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 Pantheon of the Metahel in Anchorome

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sleyvas Posted - 11 Jun 2017 : 14:37:37
In writing up some of the stuff in another thread about Kara-Tur, it made me want to post some of what I've done with my United Tharchs of Toril. Essentially, in the 2nd edition City of Gold product it introduced a population of humans living along the coast that sound very much like Vikings who got stranded in a land with few trees. So, I decided to make their pantheon, but also have it interact some with the Azuposi spirits a bit (for instance, I noted the Azuposi had some beings they called the War Twins who are the children of a lightning/rain god Sho'#146;tokunungwa).... I deliberately made some of this sound similar to Faerunian gods name too (example Eldunna/Eldath/Idun) just to add to the mystery.

Oh, and I don't like the name I gave to my Frey like god, so I'm listening for other spellings. I'm listening as well for improvements, additions I might want to do, etc... Oh, and one of the things I did do was try to make it so that most of these deities could correspond to deities that kind of disappeared after the spellplague or were presumed dead (Tyr, Lathander, Helm, Valigan Thirdborn). Eldunna and Sifya kind of present an interesting twist here, because I can see people relating them to Eldath and the Red Knight, neither of which were gone from Toril... so maybe someone was filling in for them in either Abeir or Toril following the spellplague. I could easily see a returned goddess Maztica for instance secretly answering for Eldunna in those intervening years. I actually see Sifya being a separate being personally from the red knight, but answering the prayers of the Faerunians in order to gain stature. What this means when the sundering happens I'm leaving open (maybe she absorbs the red knight, maybe Ao makes Sifya quit answering in the other gods name... ).

Metahel Pantheon
The Metahel Pantheon, to the people of earth, would appear to be somewhat of a mirror of the Norse Pantheon, but missing Odin and several other deities. The details are slightly changed, as are the names. Since these deities are not detailed in some other product for reference, I present below some sample ideas for the deities in this pantheon. This pantheon has especially garnered the attention of the Mulan people who have worked with the Metahel, as many Mulans believe these are in fact Faerunian deities under another name. The truth behind this mystery is left to the DM's control.

Sifya, the War Mother, goddess of birth and breeding of livestock and horses, goddess of excellence and skill in battle, Mother of Moedae and Yuellar - this goddess' mood varies and is represented as a change in her hair color (when she is ready for battle, her hair is usually red, when she is in her motherly aspect, it is golden. She is also depicted with black or brown hair when being portrayed as blessing the birth of young livestock). She is the mother of Yuellar by god whose name is lost to history and she birthed Moedae, one of the two Thunder Twins.

Thoros, Lord of Thunder and Lightning, Lord of the Bloodrage, Bringer of Rain, Stepfather of Yuellar, Father of the Thunder Twins - Much like his wife, Thoros' moods are reflected in his beard color, changing from either blonde when he is acting nobly, to red when he is raging. He fights with his famed battle axe, Jarnbjorn, which is imbued with the power of thunder and lightning. It is rumored that long ago, in return for his aid on a quest, Fraeyollo blessed Thoros with such virility that when he impregnated his wife Sifya, it also awakened the seed in his former lover Yaernsacsa. Both Sifya and Yaernsacsa gave birth at the same time, and their children (Moedae and Magnaear) were twins. He is noted as having a chariot pulled by a pair of flying rams whose hooves spark and thunder as they pull him across the sky.

Eldunna, Keeper of the Golden Mangos, Guardian of the Goldenheart Spring, Goddess of Young Love - This golden haired goddess is a goddess of rivers, springs, and harvesting fruits and grains. She is also known as a matchmaker who often helps young lovers find one another.

Fraeyollo, Lord of Spring Plantings, Lord of Beauty and Flowers, Keeper of the Sun Blade and Charioteer of the Sun - This golden haired god is noted as being exceptionally handsome. He blesses men with virility, blesses the seeding of fields, and is often portrayed with marigolds in his hair. He has a job to pulling the sun across the sky each day with his flaming chariot pulled by a golden bristled boar, and as a result, many use the boar as a symbol of this god.
Hemdahl, Guardian of the Rainbow Staircase, He of the All-Seeing Eye, Defender of the Metahel - This god is the progeny of Yaernsacsa by an unnamed father. He is believed to be a half-brother of Thoros and both half-brother and Uncle to Moedae.

Anachtar, Keeper of Blood Oaths, Lord of Conflict Resolution, Chainer of the Spirit-Wolf - This god is believed to be a half-brother of Thoros. He seeks to intermediate disputes between the gods, and his followers often serve similar roles within the Metahel clans. However, when resolution cannot be achieved, the blood oath is taken in Anachtar's name, resulting in feuds that have been known to decimate clans. This noble god is noted as having a single hand because of his own selflessness, though its also noted that he's had a mechanical hand constructed by dwarves to take its place. The story is that he lost it in chaining Kezris, the Spirit-Wolf. This has caused a log of friction between himself and Valigorn, for he blames the trickster god for bringing the great wolf into the world.
Valigor the Runtborn Giant, Lord of Chaos, Trickster of the Gods, Father of Monsters and Magical Beasts - This trickster god was found by the gods in a giant's cradle after a war between the gods and giants. He was obviously a runt amongst giants, and the Metahel gods decided to adopt him and raise him as one of their own. His antics fill many stories amongst the Metahel, usually involving Thoros having to fight some giant in the end. He is also a shapechanging god, and he himself is rumored to have given birth to the race of noble flying horses known as Asperii when he shapechanged into a giant mare to help the gods trick a lying giant into building their home realm for free. However, he is also rumored to have birthed numerous monsters upon a shape changing giantess known as Haagenis, including Chupocol the Great Spider, Kezris the Spirit Wolf that will swallow the moon, and Jormungis the Great Sea Serpent.

Yaernsacsa, Wave Maiden of the Sea, Mother of Hemdahl, Lover of Thoros, Mother of Magnaear - This aloof deity of the sea is known for her capricious nature. The Metahel usually praise her for the sea's bounty or before a sea voyage of some danger. Before Thoros met and married Sifya, he had loved a giantess by the name of Yaernsacsa. However, she would never produce a son for him, no matter how many times he seeded her. Eventually, Thoros met and married Sifya, and as a reward for his aid, Fraeyollo did awaken his seed in Sifya. To everyone's great surprise, this act did also awaken his seed within Yaernsacsa as well, and later she gave birth to one of the Thunder Twins.

Yuellar, Huntsman of the Gods, Son of Sifya and Stepson of Thoros - This god is known for his superb hunting and tracking skills, as well as his athletic prowess in sports. He rides upon a great, giant antlered buck and is served by a number of hunting wolves.

Magnaear, Lord of Bravery and Mounted Combat, one of the Thunder Twins - This god rides a silver-furred Asperii that can also change into a Hippocampus when it goes beneath the waves. Magnaear is seen as a restless god and he rides across the heavens seeking out new challenges to test himself against.

Moedae, Lord of Strength, one of the Thunder Twins - This god is noted as having a bear companion, and unlike his aggressive brother, he is known for simply wanting to relax and eat, but he is always called out by foolish giants and other creatures who seek to best him in combat.

Surtr - This is without a doubt, the same deity as the god of fire giants, but during the time in Abeir, he was silent. He is an enemy of the Metahel gods.

Thrym - This is without a doubt, the same deity as the god of frost giants, but during the time in Abeir, he was silent. He is an enemy of the Metahel gods.

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