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 What CR should the Phaerimm be?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shades of eternity Posted - 01 Apr 2016 : 14:52:11
The Phaerimm

This race of evil windsocks has been intertwinned with the realms since the 80's.

When they were first introduced in 2e, they started at the bare minimum 31st level casters.

However, when they were updated for third, they were barely a cr 14.

So my question is this.

In 5e, what CR an opponent should they be?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
moonbeast Posted - 01 Apr 2016 : 23:46:20
Originally posted by shades of eternity

Probably a good thing...that was kinda ludicrous.

However, I was under the impression that a Phaerimm and an experienced Netheril wizard fought, everybody else would be running for the hills. :D

I would run to the highest hill, then place a lawnchair, grab some popcorn, and watch the magic show!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Apr 2016 : 21:52:41
Originally posted by shades of eternity

Probably a good thing...that was kinda ludicrous.

However, I was under the impression that a Phaerimm and an experienced Netheril wizard fought, everybody else would be running for the hills. :D

And given the power scale of the Netherese, that's a valid thought.

A lot of stuff was toned down in 3E simply to make it something that could more reasonably be fought. Part of the apparent design direct for 3E was "if it exists, it can be fought" -- even gods were toned down, putting them more in the reach of adventurers.

I sure others will disagree, and I don't intend to burn too many electrons arguing it, but I think that was a failing of 3E. Having something that's too powerful to be fought does not diminish the PCs any more than an SR-71 diminishes an Olympic sprinter.
shades of eternity Posted - 01 Apr 2016 : 20:46:43
Probably a good thing...that was kinda ludicrous.

However, I was under the impression that a Phaerimm and an experienced Netheril wizard fought, everybody else would be running for the hills. :D
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Apr 2016 : 19:25:40
And a lot of stuff got toned down in 3E.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 01 Apr 2016 : 18:27:04
CR 14 makes more sense. You can always slap additional wizard levels unto these guys if you're party is just getting too good for the standard Phaerimm model! ;)

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