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 The Old Skull Inn - what details do we have?

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Doc Filth Posted - 23 Feb 2017 : 16:50:34

Sorry to bother everyone, but I'm working on a creative project that involves the Old Skull Inn (among other locations), and I was wondering what information is presented about it, beyond whiat is given in the 2nd Ed. Campaign Setting? Specifically, anything relating to its construction, design and furnishings.

Googling it presents me with an interior image which doesn't seem to be accurate to the floorplans I already know about, so that doesn't help much.

Any help would be welcome.
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Doc Filth Posted - 27 Feb 2017 : 15:55:34
Ah, that's excellent. Thanks!
Varl Posted - 26 Feb 2017 : 01:36:10
Originally posted by Doc Filth
Googling it presents me with an interior image which doesn't seem to be accurate to the floorplans I already know about, so that doesn't help much.

You're probably referring to this?

Then there's this:


Hope these help.
Markustay Posted - 25 Feb 2017 : 18:08:45
No, it just suggests referencing the material in the OGB.
Gary Dallison Posted - 25 Feb 2017 : 17:42:14
Does the shadowdale adventure in the 2nd ed campaign setting have a map in as well?
Markustay Posted - 25 Feb 2017 : 17:40:25
The map on pg. 76 of the Cyclopedia of the Realms is identical to the one in the FRIA.

The one in the Fonstad atlas 'mostly' agrees with those two (there are two extra hearths in Alias' room not shown on other maps, probably because thats what the story said). The rest of the layout looks correct.

Not sure why I thought there were different maps - I must have been thinking of something else (maybe the Yawning Portal?)
Farrel Posted - 25 Feb 2017 : 15:20:49
I'd suggest having a look at The Forgotten Realms Atlas, by Karen Wynn Fonstad, specifically page 103.

It has an illustration which details the layout of the Inn, a small piece of the stables, and the main entrance.
Doc Filth Posted - 25 Feb 2017 : 09:57:33
OK, yeah, the 3E map helps with getting the dimensions right. Cheers.
George Krashos Posted - 23 Feb 2017 : 22:38:26
The Old Skull Inn maps are from the 3E Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land adventure.

-- George Krashos
Cards77 Posted - 23 Feb 2017 : 19:41:26
In the Old Grey Box there is some information in one of the included quests Beneath the Twisted Tower. Not much however.
Markustay Posted - 23 Feb 2017 : 17:57:35
Really, nothing in the Volo's Guide? Thats surprising. I KNOW I've read descriptions of the place- must all be from novels (Spellfire or its sequel jump to mind right now, but I know there are others).

I know of one map for sure in the FRIA (I just checked it). I have to go out now - I'll try to do more later.
Brimstone Posted - 23 Feb 2017 : 17:34:10
I would suggest check the OGB(Old Grey Box) and the 2nd Edition Box Set first.
Doc Filth Posted - 23 Feb 2017 : 17:17:27
There's nothing in Volo's Guide. Elminster chases him away.

Can you remember where the other map is, out of interest?
Markustay Posted - 23 Feb 2017 : 17:14:03
I think most of the 'details' we've had about it were either in novels, or in Volo's Guide to the Dalelands (and I'm not 100% about the latter).

I think we've also had at least two different 'canon' maps of the place, IIRC.

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