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 Mithral Hall Side Slinger?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wenin Posted - 29 May 2019 : 14:51:26
An image search reveals farm implements. Anyone seen an artist rendition of this military weapon?
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wenin Posted - 30 May 2019 : 15:44:46
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ayrik

A Gnomish potato finger?
Gnomes have probably invented a variety of convoluted table-sized machines for potato flinging.

Not like halfling food fights which only involve slings and slingshots.

I'm told it's considered bad form to use siege weapons during a food fight.

But would be completely in character of a dwarf to do.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 May 2019 : 10:04:39
Originally posted by Ayrik

A Gnomish potato finger?
Gnomes have probably invented a variety of convoluted table-sized machines for potato flinging.

Not like halfling food fights which only involve slings and slingshots.

I'm told it's considered bad form to use siege weapons during a food fight.
Ayrik Posted - 30 May 2019 : 05:40:25
A Gnomish potato finger?
Gnomes have probably invented a variety of convoluted table-sized machines for potato flinging.

Not like halfling food fights which only involve slings and slingshots.
The Red Walker Posted - 30 May 2019 : 04:32:34
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ayrik

What kind of weapon is a "Mithral Hall Side Slinger"?

It's used in dwarven restaurants, to put other foods next to the main course. "One baked potato, coming right up!" Thwang! (a baked potato soars across the room, a thin stream of sour cream trailing in its wake)

A Gnomish potato finger?
The Red Walker Posted - 30 May 2019 : 04:27:18
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ayrik

What kind of weapon is a "Mithral Hall Side Slinger"?

It's used in dwarven restaurants, to put other foods next to the main course. "One baked potato, coming right up!" Thwang! (a baked potato soars across the room, a thin stream of sour cream trailing in its wake)

A Gnomish potato finger?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 May 2019 : 03:08:24
Originally posted by Ayrik

What kind of weapon is a "Mithral Hall Side Slinger"?

It's used in dwarven restaurants, to put other foods next to the main course. "One baked potato, coming right up!" Thwang! (a baked potato soars across the room, a thin stream of sour cream trailing in its wake)

Lord Karsus Posted - 30 May 2019 : 02:43:24
-That's what it sounds like. Think a pitcher that throws sidearm or very low three-quarters, not over the top.
George Krashos Posted - 29 May 2019 : 22:17:57
I always thought it was a catapult that shot horizontally rather than vertically.

-- George Krashos
Wenin Posted - 29 May 2019 : 19:57:45
I've recently finished the companion Codex series by Salvatore. It's mentioned multiple times through the books, and I recall it being referenced long ago when I was reading novels in the 90s. They are a known instrument used in Mithral Hall. Im sure Salvatore has given a description in the past, i vaguely recall reading a description, but Im looking for an artist's representation.

Here is an excerpt from siege of darkness

Mounted against that left-hand wall, just bend the dude tunnel, was a curious contraption, a deadly dwarven side-slinger catapult, with a short, string arm that whipped around to the side, not over the

The quote I found online is cut short there.
Ayrik Posted - 29 May 2019 : 18:25:44
"Ballista" could technically refer to anything from a wagon-sized siege engine to a one-handed crossbow which fits on your belt.

But there were all sorts of variations and refinements. Especially on those which had to be portable (taken to the battlefield instead of built into the defenses). I'm guessing (from the name) that a "side-slinger" uses side-mounted elastic slings instead of the common crossbow arches ... maybe something like this?

(You could always ask RAS what sort of weapon he was thinking of or what sort of weapon inspired him when he wrote the text, lol.)
Eilserus Posted - 29 May 2019 : 18:09:04
I thought it was a catapult, looks like it was a ballistae, mounted on a wall that swings to the side inside of up in an arc. Pwent used one in Siege of Darkness to shoot himself around a corner to get to Uthegental Del'Armgo. Gauntlgrym, when it was being retaken had some of them installed on the walls in or near the throne room when they were fortifying.
Kentinal Posted - 29 May 2019 : 16:54:00
"Side-slinger ballistae" is written in the prologue of Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf by R. A. Salvatore. There is no description of it in the prologue.
Ayrik Posted - 29 May 2019 : 15:54:43
What kind of weapon is a "Mithral Hall Side Slinger"? From what published source(s)?
Is it a prominent thing or just a passingly-mentioned obscurity? Is it known by other names? Is it canon or fanon?

Many military weapons were derived from common tools and farm implements. Although "Mithral Hall" suggests dwarves and underground stuff, I'd expect their weapons to be derived more from mining and forging than from farming.

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