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 FR Lineages

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George Krashos Posted - 09 Dec 2018 : 04:07:27
As some of you may be aware, I cobbled together the lineages that form a part of the GHotR sourcebook. I've always loved them and have worked on a few more over the years and continue to do so.

In terms of the kingdoms/city-states featured in any such collection, would you be interested in seeing lineages of quite minor locations (i.e. Chessagol/Tsurlagol, Calandor/Daggerford), now dead realms (i.e. Anauria, Shanatar) and/or places with a multiplicity of rulers (i.e. Zulkirs of Thay)?

In asking this, I'm also curious when too many lineages is too many. If I was to add a bunch of lineages to the existing human ones in GHotR (some of them super long, like Coramshan/Calimshan) do you think it would become a dreary, laborious read?

Asking for a friend.

-- George Krashos
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Masked Mage Posted - 10 Jan 2019 : 18:56:02
I'd say that anything you do along these lines would be well received Krash. For me, lineages are not all that important, excluding Royal / Noble families that have had long term influence in Realms events.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Jan 2019 : 14:45:23
Originally posted by George Krashos

In terms of the kingdoms/city-states featured in any such collection, would you be interested in seeing lineages of quite minor locations (i.e. Chessagol/Tsurlagol, Calandor/Daggerford), now dead realms (i.e. Anauria, Shanatar) and/or places with a multiplicity of rulers (i.e. Zulkirs of Thay)?

Minor locations don't interest me. Dead realms could be of interest, depending on which realms and if there are connections to still-living peoples.

Places with the multiplicity of rulers -- now that, to me, holds the most interest.

Originally posted by George Krashos

In asking this, I'm also curious when too many lineages is too many. If I was to add a bunch of lineages to the existing human ones in GHotR (some of them super long, like Coramshan/Calimshan) do you think it would become a dreary, laborious read?

It depends on the presentation. Just a list of names and dates -- that's kinda boring. A list of names and dates, with scattered bits of additional into? That very much works. It doesn't have to be a lot of info -- one entry could just note "this ruler brought this area into the realm, but then died mysteriously" or maybe a paragraph about why this other ruler earned the odd epithet of Azurebolt, or something like that.
George Krashos Posted - 10 Jan 2019 : 06:46:16
Originally posted by Paul123

I want to have one.

Have one what?

-- George Krashos
Paul123 Posted - 10 Jan 2019 : 05:31:20
I want to have one.
Xnella Moonblade-Thann Posted - 01 Jan 2019 : 18:50:00
George, that sounds like a great, but laborious, idea. IMHO, you can never have too much Realmslore, and lineages are a big part of building the world and making it seem real and older than it is. Please let us know when it's available!
dwarvenranger Posted - 17 Dec 2018 : 00:21:17
I for one, would be happy to read it.
Lord Karsus Posted - 11 Dec 2018 : 01:00:24

-Personally speaking, having names to associate with different lineages/dynasties of fallen nations/kingdoms makes them easier to keep track of sometimes.
sleyvas Posted - 09 Dec 2018 : 14:55:06
regarding the Zulkirs of Thay, I'd love to see someone actually tackle the gathering a list of all of them that have been listed at least and assigning what they were Zulkir of and give some rough dates surrounding them. For instance, I know the 4e dragon mag 427 assigned one Talaskos Murthrond, as a Zulkir, but we don't know when from, etc... Also, he faked his death because of Tam and still lives. Its noted in that article that he was working with worldfire I think it was called, so I have actually assigned him to my United Tharchs as one of its Zulkirs that was present in Abeir for the last century.

Now, do we need a listing of every Zulkir and when they reigned? No, because Zulkir reigning is very much a case of "you rule when you can hold it", so there will be many Zulkirs who may have held the Zulkirship only a year. There will also be those that held it more than a century. Thus why I think it'd be great to see "the big names" established. Especially when it comes to this, not just first names.... last names as well, because in this instance, it helps also setup the names of the nobility of the realm.
AJA Posted - 09 Dec 2018 : 14:51:53
I don't think there's any way to avoid eye glaze at a certain point. Lists are lists, no matter how "punched up" they are. But that point (and indeed, that place or that particular lineage) is different for everyone.

And obviously, things like lists of lineages tend to only appeal to the most diehard of Realms fans (the FR obsessed, as dazzlerdal put it) who can never have enough Realmslore. Given the product and the audience, I would say don't worry about any sort of overload and just include everything you feel is ready to publish.

Gary Dallison Posted - 09 Dec 2018 : 07:46:29
From an FR obsessed, wanna be world builder point of view, I would love more on anything and everything. Long dead realms are the most exciting to me, especially if they are of historical significance (like anauria and shanatar). Coramshan is also of great interest. Id even pour over the minor lineages for any detail and useful lore nugget. Basically I'd love it all.

Out of interest, when is your "friend" looking to finish these?

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