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 "Scaled ones" and the snake blood feat

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Starshade Posted - 13 Sep 2016 : 23:36:48
Maybe a technicality, but I just saw, in 3.5 the Snake blood feat makes a player character a "Scaled One" according to the Serpent Kingdoms book. Anyone who have used this feat to actually give a character scales, or do people just use it figuratively?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bladewind Posted - 14 Sep 2016 : 14:47:54
The feat mentions no outward signs are discernible in the appearance of the character, so I'd say no, a snake blooded person has no scales on their bodies. House Extaminaar are a good example of their look, lanky and 'oily', with clusters of brown 'spots' being closest to scales.

Yuan-ti purebloods are vrael olo, considered actual Yuan-Ti, but ones that look like humans. These are mentioned having scales, slitted eyes and/or split tongues.

That said, as the Yuan-Ti are a race build by ancient biomantic transmogrification magics of the Sarruhk I see it possible for them to modify existing races (like tainted ones) or develope a new strain of yuan-ti blooded humanoids that has thick scaly skin. Subsequently any strains of blood of these might have led to outward signs in appearance that lead to scales even as far as five generations down the line.

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