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 Tell me of Under Illefarn (Old and Anew)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ozreth Posted - 12 Jun 2019 : 17:01:40
Was recently pointed towards the new version of this by Eric L. Boyd in another thread. This is a module that's always been on my radar to run but that I haven't read through. I've downloaded the new one and skimmed through and plan to read it thoroughly soon enough and possibly run it for my group.

What can I expect? Most of the players in my current group are newer players (last 5-10 years) and really enjoy more modern adventure path type adventures. They enjoy thick storylines and plots, tons of memorable NPCs that matter and engage etc. They also like adventures to be at least 6 months long.

Think this will be suitable for them? For what it's worth, they did enjoy the Queen of Spiders series when I ran that for them.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AJA Posted - 14 Jun 2019 : 01:06:13
Originally posted by Ozreth
really enjoy more modern adventure path type adventures. They enjoy thick storylines and plots, tons of memorable NPCs that matter and engage etc. They also like adventures to be at least 6 months long.

I can't speak for the last part (haven't run through it at the table and don't know how fast your players progress), but everything else is there in spades. Eric and his cohorts did an excellent job making Under Illefarn Anew both adventure and regional source-book, and it's in the source-book side that you can find numerous ideas and side-plots to what Eric noted is truly "a series of small adventures leading into a big adventure."

To me, it's the best Realms product since Elminster's Guide to the Forgotten Realms (that is due in part to my bias for "older-edition" material, but moreso to the amount of awesome stuff they crammed in there!)

Cards77 Posted - 14 Jun 2019 : 00:57:31
Originally posted by Ozreth

They enjoy thick storylines and plots, tons of memorable NPCs that matter and engage etc. They also like adventures to be at least 6 months long.

Think this will be suitable for them?

From what I have read of it, UIA will be perfect. There is TONS of depth and detail. Lots of little nooks and crannies. Playing this in Daggerford will really connect the players to the town and NPCs in a meaningful way (if done correctly).

Everything that Eric does is super detailed and lots of depth.
ericlboyd Posted - 13 Jun 2019 : 12:34:13
The original and revised are a series of small adventures leading into a big adventure.

There are a lot of hidden enemies and a campaign setting that supports the DM evolving the campaign for wherever the PCs want to go.


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