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 Candlekeep Wiki is already dead?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jeff Strix Posted - 20 Sep 2017 : 00:15:25
Hey guys, as I saw, there are still only 2 pages on Candlekeep Wiki. Is the idea to make new stuff and timeline from 1500 DR already dead?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Adhriva Posted - 27 Sep 2017 : 20:27:47
Perhaps it's time we put something through the voting process to try it out? I drew up a quick article we can use - Here
Artemas Entreri Posted - 20 Sep 2017 : 19:45:17
Patience is a virtue.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Sep 2017 : 04:05:02
The whole idea is only a couple months old. Give it some time.
Ayrik Posted - 20 Sep 2017 : 03:13:39
The CK wiki needs a visible link somewhere on (every one of) these CK forum pages. Likewise, it needs to offer a visible link (on every wiki page) to these CK forums.

Too early to say it's "dead". Many "active" wikis are built by only one or a few persistent contributors. Any wiki can languish indefinitely before suddenly gaining momentum and exploding in popularity.
Markustay Posted - 20 Sep 2017 : 02:44:03
I was planning on using it to provide info on Homebrew locales I've added to my maps, but I haven't finalized any maps yet.
Adhriva Posted - 20 Sep 2017 : 02:25:00
We haven't voted on anything yet, which is why there are only 2 live pages. The content is still in the proposal stage - at least for me it is.

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