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 Afyal, Dupari, and the Kueng Kingdom

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gyor Posted - 29 May 2017 : 14:50:41
Each is basically different India analogs on three different continents of Toril.

Afyal is the "India" of Zakhara, people who worshipped the Lost One, Ganesha figure, a Elephant Headed God, until that God was displaced by Selen.

Dupari worship a variety of more traditional Faerunian Deities, but under a Hindu like belief system, honoring the Adama.

The Kueng Kingdom worships a version of the Vedic Pantheon, the Lords of Creation.

Is there any connection between these nations/peoples?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lord Karsus Posted - 06 Jun 2017 : 05:56:22
Holy crap, I just saw that the WOTC boards were deleted. Like completely gone. Ov vey. Mark, I hope you had the Kara-Tur stuff saved?
xaeyruudh Posted - 31 May 2017 : 21:52:43
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Would that be the Khmer Rogue?

I see what you did there.

(I did have to google it tho.)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 31 May 2017 : 18:46:34
Originally posted by Gyor

I thought Loethan was the Khmer analog.

Would that be the Khmer Rogue?
Gyor Posted - 31 May 2017 : 17:46:45
I thought Loethan was the Khmer analog.
BadCatMan Posted - 30 May 2017 : 02:23:23
I don't think there are any actual India analogues in the Realms, but rather several regions have Indian names or elements or Indian-esque inspirations. These are taken from across the subcontinent and south-east Asia, so it's hard to say anything for sure. It's managed to avoid blatant rip-offs like some other realms. It's all more "south and south-east Asian tropical exotic fantasy" than any one thing.

There's Ulgarth, which doesn't look anything like India, but gave rise to the Buddhism-like region of the Padhra, found in the Hordelands.

The Utter East, at least as it's presented in Faces of Deception (not yet included in the following article) with the Mar people, has several Indian names and concepts, but also some borrowed from Indonesia, Shangri-La, and elsewhere.

There are also Indonesian names throughout the Shao Mountains around Tempat Larang. These mountain valleys, detailed in the Ronin Challenge adventure, have a variety of southern Asian elements.

There's Afyal, as you mentioned. Various of the islands of Zakhara seem to have Indian elements or inspirations, but probably nothing too close except the elephant thing. These aren't too developed yet.

The Kuong Kingdom is less like India and more like one of the south-east Asian kingdoms that followed Hinduism, such as the Khmer Empire. Hence the Lords of Creation came, not from there, but from somewhere to the southwest. The others of the Jungle Lands and Malatra are also sort of like SE Asian lands.

The ancient histories of these places are all unknown, and the three settings don't talk to each other very well, so the connections are highly speculative. What they do share is a geographic connection, all being in the same general area around the little-known, barely detailed Sempadan Forest / Jungle of Monsters:
One could slap a huge India analogue (or the suggested Mahasarpa from Rokugan/Legend of the Five Rings to save time) in that vast space without upsetting any of the three settings, to link the Indianesque cultures around it. It's probably where the Lords of Creation hail from.
TomCosta Posted - 29 May 2017 : 19:19:36
I always saw Durpar as a bit more Islam inspired with the Utter East veering more toward India-inspired. The Keung Kingdoms are in the southern jungles of Kaar-Tur, right? And Masarhapa has speculatively been placed in the southwestern jungles. So all are sorta located in the region where the three continents meet, correct? Seems to me like there is ample reason to see some linkages between the cultures (Kara-Tur southern jungles to northern Zakhara and the Utter East).
xaeyruudh Posted - 29 May 2017 : 17:40:24
If you want there to be, in your Realms, sure.

Not in canon as far as I know... the various designers may have been inspired by India or the various religious systems without intending an in-game connection.

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