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 The Xanathar's Lair

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Celephais Posted - 03 Jan 2019 : 21:22:44
Has any person or group ever challenged the Xanathar in a turf war type scenario particularly for the Waterdeep sewers part of his holdings?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Celephais Posted - 04 Jan 2019 : 00:01:46
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

It has happened before, thought more often than not by other beholders that want to claim the Xanathar name rather than by other criminal organizations.

I think it may have happened, that other organizations have tried or even succeeded in killing a Xanathar. We know the second Xanathar was killed by a lich (or presumed killed, if we go by 4e lore), but I don't think there is an example in the lore. It doesn't matter for the Xanathar's Guild, either, because regardless of how a Xanathar has died, there is always another beholder eager to claim the title and rebuild the guild.

Cool, that means I can get creative with this. Thanks, man.
Zeromaru X Posted - 03 Jan 2019 : 22:52:20
It has happened before, thought more often than not by other beholders that want to claim the Xanathar name rather than by other criminal organizations.

I think it may have happened, that other organizations have tried or even succeeded in killing a Xanathar. We know the second Xanathar was killed by a lich (or presumed killed, if we go by 4e lore), but I don't think there is an example in the lore. It doesn't matter for the Xanathar's Guild, either, because regardless of how a Xanathar has died, there is always another beholder eager to claim the title and rebuild the guild.
Celephais Posted - 03 Jan 2019 : 22:19:38
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

The leadership of the guild has switched several times; only the first beholder was actually named Xanathar. The others used it as a title.

Not what I asked, but thanks. I'm more looking for anything in the official lore where some other criminal organization or powerful individual being challenged one of the Xanathars over the turf that that the holder of the title has claimed in the sewers under Waterdeep.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jan 2019 : 21:56:12
The leadership of the guild has switched several times; only the first beholder was actually named Xanathar. The others used it as a title.

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