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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sunderstone Posted - 15 Oct 2017 : 23:17:40
Is anyone else surprised that Hartsvale has featured as much as it has in the Adventurer's League modules in the Storm King's Thunder storyline? In previous editions we rarely got the smallest passing sentence or annotation on a map. The most I remeber written was in the Waterdeep 3rd ed sourcebook that revealed Madeiron Sunderstone to be from there, a distant cousin of the current queen and directly descended from Brun I, the first king and son of the giant demigod Hartkiller. It something that I like but I have to say I am surprised by it.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Markustay Posted - 16 Oct 2017 : 00:21:58
I am surprised. It was so badly shoe-horned into the Realms that I just assumed we were all just going to forget about it.

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