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 TSR Artwork museum/gallery

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Seravin Posted - 13 Aug 2018 : 21:56:57
Just wondered if any other scribes here have more information or knowledge on the collector who is buying up all of the Larry Elmore, Clyde Caldwell, Keith Parkinson, Jeff Easley, etc. works from TSR's golden era with the intent of opening a gallery or museum?

I was contacted about one of my pieces of art; and I have seen both Larry and Clyde post on Facebook (as well as people in the Facebook groups who own pieces) about the request.

I'd actually love to go to such a gallery...the artwork produced in the 80s and 90s gives me such pleasure to look at (especially Clyde Caldwell) from when I played D&D, read the novels, and played the video games (Gold Box era!).

What's the scribes thoughts on such a place? I'd love to see any of the Chronicles covers, or Pool of Radiance or the Azure Bonds cover in person.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 13 Aug 2018 : 23:13:41
I'll say one thing.... I never realized the beauty of a painting versus the print you see on a book cover or in a magazine until I saw several originals and correlated them to the images I had in my head. Its surprising how much more beautiful the real article is.

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