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 Tilverton c. 1357 DR

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Finieous Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 00:57:12
I searched the topic but didn't find anything on this, so I'm hoping some of the sages can help me.

I'm starting a 5e campaign set in "Old Gray Box" Forgotten Realms. The OGB Cyclopedia of the Realms describes Tilverton as a "small unfortified town." I don't have any of the Second Edition FRCS stuff, but from looking around online, it seems that Tilverton is suddenly a small city, and the maps I've found show it as distinctively fortified.

Was this just a revision between the 1st Edition and 2nd Edition FRCS, or did the history actually describe this much population growth and construction?

Thank you!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
froglegg Posted - 08 May 2016 : 22:46:21
Originally posted by Finieous

I searched the topic but didn't find anything on this, so I'm hoping some of the sages can help me.

I'm starting a 5e campaign set in "Old Gray Box" Forgotten Realms. The OGB Cyclopedia of the Realms describes Tilverton as a "small unfortified town." I don't have any of the Second Edition FRCS stuff, but from looking around online, it seems that Tilverton is suddenly a small city, and the maps I've found show it as distinctively fortified.

Was this just a revision between the 1st Edition and 2nd Edition FRCS, or did the history actually describe this much population growth and construction?

Thank you!

Now this is a capital idea using the Old Grey Box and Tilverton.
Finieous I hope you let us know how it all works out.

Seravin Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 15:23:53
Let's not speak of that, shall we TBeholder? *sigh* 1357 was such a cool era for the Realms :)
TBeholder Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 06:33:39
...and then nuked and turned into a hellhole by Vangey's toy colliding with a Prince of Shade. More or less.
Finieous Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 03:23:47
Excellent - thank you both!
hashimashadoo Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 02:46:28
Yeah, it changed A LOT in a short period of time. Tilverton was used as a staging ground against the orcs of the Desertsmouth Mountains, Zhent forces and the conquering army of Lashan of Scardale. Cormyr had had its eyes on Tilverton for a long while however due to its strategic location and important trade route but because of the aforementioned threats, Cormyr was allowed to garrison the place. Soon after, it was annexed & fortified.
Seravin Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 02:26:58
When Cormyr took it over in 1357, they built the wall and had the streets paved, and left a garrison of 850 Purple Dragons. (Source: Cormyr game accessory, 1994, 2nd Edition by Eric Haddock).

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