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 Rare lore articles

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Gary Dallison Posted - 13 Sep 2016 : 18:06:02
Im looking to expand my collection to be as complete as possible.

I have almost all the dragon and dungeon mags and polyhedron but im missing a few key issues with realms articles in.

I was wondering if anyone had a word document of just the realms articles rather than the whole mag. Its been out of print for ages so i dont think it infringes any laws.

Also i dont doubt there are a few examples of printed only bits of lore that are very limited in number and i was wondering if people had the names of them so i can try and find them.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gary Dallison Posted - 14 Sep 2016 : 18:33:09
Good pointer, thanks ayrik
Ayrik Posted - 14 Sep 2016 : 18:31:15
@dazzlerdal - You might want to look up "orphaned works" and "abandonware". These are items in public domain which have effectively had their copyright abandoned or revoked, usually because the copyright owner no longer exists as a legal entity. Much rare lore was published which was never legally owned and can't legally be controlled by TSR/WotC, especially after the OGL was introduced.
The Sage Posted - 14 Sep 2016 : 14:36:27
Yes, we need to be a little more considerate when talking of copyright laws and issues of IP ownership ... especially on a forum that is run as a fan site for an officially published and licensed product line.

Let's tread a little more thoughtfully, eh?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Sep 2016 : 04:24:18
We are not having a discussion on justifying piracy of protected content. That is a violation of this site's Code of Conduct.

Furthermore, if you don't like the laws, do something to change the status quo. Complaining here about copyright laws will accomplish nothing other than distracting us from discussing the Realms.
Gyor Posted - 14 Sep 2016 : 03:31:37
I have sympathy for those who get pirated when there is an opinion to buy it, paying for stuff helps make it so there is more stuff in the future, however when piracy is the ONLY opinion to access something, for example its put of print, then I have less then zero sympathy.

In fact as far as I'm concerned that should count as salavage, like lost treasure not piracy at all.

And I don't care what the law says, because the law was bought and payed for by corrupt corporations to equally corrupt politians.
Gyor Posted - 14 Sep 2016 : 03:23:21
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Being out of print does not mean the copyright has expired.

Ideally it should.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Sep 2016 : 02:54:27
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

But when something is out of print (polyhedron) and there are no signs it will ever come back in print then they are not making money from it and it is a waste.

I agree with you. That doesn't change the law, though.
George Krashos Posted - 13 Sep 2016 : 22:15:40
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

Im looking to expand my collection to be as complete as possible.

I have almost all the dragon and dungeon mags and polyhedron but im missing a few key issues with realms articles in.

I was wondering if anyone had a word document of just the realms articles rather than the whole mag. Its been out of print for ages so i dont think it infringes any laws.

Also i dont doubt there are a few examples of printed only bits of lore that are very limited in number and i was wondering if people had the names of them so i can try and find them.

Send me a PM and let me know what you need.

-- George Krashos
Gary Dallison Posted - 13 Sep 2016 : 21:22:24
But when something is out of print (polyhedron) and there are no signs it will ever come back in print then they are not making money from it and it is a waste.

Ive got pretty much everything from dragon. Polyhedron is a bit more difficult but im almost done there save for about 20 issues, some of which may not contain realms lore.

However im thinking about things released in conventions or limited print runs that may not be common knowledge. If anyone has the name of them then they can be tracked down.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Sep 2016 : 21:01:15
I don't think it's ridiculous to ask for payment for one's creative endeavors.


I'd recommend checking out The DragonDex. It's an index of articles from Dragon's print run -- specifically, the printed issues, and none of the electronic imitations issues. They also have a subsection devoted to Realms content.
Gary Dallison Posted - 13 Sep 2016 : 20:06:24
Well thats a ridiculous law if ever i saw one, the life of the author plus 70 years, just to make sure that anyone who ever heard of the book and had any interest in it is well and truly dead.

Oh well just the names of any rare or limited print works that feature FR lore then if there is any such thing.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Sep 2016 : 19:11:11
Being out of print does not mean the copyright has expired.

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