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 Just making sure.. Karsus & Finder were NOT in 4e?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sleyvas Posted - 19 May 2017 : 14:00:12

In my cataloguing of gods I just wanted to make sure, neither Karsus nor Finder were around in the 4e era, correct?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Markustay Posted - 21 May 2017 : 16:44:34
Its possible, but only because we have no real lore on Abeir itself.

Personally, I don't care for it, because it goes against the basic premise of Abeir - "A world without magic" (very similar to Athas, BTW, which is why I like the idea of combining the two). What if defiler Magic was possible on Abeir, but something/someone hunted down ever last user of it? Mystryl? Karsus? Something else? Some group - maybe even one we already knew was on Abeir?

I like what you did there, separating Mystryl and Mystra - have you mentioned that before? Its similar to how I picture the 'Earth Mother' (Toril Mother?) working with Chauntea - the earthmother actually got moved to Abeir when Ao separated the world, and left Toril in the hands of her most powerful chosen - Chauntea (yes, it goes against some older lore, but with all the retroactive changes to the cosmology over the past decade, does it even matter anymore?) In that theory of mine, The Earthmother only has very limited access to Toril, and only through things like Moonwells ('Divine Conduits').

Not sure how to do something similar with Mystryl/Mystra - we KNOW she was around during the Arcane Age. Maybe that wasn't really her? Whatcha got, Sleyvas?
sleyvas Posted - 20 May 2017 : 09:31:26
Oh, and I didn't finish my thought earlier... We know that Abeir has been "magically dead" for "wizardry"... however, we also know that other magic exists there. Psionics might exist as well. However, what we don't know is how LONG its been "magically dead" for "wizardry". In other words, I half wonder.... could Karsus have caused the inability for "wizards" to operate in Abeir, and the problem has only been around for the last 1700 years?
Brimstone Posted - 19 May 2017 : 21:46:41
Karsus was a Binder Class Vestige in the 3E Book Tome of Magic. In theory you could have Karsus be a Warlock Pact using the Arcane Power Source in 4E. Lol Moander as a 4E Warlock Pact with a non seeing eye manifesting in your right palm. Or does it give you special powers. D&D is like Marvel Comics, sure you can kill them off, but do they truly stay dead.

I like the idea Sleyvas...
sleyvas Posted - 19 May 2017 : 15:24:10
Oh, and to make even more clear my interest. I half wonder if the portions of the dire wood that held Karsus' essence didn't transfer to Abeir. Thinking about an idea where a ritual involving the god of birth (Lathander), the god of rot to rebirth (Finder), and the god of necromancy work together to finally free Karsus... and this frees up Mystryl in Abeir, who helps Mystra. Karsus becomes a demipower just in power level above a chosen, with a focus on transmutation, wild magic, metamagic, and "magic in the blood" (sorcery). Karsus is also insane, so Mystra has to keep an eye on him. It might actually be interesting to have Karsus choose a Chosen and it be Halaster Blackcloak.

On this subject, we know that "Abeir has been magically dead".
Gyor Posted - 19 May 2017 : 15:12:39
Finder might be, but I don't think Karesus is, but its not certain about it.

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