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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zoomings Posted - 29 Dec 2015 : 23:47:56
I've read the first 6 books in the Drizzt series, Homeland, Exile, Sojourn, The Crystal Shard, Silver Streams and a Halfling's Gem. When can I branch out to any other book in the realms and not receive spoilers? I want to get into some other books, but when can I? Thanks.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CorellonsDevout Posted - 02 Jan 2016 : 20:32:47
Also, especially for the earlier ones, reading books by other FR authors won't give away any spoilers as far as the Drizzt novels are concerned. The later Drizzt books might a little bit, though, because RAS at least attempts to tie them in with events going on in the Realms, such as the Spellplague and Sundering, but you have a ways.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 30 Dec 2015 : 02:20:28
Reading the Realms novels in their order of publication is another option.
Kentinal Posted - 30 Dec 2015 : 00:08:11
This: appears to offer a time line of novels to prevent you reading future events.
There might be better sources however this should be a good one.

Hope this helps.

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