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 Attention Sage and other music lovers

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xaeyruudh Posted - 19 May 2017 : 05:59:21

Not directly Realmsian but one can never tell what sort of influences have come through portals.

Of course the plastic has to go, replaced by different woods and metals. Whatever he has the electronics for would be covered by bits of magic (prestidigitation, cantrips, whatever).

The result (in the Realms) is a sort of Heward's Organ meets the Machine of Lum the Mad, scaled down from an artifact to something gnomes could actually produce, and it's (semi)portable!

Anyway, it sounds cool, and I figured the music lovers wouldn't object. And maybe someone other than me gets inspiration from it.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 01 Jun 2017 : 13:03:27
Originally posted by Starshade

Originally posted by Bladewind

While on the topic of non-human built instruments, do massive church organs exist in the Realms?

The Zulkoon used in Thay is described as a semi portable organ with foot pedal. The instrument is on a FR wiki illustrated with a bagpipe picture; but that don't match the description.
A better match would be a foot pumped organ similar to the one seen in "Snow White and the seven dwarfs", where Grumpy play a pump organ with pipes looking like totem poles with bird and animal faces.

If so; it's quite possibly non-portable Zulkoons could exist, too.

Thank you. I had forgotten about the Zulkoon. I may need to bring that out more in something I've been working on. Here's its original description from Dragon #123 "Music of the Forgotten Realms" article by Ed. It should be noted that it does discuss the idea of organs in the realms as well. Also, the Zulkoon generally requires multiple individuals to play the instrument (organ pumpers and players both).

The zulkoon is a long, rectangular, wooden box that narrows at the top. Its bottom has an accordion-bellow of heavy hide that has a tendency to rupture (creating an annoying whistle and loss of #147;wind#148;), which the player rests upon the ground (or litter or chariot, if mobile) and pumps with a foot-treadle. The wind thus created goes up the zulkoon#146;s body and emerges at a number of holes, which are overlaid by ivory or bone keys and metal strings, strummed or flipped by the player to create sounds, so that the zulkoon functions something like an accordion, with an underlying droning sound.
Zulkoons require five or six arms to play properly, if their controls are at all complex, and some permanent court specimens are larger than the norm and are played by two musicians (plus two or more bellows-pumpers). Organs are rare and treasured instruments in the Realms, and are never portable; the zulkoon serves as a rudimentary organ when a true organ cannot be found.
TBeholder Posted - 01 Jun 2017 : 06:17:29
Originally posted by xaeyruudh

Of course the plastic has to go, replaced by different woods and metals. Whatever he has the electronics for would be covered by bits of magic (prestidigitation, cantrips, whatever).

Materials can be processed, especially in the Realms (up to glassteel). And combined (see composite bows). Almost anything this side of termenvox that doesn't involve DSP can be done in pure acoustic, but often at the cost of efficiency. Magic is mostly needed for amplification, and even then mainly because fluid amplifiers are too finicky.

For instruments and references, see also Music and Musical Instruments of the Realms and Musical Instruments.
Starshade Posted - 31 May 2017 : 12:57:49
Originally posted by Bladewind

While on the topic of non-human built instruments, do massive church organs exist in the Realms?

The Zulkoon used in Thay is described as a semi portable organ with foot pedal. The instrument is on a FR wiki illustrated with a bagpipe picture; but that don't match the description.
A better match would be a foot pumped organ similar to the one seen in "Snow White and the seven dwarfs", where Grumpy play a pump organ with pipes looking like totem poles with bird and animal faces.

If so; it's quite possibly non-portable Zulkoons could exist, too.
xaeyruudh Posted - 29 May 2017 : 18:03:08
Originally posted by Bladewind

do massive church organs exist in the Realms?

They must. The churches of Milil and Lliira (though human) would certainly explore every possible means of musical expression. It seems reasonable even without looking it up that music would be addressed in giant and dragon pantheons (and almost every other pantheon too).

Dwarves often build their halls on a larger-than-necessary scale; acoustics for giant organs and other horns could be part of the reason for that -- though smoke management is probably the main thing.

I'm even picturing an orc from Airspur (dressed in a tux!) playing professionally in concerts in Cimbar.

Originally posted by Bladewind

I always thought clavecimbul or harpischord would be fit for Waterdhavian, Amnian and Thetyrran festhalls, and a form of waltz would be a common dance.

Sounds totally reasonable.
xaeyruudh Posted - 29 May 2017 : 17:51:39
Originally posted by The Sage

This is fascinating stuff. I'll need to look further into it... because it's got my creative juices for Realms-music lore working again.

Glad to hear it. I know you've been working on it for a while. SageTime being what it is, things need a "bump" every once in a while.
Bladewind Posted - 29 May 2017 : 15:27:04

While on the topic of non-human built instruments, do massive church organs exist in the Realms? I imagine the biggest one would probably be one built for storm giant chantries, and could split mountains with their low subsonic notes.

I always thought clavecimbul or harpischord would be fit for Waterdhavian, Amnian and Thetyrran festhalls, and a form of waltz would be a common dance.
The Sage Posted - 29 May 2017 : 04:14:23
This is fascinating stuff. I'll need to look further into it... because it's got my creative juices for Realms-music lore working again.
moonbeast Posted - 20 May 2017 : 13:43:05
Definitely a gnomish contraption!
Taleras Posted - 19 May 2017 : 13:44:17
That is pretty cool!!
Irennan Posted - 19 May 2017 : 13:01:41
This is just amazing. Thanks for sharing!
sleyvas Posted - 19 May 2017 : 12:58:34
I love this.

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