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 Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon come to life

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Caolin Posted - 27 May 2019 : 18:21:41
Not sure if anyone has seen this yet. It's a Brazilian car commercial and it's pretty damn epic.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ayrik Posted - 30 May 2019 : 07:32:26
Of course any real party of PCs would argue, bicker, debate, vote, bicker again, and finally just start rolling dice to determine which one of them gets to be the driver.
LordofBones Posted - 30 May 2019 : 06:52:33
When you really get down to it, the entire cartoon could have ended quickly enough if Venger allowed the children to leave for Earth in exchange for their weapons in their first encounter.
Lord Karsus Posted - 30 May 2019 : 02:45:07
-Definitely one of the more elaborate car commercials I've ever seen.
sleyvas Posted - 29 May 2019 : 22:17:53
that was awesome. Sucks that I couldn't tell what they were saying other than Bobby yelling for "Uni!" But awesome
Barastir Posted - 28 May 2019 : 11:34:56
Requiem also had a comics adaptation.
Rymac Posted - 28 May 2019 : 05:26:08
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I seem to recall that this happened once in the cartoon, too, though without the car. The kids made it home, but Venger followed them. Their weapons were useless in our world, but Venger still had his magic -- so they went back to the Realm because it was the only way they could stop him.

I do recall that episode. I believe it's the one with the magic chest that worked like a gate to other planes. The Box?

Originally posted by Seethyr

There’s actually a “canon” series ending included in the box set. The final episode was scripted and voiced, just never animated, and it was fantastic. I won’t spoil it, but it’s definitely a conclusion.

Most chill inducing scene of this commercial? I’d have to say the shield scene. The archer’s wig is cringeworthy lol,

That's the script for Requiem. It ends with the kids having the choice to go home, or stay and fight for good in the Realm.

The bad part of the commercial is That Wig. Otherwise, that commercial is a nugget of gold because it's wrapped all sorts of nostalgia. Which is a good way to generate buzz.
Seethyr Posted - 28 May 2019 : 05:08:50
There’s actually a “canon” series ending included in the box set. The final episode was scripted and voiced, just never animated, and it was fantastic. I won’t spoil it, but it’s definitely a conclusion.

Most chill inducing scene of this commercial? I’d have to say the shield scene. The archer’s wig is cringeworthy lol,
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 May 2019 : 04:53:05
Originally posted by Rymac

I always thought if you wanted to make a mainstream pop-culture Dungeons & Dragons "event" movie, the quickest way to success is a live-screen adaption of the 80s cartoon.

The Renault commercial is cool in that it "concludes" the cartoon story, the kids arriving back in the amusement park, albeit with Uni and Venger in "our" world.

I seem to recall that this happened once in the cartoon, too, though without the car. The kids made it home, but Venger followed them. Their weapons were useless in our world, but Venger still had his magic -- so they went back to the Realm because it was the only way they could stop him.
Rymac Posted - 28 May 2019 : 04:49:32
I always thought if you wanted to make a mainstream pop-culture Dungeons & Dragons "event" movie, the quickest way to success is a live-screen adaption of the 80s cartoon.

The Renault commercial is cool in that it "concludes" the cartoon story, the kids arriving back in the amusement park, albeit with Uni and Venger in "our" world.
Caolin Posted - 28 May 2019 : 00:31:25
Originally posted by Ayrik

Renault can apparently put more epic D&D on screen than the big studios, lol.

Hah! I know right?!

Did anyone else get chills when the kids made it home?
Ayrik Posted - 27 May 2019 : 21:18:53
Renault can apparently put more epic D&D on screen than the big studios, lol.
Varl Posted - 27 May 2019 : 20:35:27

I first thought this was a trailer for a new D&D movie, and then the car appeared...

They sure nailed Tiamat beautifully.
Baltas Posted - 27 May 2019 : 19:47:11
Not gonna lie, this is one of most awesome things I saw in a while!

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