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 A D&D fan got this for Christmas...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
moonbeast Posted - 27 Dec 2015 : 11:55:14
A D&D fan got this for Christmas… from his mom.

(click link for image below)

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
froglegg Posted - 02 Jan 2016 : 15:24:30
I love mom.

Rymac Posted - 28 Dec 2015 : 06:42:52
Originally posted by moonbeast

Originally posted by Rymac

Originally posted by moonbeast

A D&D fan got this for Christmas… from his mom.

(click link for image below)

That is awesome. If I had that, I would have it framed.

Who sells a frame that big?

I'm sure it would look great framed, but I can imagine the immense cost of framing a copy, which includes the plexiglass. Several hundred dollars at least.

What's the size of it? 5' x 8'?

You would be spending some money, but it would be worth it to protect it from crimping, curling, or getting torn. Get creative, modify a few of the normal poster size frames together to make it work. Going the traditional picture frame route would be prohibitively expensive unless you already have access to a woodshop and materials.

I would hate to see it get torn moving it back and forth from college, or in an altercation (or accident) with a roommate, an angry sibling, or ex, etc. Believe me, it happens.
moonbeast Posted - 28 Dec 2015 : 04:01:21
Originally posted by Rymac

Originally posted by moonbeast

A D&D fan got this for Christmas… from his mom.

(click link for image below)

That is awesome. If I had that, I would have it framed.

Who sells a frame that big?

I'm sure it would look great framed, but I can imagine the immense cost of framing a copy, which includes the plexiglass. Several hundred dollars at least.
Rymac Posted - 28 Dec 2015 : 02:44:00
Originally posted by moonbeast

A D&D fan got this for Christmas… from his mom.

(click link for image below)

That is awesome. If I had that, I would have it framed.
sleyvas Posted - 28 Dec 2015 : 01:59:53
Hmmm, and on this idea, you can even do multiple photos. It might be neat to do a 3 parter with Faerun, the hordelands, and Zakhara (Faerun being the big print and the other two as half size beneath it).
sleyvas Posted - 28 Dec 2015 : 01:44:47
That is sweet. If only it included all of the south and eastern Faerun. This reminds me of something that I bought last week though. I saw a map of Westeros from Game of Thrones printed on one of the little fleece throw blankets (the kind you always see with like Disney or Marvel stuff on them for kids). I picked it up, just because I thought it was unique. But, it also made me think, rather than a wall print that I might not be able to fit on my wall.... it would be nice to have a Faerunian map printed on a blanket.

That got me to looking, and I see this shutterfly site where you can print photos on fleece blankets.

and it has the option for some 60x80 size blankets (which is queen size... I got a king size bed, but it could sit on top of whatever's underneath).

Cyrinishad Posted - 27 Dec 2015 : 13:37:01
Awesome. Merry Christmas!
Artemas Entreri Posted - 27 Dec 2015 : 13:23:21
Very nice. I love to get a map this large for Zakhara.
moonbeast Posted - 27 Dec 2015 : 11:57:47
P.S. — it was from Mike Schley's Twitter feed. And of course that is a gigantic poster printout of Mike Schley's 5th Edition Forgotten Realms map (I'm assuming some of you already know this, but then others might not even know Mike Schley and his downloadable-purchaseable official D&D maps exist).

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