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 New AI-generated (and very silly) spells

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BenN Posted - 10 May 2017 : 11:56:21
OK, so it's not strictly Realms-related, but I thought this was amusing & wanted to share. Slate has an article about D&D spells generated by AI:

Here is the list:

Some that made me chuckle:

Hold Mouse
Barking Sphere
Mind Blark
Vicious Markers
Mous of Farts
Gland Growth

Now to make some rules & stats for these!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ayrik Posted - 22 May 2017 : 03:43:33
I've never heard of the Vicious Markers spell. I have seen a magical item named Crayola's Rainbow Markers, a small flat pouch containing a dozen small wand-like items which could be hurled at targets to cast different (and rather vibrant) prismatic ray sorts of magics onto targets. I've heard frightening tales of Crayola Marker boxes filled with as many as 64 of these strange mini-wands.

Conjure Velemert
Who and what is a Velemert? What would you do with it?

Q's Invisibility
Star Trek's Q Continuum apparently (unapparently?) has invisibility.
TBeholder Posted - 21 May 2017 : 17:41:35
Originally posted by BenN

Hold Mouse
As wizards who tried to use a Mouse Cart quickly found out, these little beasties are not easy to catch unharmed.
Attaching harness to one can be quite tricky, more so without being bitten. Thus a solution was developed.

Barking Sphere
Pretty straightforward, alarm+spook.
Could be an earlier version of Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound. You know, with more bark than bite.

Fomend’s Beating Sphere

This may be pretty straightforward: unstable telekinetic sphere/crushing sphere.
Anything that touches it is attacked as if by ring of ram (from random direction, if inside) every round, until the victim is kicked out or the spell ends.

Wrathful Hound

Similar to Tenser’s Hunting Hawk, but with a wardog from knife/dagger, 10x duration and 1 level higher (3).
Pros: longer range, can follow a target even if it's out of sight at the moment, tougher.
Cons: not as fast, lack of control (fire&forget) may lead to mix-ups, advanced forms are less accessible (dagger +N is much more expensive than arrow +N).

Puijune Magic Furs

Conjuration/animation as the beast from which it was taken.
Or maybe enchant fur clothes as "armor".

Grove of Plants

Pretty much Plant Growth with radius effect rather than number of squares.
Or Plant Growth + Train Vegetation.

Vicious Markers

There are options.
Perhaps a tracer that acts as (item) of monster attraction.
Or causes nearby critters with animal intelligence not personally acquainted with the target to save or treat the target as hostile (fight or flight).
Or discharges a magical attack when someone tries to dispel it and fails.

End Wall

A specialised variant of dispel/cleave?

Gland Growth

That, uh, depends on which glands... May be even occasionally beneficial.
sleyvas Posted - 11 May 2017 : 12:42:04
That reminds me, any of you try any of "Nolzur's Marvelous Pig Mints"? They've got a hammy flavor, but they're very refreshing.
sleyvas Posted - 11 May 2017 : 12:37:14
Originally posted by Ayrik

I sense another opportunity to shamelessly promote my Typo affliction!

Lol, I love that.
Ayrik Posted - 11 May 2017 : 08:43:25
I sense another opportunity to shamelessly promote my Typo affliction!
sleyvas Posted - 10 May 2017 : 12:22:27
Dude, using Farming with my character on a mountain just chock full of low level orcs got my character 8 levels in one shot :-)

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