guys decided to go full geek and make dice corresponding to the Infinity Stones, then statted them out as D&D versions of the stones, and then had someone write up a corresponding nastybad.

So I figured I'd share. Seems pretty nifty, to me.

A couple things I'll throw out there, though: Artisan Dice makes some freaking beautiful -- and damned pricy! -- dice. I've never dealt with them, myself (see again: damned pricy!)... But I have seen some complaints online about their speed at turning around orders and comments about their failure to respond to inquiries. I don't know if this was a temp issue, or just some overly vocal folks, or something that is a real problem with the company. I'm just making known what I've heard, before anyone decides to order from the site.

*If you're Amish, welcome! But I am really curious about what you're doing, visiting our halls...
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Jun 2019 : 00:58:09
Originally posted by jamesewelch

That's a pretty cool idea (dice and the char sheet there).

I think $121 is too much for a dice set (I feel like I could buy the same color/die type of those for a few dollars).

Artisan Dice specializes in using some expensive and exotic materials for making dice. That $121 is cheap compared to a lot of their stuff!

Me, I'd have to have a LOT of money to just throw away to spend that much on a single set of dice. I'm not in the habit of buying dice I can't roll, and I'd be afraid to let dice that pricy even touch the table!
jamesewelch Posted - 23 Jun 2019 : 13:43:38
That's a pretty cool idea (dice and the char sheet there).

I think $121 is too much for a dice set (I feel like I could buy the same color/die type of those for a few dollars).

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