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 Could Platypi be tainted by the far realm?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mastermustard Posted - 25 Dec 2016 : 00:41:59
I was at an indoor platypus exhibited the other day and these creatures captured my attention -- or I should say my morbid fascination to an extent that my nephew had to drag me away because I couldn't stop staring. These creatures are bizarre. Their bills look odd on their bodies and their fur has an artificial look to it that is vaguely unsettling. And those dead, cruel eyes... *shiver*

Has anyone else noticed this? I can't help but wonder if an attempt has been made to explain how alien these creatures are within a Realmsian evolutionary context.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BadCatMan Posted - 25 Dec 2016 : 10:34:44
Platypi and other monotremes are from a point closer to where mammals diverged from reptiles in the evolutionary tree. They don't have nipples yet, so they sweat milk through their skin. They also have venomous spurs.

Platypi do exist in the Realms though. There's a pair of talking wombats in The Ring of Winters, hailing from an island off Orlil in Lantan, which is also home to "the occasional odd platypus—though, to be perfectly blunt, I've never met a platypus who wasn't rather odd."
sfdragon Posted - 25 Dec 2016 : 03:22:12
it was aliens man, aliens...... its a conspiracy man.... the government is covering up roswell man....- unknown Stoned hippy

sorry couldnt resist... should have...
sleyvas Posted - 25 Dec 2016 : 02:48:38
I think its just because a beaver screwed a duck and the gods got mad.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 25 Dec 2016 : 01:44:00
Plenty of creatures looks strange. The look that way because of the biological niche they are filling.

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