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 The Core

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Seethyr Posted - 18 Jun 2019 : 00:56:33
I was watching the movie “The Core” and at the same time someone on one of the Facebook groups I’m on spoke of traveling to the core of his game world.

It got me thinking about Toril’s core and how little I know about it. So here are my questions and comments.

1. Is Toril’s core similar to Earth’s and does it follow scientific rules to some extent. I can’t imagine we need a rotating core to maintain a magnetic field because we don’t need to protect ourself from solar radiation like in the real world.

2. How deep does the Underdark go that is inhabited by non-elemental races. Does it become molten just below where they live or are there still miles of bedrock below even the lowest settlements?

3. What would a journey to the core (or at least deeper than any have gone before) entail for a character and the magical protections required? Heat, obviously - but pressure? That seems to be ignored sometimes in deep water, so is it likewise ignored for underearth? Also breathing is another obvious factor. I know the Underdark has connections to the Shadow Plane down deep but that doesn’t make sense completely - particularly in the way the shadow plane is described nowadays.

4. Anything we know to be canonically down there? To be honest in all the years I’ve played D&D, other than Mystara’s Hollow Earth, all I’ve ever heard about was a creature that I believe was in the old 3e Epic Handbook (phaethon or something like that).

I’m kind of thinking I’d like to have a reason to take my players down there. Maybe the Core movie’s plot can be adapted somehow.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TBeholder Posted - 18 Jun 2019 : 02:35:35
Originally posted by Seethyr

I was watching the movie “The Core”

That one?
1. Is Toril’s core similar to Earth’s

Probably, since it got mantle with magma and all that. But AFAIK nobody tried to go down there and take a look.
I can’t imagine we need a rotating core to maintain a magnetic field because we don’t need to protect ourself from solar radiation like in the real world.

Well, Realmspace got one liveworld (as such, it's unlikely to have enough of ferromagnetic material, but TBH it's also 6 times farther from the primary than Toril), multiple moons (inconclusive in this regard) and many small asteroids (which includes Tears of Selune orbiting Toril) that are generally habitable, so...
Seethyr Posted - 18 Jun 2019 : 02:12:26
Yes, that’s very helpful! I assume then, that density-wise, there are a ton of similarities. We don’t know all that much about our own core, but at least some general assumptions could be made then.
Zeromaru X Posted - 18 Jun 2019 : 01:17:18
Well, Ed said this on regard of a comparision between Earth's and Toril's gravity.

"Toril is SLIGHTLY larger than Earth, so the gravity is SLIGHTLY heavier, but the difference is so tiny that the PHB 50 coins to the pound works just fine. (The potentially greater difference is offset by Toril having less mass/different core composition.)"

Hope it helps with your questions

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