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 GenCon 2016!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 22 Jan 2016 : 20:30:11
Earlier today, my family and I took care of purchasing our badges for GenCon this year. Who all will be able to attend this year if all goes well? I'm excited to meet more of you if possible, and meet back up with my new friends from last yea!
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 May 2016 : 02:53:14
Got my ticket to the Candlekeep seminar!

We doing a bar gathering again? I liked that place last year -- I discovered pineapple cider there, and I've been drinking that and my regular Irish cider since then!
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 16 May 2016 : 02:38:46
I picked up my tickets today, and I look forward to seeing all of you again in just a few months!
CorellonsDevout Posted - 18 Apr 2016 : 22:28:30
When is it? It always falls during a time I can't go. Plus, I'd likely be going by myself, so...
SteelGandalf Posted - 18 Apr 2016 : 17:56:33
Enjoy the con, all, and count on seeing Kathryn & I again next year :)
Markustay Posted - 07 Mar 2016 : 15:03:53
I had a choice of either going to Gencon this year, or going to Pennsic instead. It was a no-brainer for me; no-one I was interested in meeting with at Gencon, and two of my sons and my bro-in-law are fighting in the war.

I'll take live-action mayhem-ery over P&P games any day.

And to be honest, I really only go for the wenches... I do so love me some wenches.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 05 Mar 2016 : 01:57:43
Originally posted by angerZen

My wife and I will be there again this year. I am also more than happy to provide my photography services again and will gladly share all of the photos with everyone.

That is very considerate of you, thank you.
angerZen Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 20:46:54
My wife and I will be there again this year. I am also more than happy to provide my photography services again and will gladly share all of the photos with everyone.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 28 Jan 2016 : 12:07:11
If it helps, the Holiday Inn Express in Greenwood, Indiana is a very nice place to stay, and they don't mind D&D sessions in the breakfast area at any time of the day. I saw many games ran there with different groups. It's also where we'll be staying again this year. :-)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Jan 2016 : 11:10:43
Because I'd never signed up for the newsletter, I didn't get this news until after I'd secured a cheaper, non-downtown hotel:

They're not offering shuttle service this year.

It looks like the hotel is offering shuttle service, but I'm going to be double-checking that.
Barastir Posted - 28 Jan 2016 : 10:32:50
I'm also planning on going in the next year. 50th Anniversary of GenCon, the 30th of the Grey Box, and my 25th of (A)D&D.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 28 Jan 2016 : 07:08:21
Originally posted by Joran Nobleheart

Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

I'll be there, co-running the CK Seminar per usual. And other things.

Very nice! Will you be running any events that we'll want to keep an eye out for?

I'm running a couple sessions of my Mass Effect game, and I'll be on Writers Symposium panels, and I should really get on that Realms Modern campaign I've been meaning to run...

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 12:53:56
Originally posted by Joran Nobleheart

I'm sorry to hear that, Ashe. The high point for me last year was getting to meet and spend time with you, Wooly, and Delwa. I hope to see you at next year's GenCon then, if I'm able to attend. The dates don't work out well for the first week of school where I am, sadly. If I'm able to attend, it will likely only be a weekend pass, but that's better than not going at all, right?

Definitely! And I am going to make it next year come hell or high water. 50th Anniversary of GenCon and the 30th of the Grey Box!
George Krashos Posted - 26 Jan 2016 : 00:44:00
If the theme for the CK seminar is indeed "villains" this year, I'll have to see what I can come up with for a handout ...

-- George Krashos
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 25 Jan 2016 : 23:22:34
I'm sorry to hear that, Ashe. The high point for me last year was getting to meet and spend time with you, Wooly, and Delwa. I hope to see you at next year's GenCon then, if I'm able to attend. The dates don't work out well for the first week of school where I am, sadly. If I'm able to attend, it will likely only be a weekend pass, but that's better than not going at all, right?
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 25 Jan 2016 : 22:47:15
Alas, I won't be going this year. But I will be supporting the CK Seminar when the GoFundMe gets going.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 25 Jan 2016 : 18:08:03
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

I'll be there, co-running the CK Seminar per usual. And other things.


Very nice! Will you be running any events that we'll want to keep an eye out for?
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 25 Jan 2016 : 16:01:11
I'll be there, co-running the CK Seminar per usual. And other things.

Joran Nobleheart Posted - 22 Jan 2016 : 23:06:24
Originally posted by Delwa

Originally posted by Joran Nobleheart

You'll have to hold his characters hostage if you DM for him!

I believe that the badges went on sale starting at 11 this morning Eastern Time. I tried posting links, but being on my tablet kind of throws that off, sadly...

I did find this link late last night, and I thought it rather interesting. Once you look it over, does this mean that Wizards won't be there this year at all? I'm rather looking forward to free items because of Curse of Strahd being released this March, and some of you know that I'm quite the Ravenloft fan. I was also looking forward to having my PHB signed by Mr. Mearls and Mr. Crawford.

Baldman Games will be there, just like last year, but I'm not crystal clear on whether Mearls or Crawford will be there.
I won't be able to go this year, sadly. But I'll be there next year, unless something cataclysmic happens. Have fun, guys, and I'll miss seeing all of you.

I'm sorry to hear that, my friend. Brynweir and I were looking forward to seeing you and your lady again at this year's GenCon. Our little girl is getting so big! A for 2017 if we make it, it'll only be for the weekend because of school. I really wish they could make the dates more school calendar friendly.

I'm hoping that they make it, but I'll be keeping an eye out as we get closer to the date. No sense bringing my books if I can't have them signed. I will look forward to having Curse of Strahd signed, though.
Delwa Posted - 22 Jan 2016 : 22:29:38
Originally posted by Joran Nobleheart

You'll have to hold his characters hostage if you DM for him!

I believe that the badges went on sale starting at 11 this morning Eastern Time. I tried posting links, but being on my tablet kind of throws that off, sadly...

I did find this link late last night, and I thought it rather interesting. Once you look it over, does this mean that Wizards won't be there this year at all? I'm rather looking forward to free items because of Curse of Strahd being released this March, and some of you know that I'm quite the Ravenloft fan. I was also looking forward to having my PHB signed by Mr. Mearls and Mr. Crawford.

Baldman Games will be there, just like last year, but I'm not crystal clear on whether Mearls or Crawford will be there.
I won't be able to go this year, sadly. But I'll be there next year, unless something cataclysmic happens. Have fun, guys, and I'll miss seeing all of you.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 22 Jan 2016 : 21:47:38
You'll have to hold his characters hostage if you DM for him!

I believe that the badges went on sale starting at 11 this morning Eastern Time. I tried posting links, but being on my tablet kind of throws that off, sadly...

I did find this link late last night, and I thought it rather interesting. Once you look it over, does this mean that Wizards won't be there this year at all? I'm rather looking forward to free items because of Curse of Strahd being released this March, and some of you know that I'm quite the Ravenloft fan. I was also looking forward to having my PHB signed by Mr. Mearls and Mr. Crawford.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Jan 2016 : 21:10:02
I'm planning on going (as is my friend who still hasn't carried out his threat of signing up here). I didn't realize tickets were on sale, though -- hadn't seen any notification.

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